Part 9

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She is sat in the changing room, a few other girls are in there, aware of the situation.

Victoria: What are you gonna do?

Leah: Don't you think you should look at it? If Jessie came, maybe it's because you really should read this.

Alessia: I have no idea what to do. What would you do?

Beth: It's not our place to tell you what to do, Less.

Alessia: Yeah...

Beth: The real question is: do you want your sister back? If you have that answer, you know what to do...

Alessia: Can you leave me alone?

During the next few days, you spend them with Nathan or in training preparing your match against Barcelona. You're still mad at Jessie. No news from Alessia. Teyah tried to text you a few times but didn't take time to respond to her. Today is Wednesday, it's Champion League match day. You're a bit nervous but so excited to play. For this event, you're playing at Stamford Bridge instead of Kingsmeadow. You're heading there, Nathan will join later for the match. Parking your car, you stop to see some of the fans on the way, then you head inside the stadium to join the rest of the team. You go drop your stuff in the changing room before going out for a pitch recognition.

Y/n: Hello everyone...

Jelena: Ready for the match?

Y/n: A bit nervous but mostly excited. Can't wait to play, if I play, obviously...

Guro: You'll play. After your performance against Arsenal, Emma can't put you on the bench...

Y/n: You never know with her...

Suddenly, you feel someone playfully kicking your ass, when a second later someone else is just jumping on your back. You turn around to see two English familiar faces.

Keira: Hey you...

Lucy: Good to see you, Russo.

You just smile, so happy to see them. You pull them straight away into a hug.

Y/n: It's good to see you two...

Lucy: So ready to lose?

Y/n: You wish...

Keira: We missed you, little one. Three years away is a long time...

Y/n: Yeah, I can tell...

Keira: Does Alessia know you're here?

Y/n: We played against each other a few days ago...

Lucy: How did it go?

Y/n: Not really good...

Lucy: I'll be okay. You're her baby sister, she loves you more than anything... She'll come around...

Y/n: I hope so, I can't lose her...

Keira: I'm sure you won't...

Eve: Y/n, time to go back in the changing room...

Y/n: Alright... See you later, I guess...

Lucy: Good luck...

Y/n: I don't need luck, Luce...

You head back to the changing room to get ready. You go through the warm-up session before getting the last instructions from Emma Hayes.

Starting line-up for Chelsea:

Starting line-up for Barcelona:


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