Part 8

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You park in front of it and you walk to the front door. You play with the doorbell. After a few seconds, you see the door opens.

Y/n: Hey...

Jessie: Hey, what's going? What's wrong?

Niamh: Hey, are you okay?

Y/n: ...Can I stay here for the night?

Jessie: Yeah, of course, come in...

You step in. Niamh takes your stuff out of your hands when Jessie is just getting worried about you.

Jessie: What's going on?

Y/n: I got through an argument with Nathan...

Niamh: What was it about?

Y/n: I went to see Teyah earlier...

Niamh: Teyah Goldie?

Y/n: Yeah...

Niamh: And what's the matter with that?

Jessie: It's Y/n's ex-girlfriend...

Niamh: Oh...

Y/n: I messed up with her 3 years ago, and when I saw her at the Arsenal match I said things not really nice to her...

Jessie: Alessia came earlier to yell at Y/n about her behaviour towards Teyah...

Niamh: Okay, but what happened with Nathan?

Y/n: He didn't like the fact that I saw Teyah, when... we couldn't say he's an angel...

Jessie: It's gonna be okay?

Y/n: Yeah, don't worry... And I wanted to catch up with my best friends...

Niamh: Good excuse, Russo...

Jessie: Niamh just cooked something, hungry?

Y/n: Always...

You drop your bag on the floor and you follow Jessie and Niamh. You sit around the table. It's a really good night that you're spending with your friends.

Jessie: What's your plan for Alessia?

Y/n: I don't have any plans. I can't blame her if she doesn't want me in her life, I hurt every people that I love.

Niamh: That's not true, and you know it. Having been around Alessia for the last three years at England camp, I can tell you that she wants you in her life.

Y/n: I wrote letter to her and my brothers... but I never had the courage to send them...

Niamh: Do you still have them?

Y/n: Yeah, I always have them with me.

Jessie: Then, why don't you give it to her...

Y/n: I wrote them nearly three years ago, it doesn't make any sense now...

Niamh: You don't waste anything by just trying. You never know what could happen....

Y/n: I don't think that a good idea...

Jessie: Why?

Y/n: It's not because I wrote a letter three years ago that she's gonna forgive me...

Jessie: Can I read them?

Y/n: Yeah, if you want to... I think I'm gonna go to bed. Pretty tired of the day...

Niamh: Do you need help?

Y/n: Just tell me where the room and I should be fine...

Niamh: Upstairs, first door to your left...

You take your wallet out of your pocket, and take out the letters. You hand them to Jessie and go straight upstairs with your bag. You fall on the bed, so tired of your day. Before getting to bed, you check your phone. Nothing from Nathan, you expected a little message to see how you are from him. Deep down, you're a little disappointed to have nothing from him. You turn your phone off and you just fall asleep. Downstairs, Jessie and Niamh are in a middle of a reading session. They are so into each words wrote down in each letter. Niamh is reading Luca's letter while Jessie is absorbing every word of Giorgio's one:

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