Part 3

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The next morning you wake up in your bed, Jordyn is still asleep next to me. You check your phone, no text from Nathan. You stand up, and go to prepare the breakfast when you see Nathan slumped on the couch snoring like hell. You sigh in relief. You start preparing breakfast, when Jordyn wakes up and joins you in the kitchen. You take a glass of water and a paracetamol to gently wake Nathan up.

Jordyn: Dingo is back... How are your neurons? Not too lonely up there?

Nathan: Did you buy yourself a sense of humor while I was gone?

Y/n: Can you stop, seriously? Take this...

Nathan: Thanks, babe...

Y/n: How do you feel?

Nathan: Hungover...

Jordyn: Yeah, you killed the last few soldiers who were fighting for your intelligence...

Y/n: Jords...

Nathan: We have to talk...

Y/n: Now?

Jordyn: Got it, I'm gonna go get ready...

You give a smile to Jordyn and she leaves the room to give you and Nathan some space to talk. You're really nervous cause you clearly see that Nathan isn't joking or anything, he's really seriously on the subject.

Y/n: How was your night?

Nathan: I'm sorry I left last night after we argued.

Y/n: No it was my fault...

Nathan: Just tell me why you don't want me to come in England with you, and don't tell me it's because of my sister and my mom cause that's not the truth...

Y/n: I don't want you to meet my family...

Nathan: Why?

Y/n: Because my family is a mess. There's a reason why I never come back in England, or you never met my family.

Nathan: What's wrong with them?

Y/n: We don't live in the same world. When I was 17, I went through a big fight with my mom and my big brother Giorgio. My dad didn't take any side. My big brother Luca stopped talking to me when I moved in USA and my big sister Alessia tried to keep contact but I cut it.

Nathan: Why did you cut contact with your sister?

Y/n: Cause she started getting in trouble with the rest of the family for talking to me...

Nathan: For how long you haven't talk to them?

Y/n: Two years and a half...

Nathan: Wow, and I thought they didn't want to meet me...

Y/n: I don't want you to see that part of me, that part of my life...

Nathan: I love you. It's all or nothing, and if it means that I have to see that part of you, I will love you for it too.

Y/n: Why did I got so lucky to meet you?

Nathan: We are both lucky to have each other... I want to come with you. I want to jump in this with you...

Y/n: Are you sure?

Nathan: I've never been more sure in anything before... Let's do this together...

Y/n: I love you...

Nathan: I love you too...

You spend the next few weeks packing up your stuff in the apartment and prepare your moving in England. You spend the rest of your time with Jordyn and your friends. Nathan has been through some medical appointments during the last weeks, but no improvement for his knee, he won't return to the basketball courts, so he decided to return to his studies in sport management. After some research, you finally find an apartment for you and Nathan in Brentford, London...

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