Part 7

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The next day, you wake up without Nathan next to you, already gone to his school. You look at your alarm clock, it's 11 am. YOU'RE LATE! They're gonna kill you. You check your phone, you have about ten missed phone calls. You quickly get changed, and jump in the car. Minutes later, you're finally at the Chelsea Training Centre, you rush through the building, but you stop yourself when you see Emma Hayes waiting for at the entrance. Out of breath, you still manage to pronounce a few words.

Y/n: I'm sorry... I don't know what happened to me...

Emma: I do know... second warning, Russo...

Y/n: You can't kick me out, and you know it...

Emma: In the gym, in 5 minutes...

Y/n: As you want...

You quickly get changed into your Chelsea kit, and you hurry to go the gym. You blend in the room, and start your session. No words come out of your mouth, still really affected by last night.

Niamh: Hey, you okay? What happened this morning?

Y/n: I have no idea...

Niamh: How are you processing?

Y/n: I guess, I'm in denial...

Niamh: At least you're still lucid...

Y/n: Shut up...

Niamh: We are here, okay? Don't forget that, we have your back...

Y/n: I know, and I back you up too...

Niamh: Tell me what's up...

Y/n: Emma wants me to get out of the club, she watches everything I do to use it as a reason to kick me out... And now everything is happening with Alessia, and Teyah too...

Niamh: You won't be kicked out of the club, they need you to win matches...

Y/n: Maybe yeah, but Emma won't give up on me, no matter what. She hates from day one, without proper reason...

Niamh: Then, we'll get through that together, okay?

Y/n: Thanks, Neve...

Niamh: Can I ask you what happened with Teyah Goldie?

Y/n: Not a lot of people know but Teyah was my first girlfriend... Gosh, I have been awful with her, last night...

Niamh: What did you tell her?

Y/n: That she is the reason why my family exploded...

Niamh: Y/n...

Y/n: I know I f*cked up by saying that...

Niamh: Why did you say that?

You look around to see all the girls doing their things. There's too much people at the moment to talk about it...

Y/n: Can we go outside to talk about it?

Niamh: Yeah, sure...

You stand up and head outside with Niamh. You don't notice, but Jessie follows you by the gaze really intrigued. You're now outside with Niamh, sat on a bench.

Niamh: So what happened with Teyah?

Y/n: She was my first girlfriend, but it...

Niamh: ... it didn't pretty well...

Y/n: My mom found out... she wasn't a big fan of it... The problem wasn't that I was dating Teyah, the problem was... that I was dating a girl...

Niamh: What happened?

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