Chapter 7

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"what happend-"

"Nothing." Aizawa was cut off by Dazai's cold tone, it was like his words could cut your skin open.

Dazai stayed quiet, slowly walking past the heroes, only looking back to see if they were following him. Eventually they all made it to the car they arrived in, the atmosphere being cold. The car ride back wasn't any different, the only sound being Chuuya's soft snoring.

When Dazai stepped out of the car, his first thought was to get him and Chuuya back home, but the heroes stopped him before he could get out of the U.A gates.

"Young Dazai, i think we should take young Chuuya to recovery girl so he can get a check up" Dazai thought about their words, it was recovery girl, or Mori, that had to do a check up on Chuuya.

"yeah, that would probably be a good idea" Dazai agreed.

They made their way to recovery girl, Dazai held Chuuya protectively to his chest, shielding him from the cold, cold world that was their reality.

but as long as Dazai and Chuuya were together, then not even hell could take them down.

Walking into what must be a kind of hospital room, Dazai tightened his hold on Chuuya. The both of them hated hospitals, Dazai because of Mori, and Chuuya because.... he didn't really know. walking a bit further in, there stood an old lady. She was very short with grey hair, and some weird glasses with pink on the side. Dazai didn't really trust her, Chuuya stired a bit (he could feel Dazai's neurvisnes even in his sleep, what a dumb little dog) He quickly kissed his boyfriend on the head.

The old lady turned around, scanning her eyes over all the heroes before landing on the two teenagers.

"so" she started "How can i help you today" the old lady, recovery girl if Dazai had heard correctly, seemed nice enough, so far.

"we need a check up on the sleeping one, we ran into some.... problems, on our mission" Aizawa explained

The old lady nodded, signaling for Dazai to lay the sleeping ginger down, but he didn't. The brunette didn't move an inch, he looked at one of the beds, then at the ginger, then back at the bed. Everything in Dazai was saying that he could trust the heroes, and he wanted to, but there was a little voice in his brain screaming at him that they could not be trusted. They were adults, and no adult had ever treated them kindly without wanting something back.

The heroes looked at the brunette, waiting for him to put down the ginger and get on with it. But he just couldn't.

After a minute or two he finally gave in, slowly laying Chuuya down, but still holding his hand tight. The old lady went closer to Chuuya, when she reached out to touch him, she stopped, Dazai was sending a death glare so strong she could feel it.

"Don't worry Dazai, she's just doing a check up, she wont hurt Chuuy" Hawks explained.

Recovery girl looked over at Dazai, there was one, two, three second silence, before he gave her a small nod. She looked Chuuya over quickly, trying her best to not wake the sleeping teenager. She turned around after she was done, glancing everyone over again.

"It seems like his shoulder is hurt, dont worry I'll just use my quirk to heal him quickly" Dazai tensed, no way is he going to let this random lady use some "quirk" on his Chuuya.

Recovery girl took one step towards the duo, and before the heroes could even think of informing Dazai, Chuuya was back in his arms, and a gun was pointed towards them. The bandaged man had an empty but crazy look in his eyes.

"One step closer and I'm blowing all your brains out" the warning was cold and straight forward, leaving no room for discussion.

Everyone put their arms in the air, no one daring to move.

"Dazai" Aizawa slowly started "Recovery girls quirk is to give someone a kiss, after that they are all healed up, that was all she wanted to do to Chuuya" the gun was pointed towards Aizawa now

"Kiss him!? why would she want to kiss my Chuuya" he said, possessiveness seeping into his voice.

After a couple of minutes disgussing and explaining, Dazai had agreed to let her try and use her quirk on his boyfriend. But when the lips touched Chuuya, nothing happened.

"That's weird, my quirk isn't working. Young man, you wouldn't have to have a disabling quirk?" Dazai nodded, giving Chuuya's hand a quick squeeze of reassurance, even tho he couldn't feel it.

"Well then i need you to let go of his hand, maybe even go out of the room" Dazai tensed.

"No." He said.

"Come on young Dazai, it will only take a second" All Might put his hand on Dazai's shoulder, He tensed feeling the big hand, but All MIght used that second of shock to guide him out of the room.

When the door was closed and locked Recovery girl quickly got to work, kissing the young boy and healing him. She gave the others a quick smile before leaving thru another door.

The heroes were about to go get Dazai, when Chuuya slowly started waking. The red head imidietly went tense, recognizing the hospital like room, his breath sped up. He was having a panic attac, shit. The heroes were quick to go over to him, trying to sooth him. It didn't help, it only made it worse, Chuuya curled as far away as possible from the strange people, where was Dazai? Why was he all alone? Where was he? all thought smushed together only making one word. Dazai. He needed Dazai.

Dazai was dragged out, he tried pushing the other, but the man was too strong, they had also takin' his gun. Something about "safety" or what ever.

"Let me go!" Dazai almost yelled, yanking away from the man. But before he could get into the room again, back to his Chuuya, the door said a soft *click* as it locked. Fuck.

what if Chuuya woke up? what if the heroes were not as nice as he thought? whatifChuuyaneededhim?whatifsomethingwentwrongwiththequirk?

"Young Dazai, breath" Dazai snapped out of his train of thought, realizing his breathing had started picking up pace.

"I need to go back into the room" he said, All Might just shook his head.

"if something goes wrong with Chuuya, then i will make sure you'd rather have i kill you on the spot" the warning got across. But before All Might could answer, one of the heroes came out.

"Chuuya woke up, we need your help"

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