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~With Yuria, Dreaming~

I felt some sunlight going through my eyes and when I woke up, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

I was on a beach in Samoa, somehow, and it looked like the same place where Hana and Aleki went on vacation for Christmas.

Instead of staying where I was, I got up and walked around, trying to figure out why I'm here.

This was something I didn't expect.

?????: 田内ちゃん。 (Tauchi-chan.)

I looked behind and I couldn't believe who I was seeing in front of me.

Hana: 私はここにいます。 (I'm here.)

I was overcome with emotion and I felt tears coming down my face as she walked towards me.

Me (voice cracking): 花ちゃん? (Hana-chan?)

Hana: 私だよ。田内ちゃん、ここにいるよ。 (It's me. I'm here, Tauchi-chan.)

She hugged me as I just bawled into her shoulder like a baby. I couldn't believe Hana is standing in front of me, hugging me and I really couldn't control myself.

It's been four years, and I really missed her.

Me (voice cracking): 本当に会いたかったです。あなたには分からないでしょうね。 (I missed you so much. You have no idea.)

Hana: わかっています。私もあなたがいなくて寂しいです。でも、話したいことがあるんです。 (I know. And I miss you too, but there's something I want to talk to you about.)

Me: 何? (What?)

Hana: 私と来て。 (Come with me.)

We were then transported to a beach house, where the two would spend time together, just enjoying themselves.

When I walked in, I knew we were in Aleki's vacation home and we sat down on the couch.

Hana: あなたがアレキちゃんに恋をしているのは知っています。 (I know you're in love with Aleki-chan.)

Me: あなたは何を知っている? (What? You know?)

Hana: わかっています。あなたが彼を見つめ、プライベートでは彼を渇望している様子を私は見てきました。ある時点で、彼の前で自慰行為をしていたのですか? (I know. I've seen how you look at him and almost thirsting for him in private. Were you playing with yourself to him at one point?)

Me: 花ちゃん!!! (HANA-CHAN!!!)

She giggled as I was appalled by Hana's lewd comment, but there's no denying that I have been thirsting for Aleki, but I haven't told him.

Hana: 心配しないでください。あなたは困っていません。 (Don't worry. You're not in trouble.)

Me: わかった。 (Okay.)

Hana: とにかく、私はもういないかもしれないけど、アレキちゃんの私への気持ちはまだ残っている。それはわかるけど、アレキちゃんを元通りにできるのはあなただけ。あなたのことはよく知っているから、あなたは人々を助け、彼らの人生がより良くなるように手助けしてきたけど、アレキちゃんを自殺から救った時、あなたがアレキちゃんの次の恋人になれると分かったの。 (Anyway, I may be gone and Aleki-chan's feelings for me are still there. I can tell, but you're the only one who can fix him back together. Knowing you, you've been helping people and helping them be better in life, but when you saved Aleki-chan from suicide, that was when I knew you could be his next love.)

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