Paging Dr. Thunderman

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At home, Y/N and Phoebe are watching TV while eating as Max comes in.

Max: Hey, Dweebie.

Phoebe: I told you not to call me that.

Max: You tell me lots of things. Have you seen my keys?

Y/N: They're on the floor by the door.

Max goes over to the door and does not see them.

Max: I don't see 'em.

Y/N: Look under the rug.

Y/N looks at Phoebe smiling.

Y/N: Three, two, one.

Nora and Billy enter as Nora opens the door knocking Max on the floor.

Max: Whoa!

Y/N holds up the keys.

Y/N: Oh, keys. I thought you said, "Hit me in the butt with the door."

Nora: Come on, Billy, let's go play laser tag.

Nora lasers Billy.

Billy: Ow. The pain makes it fun.

Billy runs as Nora chases after trying to zap him.

Phoebe: Aw, remember when you, Y/N and I used to get along like that?

Max: Yeah. Wait. No, that wasn't you.

Barb and Hank come into the living room.

Barb: Hey, guys, great news. Nora's teacher recommended her for a spot at the Primridge school for girls.

Nora: Girls? But I like boys. They heal quicker.

Hank: Primridge is the fanciest school around, and they want to interview you today.

Phoebe: Pretty cool.

Barb: So, I'm gonna need you two to babysit Billy while we take her.

Max: Pretty not cool.

Hank: We'll take away your phones if you don't.

Y/N: And it's cool again.

Barb: Good. Nora, this is a great opportunity for you. The ambassador to France went there.

Hank: Oh, maybe you'll learn how to...

Hank speaks gibberish.

Nora: But I like my school.

Barb: Yeah, but Primridge has everything: a lacrosse field, a science lab- Help me out, Hank.

Hank: They have an ice cream bar in the cafeteria.

Nora pulls out a spoon.

Nora: Let's get this show on the road.

Nora was going to run off as Barb stopped her.

Barb: Nora, why do you have a spoon in your pocket?

Nora: Like Dad says, "Always be ready for dessert."

Hank: Mm-hmm, that's my girl.

Hank pulls out his spoon and the two run off as Billy looks at Nora.

Billy: Nora, are you really gonna go to a different school than me?

Nora: No way. That place is for fancy kids. And I'm not fancy, but I am hungry.

Barb: Come on, Nora, let's go.

Hank: Uh, Phoebe, you and Y/N are in charge.

Max: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Why do Phoebe and Y/N always get to be in charge? We're the same age. Where's my chance?

The Thundermans (Male Spider-Man Reader)Where stories live. Discover now