𝟽. ᴛʜᴇ ᴡᴀʏ ɪ ʟᴏᴠᴇᴅ ʏᴏᴜ

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Its now Monday and for once im actually excited for school, to see Peter.

I got scolded and lectured by my dad and Pepper for at least an hour yesterday and im yet again, grounded. Id been ungrounded for one day, a new record. Natasha had felt too bad to scold me as she felt she was to blame, even though i assured her she wasnt.

Sun rays shine into my room, lighting up everything they hit. My alarm goes off and I roll off my bed, falling onto the floor. I head footsteps quickly approaching my room but I cant be bothering to see who it is. My door swings open and Clint runs in. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT- oh. Are- are you good?" He laughs maniacally. "Fuck off." I mumble, causing him to laugh harder whilst leaving my room. Rolling my eyes I stand up and head to my closet.

I pull out my outfit for the day and quickly change

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I pull out my outfit for the day and quickly change. Not caring, i pull my hair into a messy ponytail and head to the elevator.

"Morning people!" I smile as I enter the kitchen and sit down to eat. "Hey Avrora." Steve greets smiling back at me and Bucky does the same and hands me a plate of avacado toast. I thank him and dig in. "Wait- wheres my parents?" I question Steve and he looks at me with a sympathetic look on his face. Great, theyre on a mission. Steve confirms my theory and informs me that Pepper is in Washington for a meeting. I abruptly stand up and leave the kitchen not wanting to show them my disappointment. Why didnt they tell me?

Happy greets me outside and I sit in the back not wanting to talk to anyone. "You okay kid?" He asks me, voice riddled with worry. I nod my head and turn to look out the window. Not noticing, i start picking at the now scarred skin on my hands. I hate it when my three parents go away, especially my dad and Nat as I never know if theyre coming back alive or not. Every mission could be their last and it worries me everytime. "Kid! Hey- stop doing that. Do you uh- wanna go home?" He inquires, still laced with concern. I notice what hes talking about and curse to myself before shaking my head. If im at home, im going to be alone and ill just worry more. I need to distract myself.

Minutes later we arrive at the school and Happy says goodbye and I hug him before heading into the school. My lockers quite close to the entrance so I arrive there quickly and get the books I need and place my backpack in. Still not wanting to converse I head straight to my first class. Fuck. Chemistry. I have that with Peter. Nah. I head to the soccer feild instead, I love hanging out behind a huge tree when I want to be alone as nobody can see you from there. Music courses through me as I put on my headphones and the soft melodys start playing.

I arrive at the tree and slide down the tree and onto the grassy area. Still laced with worry I decide to text my dad.

hey dad
are you okay?
i miss you:(

Hey kiddo, we're all okay
I miss you too dear
Wait- why are you texting during school!?

im skipping

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