Chapter 13

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Ruby: fine. So after I ran away.....


*It took about 15 minutes, for ruby to tell Blake what happened to her that night. We see her now finishing up, safe to say Blake was having trouble listening do it*

Ruby:the second my body made contact what the now hard like surface of the water, did my brain react making me take a sharp gasp, and inhale the salty sea water into my body. I struggled to swim, but my legs were too weak to move, I just started to drown, my vision became blurry and before I knew it I passed out. It's a miracle I'm even here if I'm being honest

*Ruby said, she took a bite of her sandwich, just letting Blake absorb the information she just gave her. Blake was looking down at her food, Her breathing was ragged, she was in that point where she's about to cry, but no tears were coming out*

Blake:oh God ruby....

Ruby:save it.

*Ruby said with a sigh, she placed her sandwich back in the plate and looked at the nubs that was what remained of her legs*

Ruby:an apology won't bring me back my legs. God, I missed them. Miss using my semblance and you have no idea how much I just miss to run till I'm out of breath

*Ruby said breathlessly. She got an off way look in her eyes, as she looked out the window. Blake's guilt grew even more, remembering how much ruby liked to run* can't even use your semblance?

Ruby: technically I can.

*Ruby said, raising her hand and vibrating so fast that it became a blur, rose petals started to fall from the blue, as they both looked at it, with different reactions behind there eyes*

Ruby: But without my leg? I lose control and end up crashing, hurting myself, I can't tell you the amount of time,

Coco:ruby the petals, stop it or I'll make you clean it up

*They both heard the authoritative voice of Coco in the background. Ruby quickly stopped it, and gave Coco a shy smile*

Ruby:sorry miss coco. Anyways, think of it like a helicopter that lost its tail rotor. Without my legs I lose control of the direction I'm heading. I can't tell you the amount of times I gave my dad a heart attack, by crashing to a wall, or scraping myself so bad, I had to go to the hospital.

*Ruby said with a small smirk, trying to lighten the atmosphere around them, before Blake start to cry, and they get unwanted attention. Ruby didn't want that, she just wanted this little reunion to go smoothly, so there wouldn't be a second one. Even if she did miss talking to Blake*

Ruby: but you know, after like a year of trying. The doctors, my father, and me agreed that I should stop trying to use it, for my own health

Blake:but, what about a prosthetic? Surely Someone of your intelligence, could make something like that

*Blake asked with curiosity, thinking that could be a way to lessen her guilt, all she would have to do is buy her a pair of prosthetic, the most expensive ones in the market and....*

Ruby:I can see your logic, but no. There's a difference between building superweapons, and building something like a prosthetic. For one, in order to get full mobility, the same as that of a normal 2 legged creature. I would need to implant a cable right to my spinal cord, and that's just so that I can move them properly. I don't need to explain to you, how painful that would be. But without them, those that I've tried, are either too primitive, or too painful

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