𝟷𝟷. ᴍʏ ʙᴏᴅʏ ʜᴀᴛᴇs ᴍᴇ

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My eyes flutter open to the stark white ceiling above me, the faint beeping of machines echoing around the room. My body aches and the memory of what happened floods back in bits and pieces.
As I try to move, I feel restraints on my wrists holding me down. Fear courses through me and my breathing picks up. Why am I restrained? How long have I been out?
The beeping of the machine speeds up and everything suddenly becomes too loud. I go to cover my ears but the restraints hold me back and I hear people rushing towards my room. Bruce comes into my view and anger immediately takes over. He makes it to the door but before he makes it in I scream "What is wrong with you!?" He stops
in his tracks almost immediately and the nurses behind him quickly back away. "Avrora, are you.. do you.. do you feel like hurting someone?" He asks hesitatingly.
"I feel like kicking your stupid ass!" I shout back, my russian accent stronger than ever for some reason. What is he talking about?

The next second my dad comes running to us but before he can enter the room Bruce sticks out his arm to block him. "Avrora, I need you to calm down." He responds gently which just pisses me off even more. "Я спокоен, ты, идиот!" (I am calm, you idiot) I growl. His expression turns to confusion and I hear Tony shouting for Natasha. "Listen, if you want me to remove the restraints then you need to calm down so I know you arent going to hurt anyone." He sighs and Natasha sprints to their side. "я сделаю тебе больно, если ты не прекратишь болтать." (Im going to hurt you if you dont stop talking.) I give them all a death glare and Natasha translates what I said quietly. They all walk out the room, locking it behind them. Seriously? Where am I possibly going to go?

A few minutes later Natasha walks in alone and sits beside me. I clench my fists and I can tell she notices as she moves away slightly, realising shes too close. "Avrora, do you know who we are?" She interrogates softly. I nod and roll my eyes at her. "Okay.. do you remember what happened?" I search my brain for answers and I can only remember up until leaving the museum. I slowly shake my head- why dont I remember? "Hey- its okay. You were injected with something, we dont know what yet." She fills me in. "так вот почему я скован, как животное?" (Is that why im shackled like an animal?) I push, fury taking control again. She shakes her head at me and sighs. "Avrora.. why are you only talking in russian?" What? No im not? Am I? "I- I didnt realise.." I let out. With that she leaves the room, not even explaining why im restrained.

What I assume is a few minutes later Bruce and my dad enter the room, Bruce staying near the door and my dad sitting where Natasha had sat and taking my hand. I hold his back, secretly terrified. "Avrora.. you- you attacked someone when you woke up yesterday. Do you remember?" What? My heart shatters in my chest and my breath hitches. I- I hurt someone?
My chest tightenes, my breaths coming in short, frantic gasps. The world around me seems to blur, the walls closing in as if to suffocate me. My heart pounds in my ears, a deafening rhythm of fear. Memories and worries swirl in my mind, a chaotic storm threatening to consume me. I try to steady myself, but the panic grips me fiercely, refusing to let go. Tears well up in my eyes, a mix of frustration and helplessness washing over me. How did I hurt someone- why? In this moment of overwhelming vulnerability, I feel lost in a sea of emotions, struggling to find solid ground amidst the turmoil.

All of a sudden hands cup my face and I can feel myself freaking out even more. I go to punch whoever it is but my hands are still held down and pain shoots up my wrists as I attempt to pull them out. Tears continue to stream down my face and my breathing doesnt calm down. Am I going to die?
Theres a prick to my arm and my eyes go droopy- what's happening? The next second my body goes weak and I pass out.

"Hello, Avrora." A voice from the darkness calls. "Whos there!? Where am I!?" I scream in terror. As soon as the words leave my mouth a light turns on and I find myself in a cell- with.. with Stark written on the glass. Am I in my dads cells? "Where are you!?" I call out again. "I've been waiting for you." A hydra agent walks into my view and phases through the class, sitting beside me. My look of confusion leads him to carry on. "A week from now your dad is going to lock you up Avrora. You have powers, and you hurt someone. He hates you." What? No- my dad doesnt hate me?
"Everyone hates you. They all think you're dangerous and violent." Before I can respond a hologram starts playing in front of us. My mouth drops and tears start to fill my eyes- they.. they really do hate me. The video shows the team talking about what to do with me and my dad suggests locking me up. "Stop crying. God your pathetic, this is why they hate you. Stop being so emotional." He grows and slaps me on the cheek. "If you so much as speak- youll end up like this." For what fills like hours the agent fills my head with different 'rules' and what theyll do if I dont follow them.

