Part 1

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Y/n Russo

Daughter of Carol and Mario Russo, little sister of Luca, Giorgio and Alessia Russo

You're 20 years old and play since you're 6.

Like Alessia, you've been formed as a midfielder by Chelsea but at the age of 17, you decided to leave England to play in the USA.

You have cut the contact with your family after a big fight with your mother and your brother Giorgio.

Currently playing on loan for OL Reign but still belong to Chelsea.

You currently have a boyfriend named Nathan Garcia.

You are in your apartment, in Seattle, that you share with your boyfriend, Nathan. You're pacing around, looking for your shinpads in the whole apartment. You're supposed to be in Tacoma at the OL Reign Club in an hour, you're still putting your stuff in your bags cause you're playing at home against Kansas City. During that time, Nathan is sat on the couch, putting his shoes on.

Y/n: Nate, have you seen my shinpads?

Nathan: Right here...

Y/n: Thank you.

Nathan stands up, sticking a smile on his face, walking towards you. Once you look at him and see this smile, you deeply breath and calm down.

Y/n: What?

Nathan: You're really cute when you stressed.

Y/n: It's not funny.

Nathan: I'm not making fun of you...

Y/n: It's an important match for us, it's nearly the end of the season.

Nathan: It'll be fine.

He pulls you into a big huge, trying to reassure you. You sight and he keeps smiling, laughing a little bit.

Nathan: Let's go?

Y/n: Let's go. Jordyn is gonna wait for me.

Nathan: Do you have everything you need for your football game?

Y/n: Yes, thank you, babe...

Nathan: Alright.

Nathan grabs the car keys and is about to open the door when you throw at him a surprised look.

Y/n: You're coming? I thought you had to see your mom and sister today.

Nathan: No, I canceled. I want to come to your game, I'll even drive you there...

Y/n: I love you...

Nathan: I love you too... Come on, let's go.

Nathan grabs the car keys, your football bag and you both head to Nathan's car. You put your bag in the car's trunk and you get into it. Nathan drives you to the OL Reign club, hand on your thigh during the whole trip. Suddenly, a phone call rings on the car's centralized screen. It's Jordyn Huitema.

Nathan: Why is she calling?

Y/n: Maybe because we're late, Nate.

You know that Nathan and Jordyn don't really appreciate each other, but before Nathan declined the call, you press the button "accept".

Y/n: Hey Jordy...

Jordyn: Where are you?

Nathan: We are on the way, 10 minutes away from the club...

Jordyn: What is he doing here?

Y/n: He's coming to support me, to support the team...

Jordyn: Alright, if you want to believe that, go ahead...

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