The Addiction: Bad News

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The Addiction
Part Four

Kurt was discharged from the hospital. He had to stay home for a few days, Blaine stayed as long as he could on those days. Kurt had to stay in bed most of the time, and that killed him. After a few days he was feeling better and went back to school. Blaine was trying his best not to smoke, he hadn't since the incident with Kurts asthma.

Three weeks had passed since Kurts incident with the asthma attack. One Wednesday night at two o'clock in the morning, Kurt woke up and he was having a hard time breathing. His head was pounding, and his chest hurt so bad. He thought he was having another asthma attack, he called for Burt.

"Dad!" Kurt cried. "Dad, please come here!" Burt and Carole came rushing into Kurts bedroom.

"Kurt, what's wrong?" Burt flipped on the light switch. Kurt screamed from the pain to his light sensitivity.
Burt picked Kurt up and Kurt buried his head in Burts shoulder. Kurt was sobbing, because of the pain.

Finn had come down the stairs, he looked at his step brother and immediately went towards him. "What happened?" Finn asked, very concerned.

"I don't know, Finn." Burt said. "We need to get him to the hospital."
Burt handed Kurt to Finn.

They all got inside Kurts red Navigator. Burt in the drivers seat, Carole in the passenger seat, Finn in the back holding Kurt. Kurt was still sobbing, because the amount of pain he was in.

"Blaine." Kurt said very quietly.

"What was that, Kurt?" Finn asked.

"Blaine." Kurt said a little louder.

"I will call him, when we get to the hospital." Finn promised his brother.

"Kurt, sweetie." Carole started. "On a scale from one to ten, how bad is the pain?" Kurt had been asked this question many times.

"A nine." Kurt sobbed.

When Kurt said that, Burt started speeding faster. They got to the hospital in less than ten minuets. Finn jumped out of the car with Kurt in his arms, he ran into the Emergency Room and called for help.

"What happened?" A nurse named Hanna asked.

"I don't know. He started crying and he said his pain was a nine. He has severe asthma, he was in the hospital from an attack three weeks ago." Finn informed them.

"His name?" The nurse asked.

"Kurt Hummel." Finn answered.

A stretcher came to them and Finn helped lower Kurt on it. "Kurt, I need you to tell me where your pain is." The nurse said.

"It's in my head and chest. The light makes it worse." Kurt sobbed.

"Let's take him to an MRI. First, we need to put him on painkillers and sedate him." The sedated Kurt and gave him painkillers through an I.V.
He went to sleep fairly quickly when he was sedated, a team of nurses and doctors wheeled him into the MRI Scanning Room.

A doctor was waiting in the room, he had the machine set up and ready. When Kurt was brought into the room, they were all ready to see what was causing this poor boys pain.

"Hello, Dr. Compton. This is Kurt Hummel, he has severe asthma. He rated his pain a nine, his pain is in his head and chest, he is also very light sensitive." The nurse, Anna explained.

"I want to look at his head first, then his lungs." Dr. Compton said. He scanned Kurts brain very carefully, he saw nothing. He moved down to his lungs and saw something that would change everything in Kurt Hummels life and everyone else he was close too.

Dr. Compton walked to the waiting room looking for the Hummels. "Are you the Hummels?" He asked when he approached a man with green eyes, a baseball cap on, and a very worried look on his face.

"Yes. I am Burt Hummel, this is my wife Carole, my son Finn, and Kurts boyfriend Blaine." Burt introduced the Hudmel family.

"Nice to meet you all. Mr. Hummel, I am sorry to say this but I have bad news about Kurt." Dr. Compton said with a sad look in his eyes. Everyone's heart dropped, Blaine had tears forming in his eyes. Dr. Compton pulled out a picture from the MRI. "Do you see this spot on Kurts lower right lung?" Everyone nodded. "That is lung cancer." Blaines tears came streaming down his face.

"No. No, no, no. That's not right. That's wrong. He-he doesn't have lung cancer!" Blaine denied it.

"Kurt does have lung cancer. It is at stage two, but I think we can save his life. There is an operation. However not many surgeons can perform this operation." Dr. Compton told the family.

"What is this operation?" Burt asked, tears streaming down his cheeks.

"We can remove his lower right lung." Dr. Compton said.

"Will be still be able to live a long life, as someone with two lungs would?" Carole asked.

"Yes. I know a doctor in Dallas, Texas who performed this surgery on an eight year old girl. She is living very well now." Dr. Compton was trying to reassure the family, that Kurt would be okay.

"Okay. If this operation is going to save my sons life, I want it done." Burt told the doctor.

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