~With Aleki~
We finally arrived in Las Vegas and it was great to see it again, but as we landed, I saw the desert, and the memory was back.
~April 6, 2018; 11:45 PM~
We went to the outskirts of Las Vegas, just a drive to where it was only the two of us, watching the stars and just having a good time together.
Then, I had to hit her with it.
Me: ハナ。 (Hana.)
Hana: はい? (Yes?)
I held her hand as she smiled at me, with her other on my face.
Me: えーと、私たちが初めて付き合った時にあなたに言いたかったことがあるんですが、あなたが気まずい思いをするだろうと分かっていました。 (There's, uh, something I wanted to tell you when we first got together, but I knew it would've made you uncomfortable.)
Hana: 何ですか?それは何ですか? (What? What is it?)
I was actually conflicted on whether or not I should tell her I love her, because I learned that the Japanese find it uncomfortable saying "I love you".
I didn't want to burden her with that, but I have to sometime, as I caressed her beautiful face, and she held my hand, kissed the underside, near the joint of my thumb and smiled.
Hana: 大丈夫だよ、アレキ。私に言わなくてもいいよ。 (It's okay, Aleki. You don't have to tell me.)
Me: いいえ、そうしたいです。ただ、あなたがどう受け止めるか分からないだけです。 (No, I want to. I just don't know how you would take it.)
Hana: アレキ、あなたが何を言っても、私があなたを愛し続けることに変わりはありません。 (Aleki, whatever you say, it won't make me love you any less.)
She said it before I could!
I'm actually in shock that Hana said it first, so I had to tell her.
Me: 私があなたに言いたかったのは、あなたを愛しているということ。あなたを不快にさせたくなかったから。 (That was what I wanted to say to you, that I love you. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable because—)
Instead of letting me continue, Hana wrapped her arms around my neck and smashed her lips onto mine.
I melted into it and just went with it, as it was only a few seconds before she released and put her forehead on mine.
Hana: アレキ、あなたが「愛している」と言ったからといって、私があなたから背を向けるわけではありません。私はあなたがそう言うのをずっと待っていましたし、言わなければならなかったのです。 (Aleki, just because you're saying "I love you" it doesn't mean I'll turn away from you. I've been waiting for you to say it, and I had to.)
She smiled before continuing...
Hana: あなたの礼儀正しさに私は多大な尊敬の念を抱いているので、あなたが葛藤を感じていることを許すことができます。 (I can forgive you for feeling conflicted because I have an immense amount of respect for how courteous you are.)

Bleeding Heart (Tam Nakano X Male OC)
FanfictionFour years after Hana's passing, Aleki has gone through so much depression and anxiety that he would attempt suicide to reunite with his late Love. However, Yuria Tauchi, Aleki's longtime friend, saved him from death and convinced him that it wasn't...