The Addiction: Part Nine

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"A terminal brain tumor?" Blaine repeated quietly. "No, no, no!" Blaine screamed and his knees buckled underneath him. The sobs came quick and Blaine was finding it hard to breathe. Burt went to the ground and wrapped his arms around Blaine. Blaine sobbed and kept asking "Why". His screams were gut wrenching.

"My baby." Blaine whispered. No one but Blaine and Burt knew he had even said that.

Blaine calmed down enough to ask, "How long does he have?"

"Doctors don't know." Finn spoke up, his face covered with shock. "They told us, 'I would prepare for the worst'. We should go sit with him."

They all nodded, Burt helped Blaine up off the ground. Blaine wiped his eyes ferociously. Blaine couldn't even think straight, all he could think about was "The love of my life is going to die and there isn't shit I can do about it". When they got to the room Kurt was waking up. The first thing he noticed when he opened his eyes was his family's faces. How tear stained and red nosed their faces were.

The tears fell from Kurts eyes as Blaine sat down on the bed and intertwined the hand that felt perfect in his.

"Hi baby." Blaine forced himself to stay calm.

"I'm dying aren't I? My beautiful family is about to tell me that I'm dying." Kurt looked Blaine dead in the eye. Blaine squinted his eyes shut and the tears started falling.

"Sweetness," Blaine kissed the back of Kurts hand. "Yes, it's true."

"What is it? Is it the cancer?" Kurt squeezed Blaines hand.

"A terminal brain tumor." Burt told his dying son.

"The headaches.." Kurt trailed off.

"That is what was causing them." Tears fell from Burts eyes.

"Daddy." Kurt whimpered. Burt was hugging him in a second and Kurt let out a sob, which made Carole start bawling. Finn took Carole into his arms. Blaine got up and collapsed on the ground and sobbed. Kurt let go of his father and called for Blaine. Blaine stood and wrapped his arms around Kurt.

"I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry Kurt! I did this to you! I'm so sorry." Blaine sobbed into Kurts neck.

"Blaine look at me," Kurt demanded, once again, hazel honey eyes met sea green. "You did not do this. Don't you ever think that."

Then Blaine kissed Kurt, not caring that his family was in the room. Kurt kissed back. When they parted, they rested their foreheads together and Blaine kissed him again.

"I love you." Blaine murmured.

"I love you, back." Kurt softly said.

A few days passed and Kurt was released from Dallas, the Hudmels and Blaine were on their way back to Ohio. Kurt had his head on Blaines shoulder and their hands sat interlaced in between them.

"What do you want to go when we get home sweetness?" Blaine asked.

"Take a shower." Kurt laughed a little. "I smell too much like a hospital."

Blaine chuckled at his boyfriend, and kissed the back of his hand.

When they got back to the Hudmel house, Kurt went straight to the shower. Blaine patiently waited in Kurts bedroom. Finn had gone out with Rachel. Burt and Carole said they had to go meet up with some old friends of theirs. That left Blaine and Kurt home alone.

Blind ran his fingers through his curly hair, Kurt stepped out of the shower dressed only in a towel around his waist.

"Hi." Kurts voice made Blaine raise his head.

"Hello gorgeous." Blaine smiled at his lover.

"My incision hurts." Kurt sat in Blaines lap. The wet towel soaking the front of his jeans. Kurts eyelashes and hair had water droplets falling off of them. Blaine protectively wrapped his arms around Kurts waist.

"Do you want me to put the numbing cream on it?" Blaine asked quietly. Kurt nodded his head. "Okay, lay down on your stomach."

Kurt laid down on his stomach, clutching the towel around his waist. It's not as if Blaine hadn't seen him naked before, he had. They have had sex, it was the night of their one year anniversary. Kurt was thinking about that night, how perfect everything was. Kurt was pulled out of his thoughts when Blaine sat on the bed, causing the bed to shift a bit.

"Alright sweetness, this may sting a little." Kurt nodded and Blaine lightly dabbed the numbing cream over the wound.

Kurt hissed in pain a little. Blaine shushed him softly, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

The stinging sensation subsided and all that was left was numbness. Kurt sat up so he was facing Blaine, he grabbed both of Blaines cheeks and kissed him. The kiss was soft and sweet, but it led to so much more. Blaine carefully laid his boyfriend on the bed, on his back.

Blaine pulled away only to ask, "Does this hurt?" Kurt shook his head and kissed Blaine again. Mouths were open, tongues were fighting for dominance, in an instant Blaines shirt was discarded on the floor, as well as his jeans. Blaine carefully unwrapped the towel from Kurts waist, then throwing it on the floor. Kurt took Blaines boxers off and kissed his neck. Blaine was on top of Kurt kissing him roughly and leaving a hickey on his neck. Kurt moaned, and Blaine swore it was the sweetest sound he ever heard.

They made love. It wasn't just sex, it was love. It was souls connecting again, it was the love between two people. It wasn't sex, it was love. Blaine made love, sweet love to the love of his life. All through the night they made love.

When Burt, Carole, and Finn got home the boys had both out their underwear back on as well as sweat pants. The family told both boys "goodnight" and left them at peace.


"Yes love?"

"I need you to promise me something, when I'm gone, try to find love again." Kurt looked at Blaine seriously.

"Sweetness, please. Let's not talk about that." Blaine closed his eyes.

"Please promise me." Kurt said.

"I promise that I will try." Blaine said, tears forming very quickly.

"Can you sing to me?" Kurt put his head on Blaines chest.

"Aways, my love." Blaine waited until Kurt was comfortable. "Dream the sweetest dream, swing from start to star. When you wake, I will be here to hold you in my arms." Blaine sang the whole song twice to Kurt. Before Kurt started to feel slumber overtake him, he managed to stay conscious enough to respond to Blaine.

"I love you, Kurt Elizabeth Hummel."

"As I love you, Blaine Devon Anderson." Kurt mumbled sleepily.

With that, the two seventeen year olds went to sleep peacefully.

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