Chapter 9

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The room was cold, but it felt familiar, it smelled like home, it smelled like Chuuya. The slug had just woken up, and Dazai just had to talk to him. Chuuya sat on the bed looking into nothing, Dazai placed one of the bowls of soup he had brought, in Chuuya's lap. A quiet thanks was said, and then the red head was back to being quiet.

"Chuuya, i need to tell you something" Chuuya looked at him, it wasn't normal for Dazai to say his actual name.

"I... Listen here Chuuya, I don't like seeing you like this" Chuuya's empty eyes spoke no words, so Dazai continued.

"And i may or may not have read about your past" That got a reaction out of Chuuya.

His eyes got big, anger, fear, sadness and every other emotion flashed over Chuuya's face. Dazai felt bad, he felt really bad.

"Does this mean you wanna break up?" Chuuya's words stabbed Dazai right in the heart.

"what? No no! Why would i ever wanna break up with you!"

"Because you know how inhuman i am" there was a suffocating feeling that coated the room.

Dazai took Chuuya's hands in his own, tracing over the scared hands with a genteelness you don't see often from Dazai.

"Chuuya, you truly are a silly silly dog" Dazai said softly.

"I don't care if you're a vessel, vampire, a troll, a worm, or even a demon! I would love you no matter what you are."

"But between you and me, you're the most human. You laugh, you yell, you cry, Chuuya you are the epitome of a human"

Dazai couldn't finish his rant before he was tackled to the ground, he quickly recovered from the shock when Chuuya started kissing him. The kiss was long and filled with love.

"No" the heroes were shocked

"What do you mean no?" Midnight exclaimed.

"we can't defeat the villain if we don't have those two" Nezu thought for a second, his nose twitching here and there.

"i will not do anything, you all have to go get them yourself"

"How will we do that??"

"simple, you go to the port mafia, and ask to speak to the boss. Tell them i sent you and make an agreement with him. The boys do anything he says" the heroes stomachs flipped at that.

they needed a plan.

The couple sat on the sofa, gaming and eating junk food. They had gotten the day off after Dazai had said to Mori "the heroes are so useless! Me and Chibi need at least a day off before we can go back" Why Mori said yes was a mystery for them both, but who cares.

"Slug" Dazai said, after he had just beat Chuuya in Mario Kart for the twentieth time.

"Yeah mackerel?" Chuuya answered, already picking a new character.

"I learned something interesting about Nezu a few days ago" hearing this, Chuuya turned his body towards Dazai, giving him his full attention.

"Did you know him being that mouse thing isn't his only quirk?" Chuuya cocked his head to the side in confusion.

"He also has super intelligence"

"How intelligent are we talking?"

"Think my intelligence and multiply it by 20" This made Chuuya's eyes widen

"Wow.... Wait then why do they need us!? Can't he just think of a plan?" Chuuya exclaimed.

"That's the thing, there's something fishy going on here, and I don't know if its good or bad" There was silence for a couple of seconds before Chuuya spoke up

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