𝟿. ʟᴏᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ ʟɪᴋᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴅᴏ

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Bangs echoing around the room wake me up, falling off the sofa. Sofa? Where am i? The memories of the previous night fill my head and I suddenly remember how I ran from everyone last night. Fuckk. "Whos there?" I shout, still on the floor. "Your father Avrora. Open the door." His calm yet furious voice returns. Double fuck. I tell FRIDAY to open the door and he storms into the room.
"Where the fuck were you yesterday!?" He demands, anger laced in his voice as he stares at me expectingly.
"I was on the roof..?" I respond. Technically it wasnt a lie. I was on the roof, just not all day..
"No. No you werent. Last chance, tell me where you were." Shit. If i tell him i was out with Peter he'll know hes spiderman as i left from the roof and FRIDAY wouldve told him if i left using the doors. But if i tell him i was with Spider-man he'll question me for ages.

All of a sudden a wave of nausea overcomes me and I double over, knees buckling beneath me. Shit. I havent eaten in over a day- why do i feel sick?
"Oh shit- Hey- kid. Look at me." I look up and see his face full of concern. "I- i dont feel so good." I mumble. "FRIDAY call Bruce and tell him we're heading up to medbay." he shouts.

He picks me up and runs to the elevator that takes us to the medbay. I can feel him shaking the whole time there and worry is practically radiating off of him. Every few seconds he looks down at me and checks if im still awake.

We arrive to medbay after a few minutes and he runs to Bruce who helps lay me onto one of the beds. They immediately begin sticking different things on me and i feel a few needles. After theyre done Bruce begins questioning me. "Do you have any head or stomach pain?" I look over to my dad and he nods. "My s-stomach hurts.." I hear my dad sigh, he knows.
"When was the last time you ate?" He pushes, with hesitation in his tone. "Monday.." I respond, refusing to look at either of them. This sets my dad off and he storms out of the room. Dont cry, dont cry. "Avrora.. it's wednesday. Why havent you eaten?" Bruce asks with a gentle voice. "I- i didnt leave my room for breakfast and i got back at like midnight and fell asleep- i just forgot! I promise- i didnt do it on purpose!" I can feel his unbelieving gaze on me and tears roll down my cheeks. Bruce leaves the room and im left to my own thoughts.

A few minutes later Natasha and Bruce enter the room and Natasha sits down on the bed besides me, Bruce returning to where he stood minutes ago. "младенец, why didnt you eat breakfast yesterday?" She pushes. More tears roll down my face as memories from years ago take over my mind. "I- i wasnt hungry. Can i please just go to school?" I beg, wanting this to end. I know im lying but i cant help it. "Why dont you stay home today, we can do whatever you want." She smiles and i just nod my head to avoid an argument.

An hour later me, Natasha, Bucky, my dad, Yelena, Kate, Pietro and Wanda are sat in the living room watching Tangled. I sit on a small armchair by myself and the rest all sit together on bigger couches. Im assuming somebody told everyone about what happened as everyone's looking at me like im going to snap any moment.
"We're ordering pizza Rory, what do you want?" Yelena asks me quietly as shes the closest to me. "Im not hungry.." I mumble and she gives me a sympathetic look. "Rory." She warns and I agree to a small cheese pizza.

After the food and a few movies I head to my room as school ends soon so I assume that Peters going to come over for his internship. Hes been over almost everyday other than yesterday so i decide to steal him from my dad for the night.

I text both Peter and my dad that im taking him to which nobody argues against as my dad doesn't want me to flip. Peter arrives and is told to head up to my room.
"Rory? A confused voice comes from behind me. "Peter!!" I squeal excitedly. I take his hand and drag him to my balcony. "Lets go out!" I suggest and he laughs, cupping my face with his hands. He leans in and kisses me, sending butterflies to my stomach.
"What was that for?" "For being you."

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