𝟺. sᴘᴀʀᴋs ғʟʏ

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the sun rises gracefully, painting the sky with hues of pink and gold, its light streaming through the windows like liquid honey, casting warm patterns on the floor. the gentle morning glow fills the room, awakening the day with a soft embrace. the dance of light and shadow creates a magical play of colors, inviting the world to bask in the beauty of the dawn's arrival.

i wake up to the celestial orbs rays shining onto my face and for some reason, im quite excited for the day ahead.

i hop out of bed full of energy and choose my outfit for the day.im now grateful i set my alarm so early.
what do i even wear for school? im just going to guess and hope for the best at this point. maybe ill steal dads card and school shop later. we went yesterday for the basic necessities like pens and shit but then dad made us go back.

its quite cold today, a chill breeze in the air, so i decide on wearing my leather jacket.

i smile to myself in the mirror, happy with the way i look and braid my hair before making my way to the elevator

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i smile to myself in the mirror, happy with the way i look and braid my hair before making my way to the elevator.

before i can process whats going on, all the avengers jump out at me as i leave the elevator and shout
"happy first day!" ... i want to die.
in an instant my daggers out and pointed towards them- then i realise whats happening.
"oh my gods! thats not funny, i couldve stabbed one of you!" i shreak, still pointing my dagger to nobody in particular.
"okay kid- maybe put the dagger down before you accidentally hit someone with it" dad pushes. i nod and put it back in its place then follow them towards the table where breakfast was laid out.

we all sit and eat the french toast and fruit thats in front of us, chatting happily.
"how are you feeling rors?" pietro asks, hes the only one who calls me that.
"nervous but weirdly excited. i already have three friends there so it cant be too bad, besides i love sceince so.." pietro smiles at me and wanda joins in the conversation as i zone out.

my dad decides to drive me to school today, lecturing me on safety and not pulling my dagger out on people and definitely no punching people. for some odd reason the punching is more important to him than pulling a literal weapon out but whatever.
"i promise ill try to stay out of trouble, dad." i console him, which only slightly calms his nerves. he pulls up to the front of the school building and i hug him goodbye.

i see peter in the corner of my eye and grin, jumping out the car and struting over to him.
"how do i look nerd" i question whilst smirking and slowly spinning. he just laughs at my antics and shakes his head, leading me to the front office.
"are you telling people youre a stark or..?" he prys, understandably. i nod and explain that my face has been in the press before so it would be too hard to hide it. he then continues to rant about an 'old movie' he watched with ned yesterday and i listen bored.

after the longest walk of my life, we arrive at the office and he waits outside as i make my way in.
"name?" a lady boredly says, not even bothering to look up.
"avrora stark." i state. in an instant her head shoots up hearing my last name.
"oh! uhm- welcome miss stark, heres your schedule. she tries to hand me the sheet of paper but i step back.
"i dont like being handed things." i say straightforwardly. she hesitatntly places the schedule on the side and i pick it up and leave. gods that was awkward.

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