The Addiction: Part Eight

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The Addiction
Part Eight

The next morning Kurt woke up in Blaines arms, he was on his stomach and there was a burning sensation on his right shoulder blade. He was confused at first, then it came to him. Kurt remember that he had his lung removed. He tried to get up out of the hospital bed, but the IV in his hand and the pain he felt said otherwise. Kurt cried out in pain, but quickly put his hand over his mouth. He didn't want to wake Blaine or his father. He did however, wake Blaine.

Blaine had felt the shift of the bed and heard Kurt cry out. He woke up and slowly raises his head off of the pillow. "Kurt?" He put his hand on left shoulder.

"Hi Blaine." Kurt said breathlessly.

"Kurt, what are you doing?" Blaine asked, sitting up.

"I was trying to get up to look at my scar, but the IV said otherwise." Kurt looked down at the bed away from Blaine. "Can you help me? I can't move without it hurting."

"Of course, baby. I'll always help you." Blaine carefully lowered Kurt onto the bed, laying him on his stomach.

Kurt closed his eyes and sighed. "This isn't very comfortable."

Blaine smiled and wrapped his arms around Kurt. "Better?"

"Much." Kurt was blushing a rosy pink.

"Are you in any pain?" Blaine asked.

"My right shoulder blade is burning, but it doesn't exactly hurt." Kurt explained and Blaine nodded.

Blaine kissed Kurts temple. "I want to go home, Blaine."

"I know you do, in a few days you'll be able to go home." Blaine kissed Kurt softly.

"Can you do me a favor Blaine?"

"What is it, sweetheart?" Blaine asked interlacing his and Kurts fingers together.

"Can you look at my back and take a picture of the scar?" Kurt asked.

"Kurt, it's wrapped right now. Can you not feel the gauze on your back?" Kurt shook his head 'no'. "That's strange, may be the skin is numb and you can't feel it."

Kurt hummed in response, then he winced in pain.

"Kurt?" Blaine put his hand on Kurts lower back. "Are you alright?"

"I just got this burning pain in my right shoulder and it hurts." Kurt told Blaine.

"Do you need pain medicine?" Blaine asked him.

"No, no. I'll be alright." Kurt assured his boyfriend. Then again, Kurt winced and Blaine noticeably saw the pain on Kurts face.

"I'm calling the doctor." Blaine pressed the red button located behind the hospital bed. "Don't tell me it's not necessary, you know it is."

Kurt stayed silent and a nurse came in a few minuets later. She came in with one pill and a glass of water. Kurt took the pill and water. The nurses asked a series of questions and Kurt answered them annoyed.

"Kurt," Blaine started.

"Don't start, Blaine." Kurt looked away from his boyfriend.

"Kurt, look at me." Kurt refused to look at Blaine, so Blaine put two fingers underneath Kurts chin and lightly turned his head to meet his eyes. "When you're hurting like that, you need to take medicine. If you don't, it will just worsen."

"I don't like it Blaine, it makes me sleepy." Kurt confessed.

"Kurt that's fine, it's okay for you to be sleepy."

"But that means less time with you and the people I love." Tears started building up in Kurts eyes.

"Kurt what do you mean? We have the rest of our lives together." Blaine wiped a stray tear from Kurts cheek.

"It didn't work, Blaine. The surgery didn't work. I can feel it, I can feel myself dying." Kurt started crying.

"Baby, that's not true. It worked, the cancer is gone." Blaine took Kurt into his arms and kissed the top of his head.

"Trust me when I say this, it didn't work." Kurt buried his face into Blaines neck, his sobs growing louder and louder.

The sound of Kurts sobs eventually awoke Burt, when Burt took in the scene in front of him he was immediately on his feet. "Kurt, son, what's wrong?" Burt carefully approached his biological son.

Kurt tore his face away from Blaines neck, "Dad, I'm dying. I can feel myself dying. It didn't work." After Kurt said that, a burning pain shot through his head. Kurt clutched the back of his head and cried out in pain.

"Kurt!" Blaine exclaimed. Kurt didn't hear him, all he heard was a sharp ringing in his ears and all he saw were urged objects. Burt called out for a nurse and four stormed into the room.

One of them pulled Blaine away from his lover. "No, no, I need to stay with him!" Blaine tried explaining.

"We need to get an MRI, stat!" The nurse with a blade ponytail said. Kurt was quickly wheeled away from the hospital room. Blaine had tears trickling down his face and Burt had phoned Carole to explain what had just happened.

Ten minuets later the nurse with the blonde ponytail was coming back to them. "Where is he?" Blaine approached her, "Is he okay?"

"He's having an MRI done on him right now, let me take the both of you to the waiting room." Both Burt and Blaine nodded, they were taken to the waiting room where they waited for Carole and Finn.

Blaine didn't care about anything except Kurt, all he wanted was for Kurt to be okay. He was hoping that the cancer would be gone, and the head pain was just a reaction from the pain medicine and the surgery.

"I need to take a walk." Blaine said abruptly. "Will you call me when he's out of the MRI scan?" Burt nodded and told his sons boyfriend to go.

Blaine walked, he didn't know where he was going. He had never been in Dallas before this. He stumbled upon the small Chapel inside of the hospital. He took a long inhale and walked inside. Blaine had his doubts about God and religion, but he still walked in. No one was inside, so he sat in the first pew on the right hand side. He looked at the huge silver cross towering over the lines of pews. He did something that he hadn't done since he was a kid, he prayed.

"If there is anyone listening out there, any angels or God or someone, I need your help. We need your help. I don't pray, at all. This is my first time since I was a kid. And I see praying as an act of desperation. I need you God. Kurt may be dying and I can't lose him. Please don't take him from me. Please." Blaine sat there for a few minuets more, than got up and left the small Chapel. He eventually found his way back to the waiting room, there he saw Finn and Carole. Tears were streaming down all three of their faces.

"What's going on?" Blaines voice caused all three of them to look at him. Blaine knew it was something horribly wrong, he swallowed the lump that was forming in his throat and asked again, "What's going on?"

Burt pulled Blaine down by his hand and sat him in the chair next to him, "Blaine, my son was right about his feeling."

"The cancer didn't work, the surgery didn't work?" Blaine asked, his heart sinking into his stomach.

"It's not the cancer, it's something worse than cancer." Burt wiped his own tears from his face. "Blaine, Kurt has a terminal brain tumor."

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