chapter 14 + new story

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Back to the present

Ruby:my dad, was willing to risk a military conflict, risk being court-martial, for disobeying order, risked expulsion from the military, all to save me. A girl he didn't even know yet... He is truly a wonderful man. With him in charge of the atlas military, things has gotten so much better

Blake:he....he really does sound like a good man, I've met him a few times, but we've never talked, it's always either my team leader or Weiss

*Blake said, surprised, and a little jealous of James ironwood's bravery. She saw Ruby's smile becoming more. Sincere, she truly admired and loved her father*

Ruby:after he saved me. I spend a couple of weeks in a coma. When I woke up, I was in for one hell of a surprise...

Back to the past

Ruby pov

*I slowly opened my eyes, I did not feel pain, I did not feel cold. I did not feel the waves of water that were close of being my doom. I slowly opened my eyes, and looked around. I was in the hospital, and there was a man sleeping in a chair next to me. I tried to speak, but my voice was very horsed, she tried to get up, but that's when true fear, started to set in. I couldn't feel my legs, with what little strength I had, she push the blanket off me, and saw it. My legs, were gone. All that was left was 2 nubs bandaged up. I involuntary start to cry and whimper, which woke the man up*

James:oh your awake. Hey hey, it's gonna be ok, your safe now. I promise

*James said to me softly, he got up and handed a bottle of water to me. With a crooked smile, he tried to lighten the mood*

James:it's not sea water, I promise you. It's 100% drinkable water. It'll help with your throat

*James said, with a shaky hand I took it, opened it, spilling a bit of water on myself, with how much I was shaking, and drank it. James walked to his satchel, and took out a pad and pen*

Back to 3rd person

James:you probably have lot of questions, but you can't speak. So here, just use this, and I'll answer whatever I can

*James said, handing them to ruby, he took the empty bottle and threw it in the trash, while ruby wrote*

James:that's a 2 pointer right there heh

Ruby's pad: who are you?

*Ruby wrote, James read it and stop up straight. His way of introducing himself, being engraved on his brain by the navy*

James:my name's James ironwood, captain of the Robert Louis Stevenson ship, or R.L.S. Legacy ship for short. I was doing my duties on the ship, when I saw you drifting at sea, I couldn't allow an innocent civilian to die. So I rescued you. Took you to a hospital, and here you've been for the last 2-3 weeks

Ruby's pad: I see. Thank you, for saving me. I owe you my life

*Ruby wrote and james read. He shook his head and gave ruby a proud smile*

James:no, you don't. I was just doing my job. Where are you from? Do you remember?

Ruby's pad: I...I'm from the island of Menagerie, I....I tried to runaway, but the white fang caught. Tortured me. I...I...

*James placed a hand on top of Ruby's to stop her from writing, the smile on his face changed, instead of a smile, James gave her a gentle concern look in his face*

James:it's ok, you don't have to write anymore then that, and I promise, the white fang can't get to you here. Your safe, you have my word

Ruby:thank you.

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