Chapter One - Prom Queen

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🪐 Daphne 🪐

The world stays oblivious to girls like me...I hide behind my glasses and my books. Staying in the comfort of my bubble I've carefully crafted around me only seeking adventure through my fantasy books. That's my latest addiction, I went from reading thousands of gothic fiction to fantasy. I wish my books were the only suspenseful thriller in my life but I can admit that my job provides more adventure then I would like.

I didn't always want to be an FBI agent, in fact I wanted to be an Astronomer...or at least nine year old Daphne wanted to be. Then a series of misfortunes happened that altered my life and made me who I am today. Speaking of misfortunes my phone begins to vibrate against the wooden top of my desk, I set my book down that I've been devouring since I started it this morning on my lap before hitting ignore button on my phone. I knew who was calling and I didn't need the reminder of what this month means.

"Moore, time to go we got a case." I hear Morgan call over towards me from his desk startling my already on edge body. He's gathering up his go bag as I scramble to move my book and untangle my legs from underneath me. I trip out of my chair getting up, earning a chuckle from him. My cheeks heating from embarrassment.

"Have you seriously not gone home yet? You need to get out more." He strides over towards my desk with that cool calm demeanor. He definitely knew how to walk the walk and talk the talk. He was the definition of the main male protagonist of all my books. Strong, handsome, an effortless flirt.

He grabs my bag, throwing it over his shoulder with his as I try to keep up with him walking out of the bullpen and towards the elevator. "You know if you put a little makeup on and get rid of the glasses you could turn a lot of heads. You're really pretty Moore, you just need to work on your confidence." His gaze lingers on my face for a moment before the ding of the elevator pulls his attention away.

"I don't need to turn a lot of heads." I state taking a step inside before pushing the button for the ground floor. It was true, men made me nervous. I've never been good at flirting or dating. I've had a fair share of awkward dates that left little to be desired. In all honesty there was only one guy I was truly interested in but he would never think of me in that way.

We make our way to the suv, Hotch sitting in the driver's seat waiting for Morgan and I. It was slightly lonely that I was the only woman on the team, but statistically speaking that wasn't all that surprising. I don't mind the guys, they treat me fairly and I enjoy working with them. It would just be nice to add a bit more estrogen to this team.

We pull up to Quantico, I have to say I don't miss spending my time here. I struggled to make friends, struggled to be top of my class when it always came naturally to me before. It's not exactly what I had envisioned when I left home. Friends just weren't part of my journey in these hallowed halls.

I follow closely behind Morgan who walks closely behind Hotch through the stoned hallways before we come to an abrupt turn to Gideon's new office. He's been on medical leave from the field doing behavior analysis training for the last six months. I can already hear his voice telling someone that he'll get his thoughts to them asap once we turn the corner.

"You're gonna be with us in Seattle asap." Hotch informs him walking into his office with an air of importance. The moment I step all the way into the cluttered office I notice Reid standing off to the side. My palms start to sweat and my heart begins to race. Remember the guy I said I was interested in but he would never see me in that way....well here he was standing next to me in all his nerdy cute glory.

He was the lanky kind of tall, he didn't have bulging biceps like Morgan or a broad muscular chest. In fact he was the opposite of what you thought when you think of an agent for the FBI. Not that I have room to talk. My eyes greedily traced the lines of his face, like I always do when he enters a room. He was utterly oblivious to me which works in my favor.

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