Breaking Dad

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Y/N, Max, Phoebe, Miles and Cherry are in their chemistry class with their teacher, Mr. Begbeaudy.

Cherry: Why does Mr. Big Booty look so mad?

Phoebe: It's Mr. Begbouday. He hates it when people call him "Big Booty."

The teacher drops something and goes over to pick it up as they see his big booty.

Y/N: But to be fair, that is one big booty.

Mr. Begbeaudy turns around.

Mr. Begbeaudy: Who's making a crack? Is it someone in the rear?

The five then laugh.

Mr. Begbeaudy: Oh, laugh while you can, because I've graded your exams, and soon you'll be the butt of the joke.

Y/N and Phoebe see Max working on a device.

Phoebe: Max, what is that?

Max: It's a proton particle power booster. Made it with spare parts no one was using.

Principal Bradford goes over to the water fountain as he goes to drink it, it drops.

Principal Bradford: Oh, come on!

Max: This is for Max Thunderman Day.

Phoebe: Oh, yeah, when is that? On the 12th of doesn't-existuary?

Max: Snark away, but after I pull the best prank, this school has ever seen, there'll be a whole day named after me. Check it out. I'm going to clamp these cables to a giant turkey-

Y/N: Okay, for legal reasons, we should stop listening to him now.

Mr. Begbeaudy comes over to them with their exams.

Mr. Begbeaudy: Cherry, Miles, here's your exam. You got 100%

Cherry: Oh!

Mr. Begbeaudy: Of the answers wrong.

Cherry: Oh.

Mr. Begbeaudy: Morales, B-.

Mr. and Miss Thunderman, B.

Miles: Back up, Big Booty. Phoebe and Y/N are the best students in this class. They study hard and get A's. It's their thing.

Y/N: Miles, calm down.

Phoebe: But he's right; it's our thing. Sir.

Mr. Begbeaudy sees Max's device.

Mr. Begbeaudy: Max, what is that?

Max: This? Just a simple machine I made, Mr. Begbouday.

Mr. Begbeaudy: Oh, like the simple jalapeño toilet paper you made last week? I'll lock it in the cabinet so no "bouday" gets hurt.

Phoebe lets out a forced laugh.

Phoebe: I give that joke an A. speaking of As, uh, shouldn't me and Y/N have gotten one? I don't think we got anything wrong.

Mr. Begbeaudy: You didn't, but I don't give As... to anyone, ever. It's my thing.

Max: Y/N looks like we've got a big Big Booty problem.

Mr. Begbeaudy: It's Begbouday!

He then keeps knocking off things with his big butt.

Y/N, Max, and Phoebe: Is it?

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