Part 4

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Nathan: Babe? Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah, what?

Nathan: You okay?

Y/n: Yeah, let's go home...

You drive back home with Nathan, talking about your day in the car, but you can't help yourself and keep in your mind that little thing with Aggie on the parking lot. You haven't seen her for years. You get back home. You go get a shower while Nathan is preparing the dinner. Minutes later, you join him in the kitchen, sitting down, watching cook you a wonderful dinner.

Nathan: Who was that girl earlier?

Y/n: Who are talking about?

Nathan: That girl you nearly crashed into at Chelsea...

Y/n: No one...

Nathan: She's not one of our teammate?

Y/n: Her name is Aggie Beever-Jones, we got formed by Chelsea together.

Nathan: An old friend, then...

Y/n: We are not friends...

Nathan: Alright... I was thinking lately...

Y/n: You were thinking about what?

Nathan: Why don't you invite some of your teammates tomorrow night?

Y/n: You want to meet my teammates?

Nathan: I mean why not, they are your friends and you're gonna spend a lot of time with them. I want to know who you're close to...

Y/n: Alright, I'll ask Jess, Niamh and some of the girls to come over...

You stand up and walk towards your boyfriend

Nathan: I feel like we're gonna be happy here...

Y/n: I hope so...

Nathan: What an enthusiasm?

Y/n: We're gonna be happy here...

Nathan: You're hungry, am I wrong?

Y/n: No...

Nathan: Come on, let's eat...

You spend the night with Nathan just chilling in front of the TV. The next morning, Nathan is gone to his school and you're getting ready for training. Suddenly, your phone rings.

Y/n: Hello...

Jessie: Hey, need a ride? I'm just in the corner of your street...

Y/n: Actually, Nathan took the car this morning, so I would love to.

Jessie: I'll be there in 5 minutes...

Y/n: Thanks, Jess...

Minutes later, you're on the way to the Training Centre. You're pretty quiet in the car. Jessie can notice it.

Jessie: Everything's okay?

Y/n: Why you didn't tell me about Aggie?

Jessie: You were just coming back, I didn't want to kick the bad memories up....

Y/n: She's the reason why I left England...

Jessie: No, your mom is the reason why... Aggie is the excuse that you used to get into a loan... Sorry...

Y/n: Don't be sorry, everything you're saying is right...

Jessie: You should talk to Aggie...

Y/n: No, I shouldn't...

Jessie: Girl, you forgave you since then...

Y/n: I didn't tell you something that happened yesterday...

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