Four years after Hana's passing, Aleki has gone through so much depression and anxiety that he would attempt suicide to reunite with his late Love.
However, Yuria Tauchi, Aleki's longtime friend, saved him from death and convinced him that it wasn't...
As I walked through the back, I was really looking forward to being at the show.
I really was, considering that I'm on the main roster and doing whatever I could to make a statement.
However, I came across some familiar faces, but two in particular caught my eye, Kaori Hosako and Masami Odate, better known as Kairi Sane and IYO SKY.
Masami: Alek!
Kaori: Alek!
When I bumped into them, they came running up and hugged me as I had to hug them back.
It's been that long since Hana had died and Kaori was actually the one who notified Stardom and me when Hana was going to kill herself, thanks to the bullying and Masami talked to me, comforted me as the funeral went on.
Masami: 記者会見を見ましたが、話すのが大変だったようですね。大丈夫ですか? (We saw the press conference and I could tell it was hard for you to talk. Are you doing okay?)
Me: 大丈夫です。ただ本当に苦労しているだけです。 (I'm alright. Just really struggling, you know?)
Kaori: 何か必要なことがあれば、遠慮なくお申し付けください。 (If you need anything, don't hesitate.)
Me: そうします。ありがとう。 (I will. Thanks.)
I hugged them one more time before I started walking over to Hunter, who looked very happy to see me.
Hunter: Hey, Alek!
Me: Good to see you, Hunter.
We hugged as I had to get talking with him.
Me: Is Leati here?
Hunter: No. He's not, but he will be in Birmingham.
Me: Jesus Christ. You know who is?
Hunter: Jon and Joey. Keep in mind that they might ambush you as you go out there to talk about what happened last Saturday.
Me: I will. And Hunter, I want to thank you for the opportunity to come to this company. I really do appreciate it.
Hunter: It's my pleasure, son. And I promise you, you will have a great time in WWE.
Me: I hope so.
We shook hands, hugged again, and got to catering, as what I'm about to get later on, while cutting a promo will actually move me to tears.
~Middle Of The Show~
I was about to go out there and cut a promo, so I hyped myself up with some meditation by closing my eyes and thinking of my happy place.
I already thought of it and that was Hana and I reuniting at my beach house in Samoa, where we were raising our kids, and just living happily ever after, but I know it wouldn't ever happen again.
I do hope to be with her again, someday.
When my music played, along with my titantron...
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