Part 10

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You drag yourself inside and you stop Jessie immediately. You go to her and just hug her.

Jessie: You okay?

Y/n: Thank you...

Jessie: For what?

Y/n: For being you. Alessia came around...

Jessie: Really?

Y/n: Yeah...

Jessie: I'm happy for you...

Y/n: And... Nathan and I, we broke up...

Niamh: What?

Jessie: Why? I just saw him in the stands...

Y/n: He had an opportunity in the USA that he couldn't refuse. He came here because of my dream, now he has to go back for his dream.

Niamh: And how do you feel about it?

Y/n: Surprisingly, I feel okay with it... Thank you, girls...

Jessie: Whenever you want...

Niamh: When is he supposed to go back in the USA?

Y/n: Friday, actually...

Niamh: Don't have much time with him, though...

Y/n: Not really...

Jessie: If you feel down, give us a call and we'll come to cheer you up.

Y/n: I will, don't worry...

You go through the rest of the night and Nathan brings you both back home. As the hours go by, you just watch him packing up his stuff while you're just resting on the couch with some ice on your ankle. The next morning, you're waited for some test and scans at the hospital. Nathan comes with you. After minutes and minutes, you can finally see a doctor.

Doctor: Y/n Russo?

Y/n: Yeah, that's me...

Doctor: Alright, sorry but are you family?

Nathan: I'm... I'm her ex-boyfriend...

Hearing those words cut deep in your soul, not wanting to be real...

Y/n: He can hear it, it's okay...

Doctor: Actually, I'm sorry to tell you this, but I'm not able to give you your result right now. The medical staff of your football club will tell you about your scans result shortly...

Y/n: Alright, and do you know when my club will have the result?

Doctor: Should have them today...

Y/n: Okay, thank you...

Doctor: Have a lovely day...

Nathan: Thank you...

You go back home with Nathan, stressed and frustrated for not knowing what's going on with your ankle. Once again, when you're home, you just lay down on the couch and put some ice on your ankle. You watch TV and TV again. When you're not, you're just checking your phone, seeing that some of the girls have tried to text you, seeing on social media that people are with you through your possible injury...

Alessia: Hello bunny, just wanted to know how you're doing and how went your scans? Do you any result?

Teyah: Hey you, was wondering how you are. Text me back when you can...

Katie: Hey Russo, how are you? Any news for your ankle?

Caitlin: Hey, little Russo, hope you're okay. Just wanted to let you that we are here if you need anything...

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⏰ Last updated: May 31 ⏰

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