Chapter 6

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It was early morning when Dazai was awoken by a flying sock hitting him in the face, the culprit behind it looking smugly at his now awake boyfriend. Dazai quickly sat up when he saw the time, 8:45 fuck! He quickly got ready and went over to Chuuya.

"morning darling, let's hurry before Mori tries something stupid" Dazai said after kissing his lover on top of his hair.

"of course darling, let's get out"

The heroes were having breakfast together, all the students were at home since it was the weekend. That gave them a lot of time to go over the plan again.

"ok, part 1. get more info out of Dazai. Hawks, Endeavour and all might that's your part." Midnight started explaining.

"Part 2. Me, Aizawa and Mic take care of Chuuya" the heroes were nodding along to her words.

They had spent most of the night planning last night, it was hard to get the two separated. They had no ideas, well, no good ideas. But what they got now was the best of the best. They first had training, then they had their first mission to go on together, and then the plan would be set in action. Nothing could go wrong, right?

"Ok everyone, Chuuya will start with a light warm up, then I'll be taking the rest" Dazai's voice rang thru the training room.

"Wait! That wasn't our agreement!" Chuuya yelled back

"well slug, your still sick. And I need you for the mission" Dazai said with a serious voice

"fine, what ever" The heroes got in a line, ready for the warmup.

"ok guys, just follow me"

20 minutes later

the heroes were panting, sweat dripping down their foreheads. Chuuya did a final stretch before looking at the others.

"ok guys, that's all for the warmup" Chuuya said with a polite smile

"THAT WAS THE WARMUP!?" They all but yelled

"ok, I'll be taking over for now. Chuuya, please go rest" Dazai said turning to his lover.

"fine, what ever. Don't go too hard on them shitty Dazai"

"what ever you say princess" that earned him a kick to the stomach, lucky he dodged.

Training with Dazai is never fun, thank god it's over, they were all drinking water when the two lover birds came back. Dazai was reading the report out loud for Chuuya, Chuuya listened intensely. They finally reached the heroes.

"ok, I have a plan" all eyes were instantly on Dazai.

"The persons we need to catch is called Ryo Yamagishi, his abil- I mean quirk is called Creation of beast. He can make wild beasts, Whatever you do, don't touch the beasts. If you touch them you get rabies" the heroes were shocked at the last part.

"Rabies?" Midnight asked confused.

"yes, his ability is in form of a beast, don't let them touch you" Dazai said sternly.

"this is the groups we will be in" Chuuya started.

"Dazai and Aizawa will be together, we don't know how strong he is. It's good to have two nullifying quirks" everyone nodded along.

"the rest of you will go together two and three, I'll be alone"

"alone? You can't fight him alone? I know your strong, but this is an adult who actually wanna hurt you" Endeavour says.

"you think I haven't fought against people who want to hurt me!? That's what I've been doing my whole life! So you just mind your own business" Chuuya snapped back.

"relax Chibi. Let's just get going" Dazai said calmly.

Chuuya was running after the dog like creature, he had been trying to catch it for a while now. The others were fighting Ryo Yamagishi, so of course Chuuya had to do the cleaning. He finally got it at a dead end, but right before he could do anything, it disappeared. Dazai must have nullified (or killed) the guy. Chuuya looked around, he was in a glass box, he got a quick flash of a memory. It was him, but younger. It was back in his facility days, he was caged, like a goddamn zoo animal. They were testing on him, electric shocks going thru his body. Fear started to settle in his bones, he quickly went for the door. Right before he could go out, it closed. He started panicking, the memory becoming more visible. He started hyperventilating, panic spreading.

"Dazai?" No answer.

"Dazai!" Dead silent.

"DAZAI!" He was full on panicking at this point, he wanted to get out.

"DAZAI! DAZAI! GET ME OUT OF HERE" He was shaking, why was he shaking?

something wet went down his cheeks, was he crying, why was he crying? Why was nobody coming? He crumpled to the ground, Arahabaki screaming for him to get out. The memory was playing on repeat, he could almost feel the shocks. "Oh, stop being such a baby. You're not even human, it doesn't hurt that bad" he could hear the nameless scientist saying. He wanted to get out, why was nobody helping him.

"DAZAI! DAZAI! ZAI!" his voice was slowly stopping, it was hard to yell whilst hyperventilating and crying at the same time. It felt like he needed to throw up. Why was nobody coming?

Dazai and Aizawa had finally nullified the man's ability, they quickly met up with the other heroes.

"where's Chuuya?" Dazai asked

"he isn't with you?" The others said

panic started simmering in Dazai's mind, where was Chuuya?

"well, let's look around a bit, will probably find him" the others stared walking.

they came to a small room filled with tv's, it took Dazai 2 minutes to start them. They were security footage of the whole warehouse, what got his attention was the glass box on one of the screens. It wasn't the box itself, no, it was the little red head having a panic attack inside the glass box.

"CHUUYA!?" Dazai yelled, he startled the others.

"what's wrong Dazai?" Midnight asked.

"Chuuya needs my help, look" the others looked at the screen while Dazai looked for the button to open the box.

when he finally got it open he looked back at the screen, but Chuuya wasn't going out. He was too out of it, he must be deep in past memories. They all started running thru different rooms, trying to find Chuuya.

"He's in here!" All Might yelled.

Dazai was quickly in the room, so was everyone else. Dazai slowly started walking towards Chuuya, when he was close enough he sat down. He tried reaching out to touch Chuuya, but quickly retrieved his hand when the other teen flinched, hard. He was crying and shaking like crazy.

"hey Chuuya it's me" Dazai said softly.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry" was all Chuuya said.

"Chuuya, it's me Dazai" Chuuya finally looked up, something in his eyes changed

"zai?" He said with a small horse voice, all Midnight wanted to do was rap the teens in blankets and hold them safe in her arms for all eternity.

"yes Chu it's me" Dazai said happily

Chuuya quickly jumped in his arms, Dazai holding him tightly. Chuuya was sobbing and getting Dazai's clothes wet, but he couldn't care less. Everything was ok now, as long as they we're in each others arms everything was ok. They were ok. Chuuya was calming down slowly, Dazai giving him time to calm himself before speaking. After a bit he lifted his head from Dazai's chest.

"what happened darling, I've never seen you so out of it before" Dazai said with a low voice

"I don't know" Chuuya's voice was raspy from the crying

The heroes were looking at the two lovers from the door, nobody dared disturb the little bubble the two had made. Chuuya finally fell asleep, Dazai stood up with the now sleeping Chuuya in his arms. He started walking over to the others.

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