I shoot up and machines around me start rapidly beeping. Bruce and my d- Tony run in and fear fills my body. I jump back and pull my legs into my chest. My restraints have been taken off so I put my guard up to cover my head. They notice this and stop walking towards me. "Hey- hey you okay kid?" Tony asks, probably fake sinserity in his tone. Already hes trying to find a way to punish me but I know better. Shit- my face. I change the expression on my face to an emotionless one as quick as I can and wrap my arms around myself. "Kid? Whats wrong?" I look up at him, my expression still the same. As soon as he sees my face he flinches and leaves the room along with Bruce.

Its been a while since they left and im bored, so I decide to test these 'powers' I apparently have. I know I have enhanced senses as I can hear Webs and Alpine fighting from upstairs and smell food from the canteen downstairs. Peter Parker has advanced healing- ooo maybe I have that. I start picking at the skin on my hands but decide that will take too long. Oh! In the corner of my eye I notice a small scalpel and slowly climb out of bed to get it. As soon as its in my hand I swipe the blade across my palm and in a matter of seconds it begins to close. Sick!

As soon as I place the scalpel back down I hear quick footsteps approaching the room. Shit shit shit. I run as fast as I can to the corner of the room and crouch behind a couch, completely hiding myself. The door swings open and Natasha runs in. "Shit! FRIDAY wheres Rory?" She shouts, fuck she's probably angry. Theyre going to lock me up. My thoughts are cut off as FRIDAY alerts her that im still in the room and the red head starts searching the room. She approaches the couch and calls out my name, knowing im here. I start rapidly shaking my head terrifyed of what shes going to do and she gets closer, finally seeing me. "Rory, sweetie- why are you hiding?" She 'gently' pushes. I continue shaking my head and she goes to help me up but I flinch back. This causes her to retract her hand and sigh. "Honey whats wrong? I- im not going to hurt you. I promise." She pushes, no no no shes lying. As soon as I give in shes just going to punish me. This is a test. "Why did FRIDAY tell me you cut yourself? Can I see it?.." I continue to shake my head and she finally leaves. Fuck- that was close.

I get back into the bed and Clint enters the room with a tray of food, I immediately make my face expressionless and move to the headboard of the bed. "Im just going to place it on the table- okay? Promise." I nod and he places the tray down."Make sure you at least eat some of it kid." He presses. What if it's poisoned? I decide there and then that im not taking a single bite of anything on that tray. "So- uh- why wont you talk to anyone?" I dont respond and he leaves the room with a huff. Shit- I didnt mean to piss him off. Each time someone comes in my mind races with possible outcomes of the situation and almost all of them are bad. The door closes behind him and I stare at the food, hoping something will happen. I then get bored and start thinking about my dagger- gods I miss my dagger, still staring at the food. All of a sudden the fork morphs into my dagger and I fall off my bed in shock. Ow. I jump up filled with excitement; this is so, so cool.

An hour later I have Webs, my dagger, my laptop, my braclet/watch and a bunch of random objects from my room. This will never get old. "Avrora!" A voice comes from a few doors away and I hear someone quickly approaching. Oh my gods- theyre going to know about my power. Shit shit shit! I concentrate on imagining the room as it was and when I open my eyes everything is gone and Peter Parker bursts into the room. "Oh my gods, Rory! Are you okay!? I came in earlier but I dont think you noticed- and I just had to talk to Fury!" He fake apologises and runs towards me. I cover my head with my arms and flinch. Hard. He doesnt seem to notice, more focused on getting to me and continues to approach me. Hes going to hurt me. Adrenaline courses through me and I can literally hear my heart beat quickening. My breaths quick and shallow, fear grips me like icy fingers, sending shivers down my spine. My senses heighten to the slightest sound. My mind races with possible punishments theyre going to torture me with, each one more terrifying than the last. The water cooler besides me starts to shake rapidly and a second later it explodes, throwing Peter Parker backwards and completely soaks him but avoids me. What the fuck.

I know this is short but this paragraph is mainly to show a bit of her powers🫶 Also i decided theres no such thing as too much angst:)

ᴇɴᴅ ᴏғ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟷𝟷:)

1900 words

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