Chapter Nine - My Greatest Fear

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♜ Spencer ♜

I stand up quickly from my desk trying to act casual when I see Daphne walk through the doors of the lobby into the bullpen. Her smile widens when she spots me, I'm trying my best to not look awkward as I shuffle through papers.

When she sets her bag down on her desk across from mine I stop my fidgeting. "H-Hey....hi....hello Daph...."

Why did I call her that? I never use a nickname with her. I'm being awkward. Usually I can't tell, but right now I'm very aware of it.

She tucks her hair behind her ear, "Good Morning Spence!" She says with a chuckle.

She called me Spence. I really like when she calls me that.

"You look...nice." I meant to say pretty.

She looks down at her outfit, "Thanks, I made sure to dust off my best pair of overalls."

I think she made a joke. Dusting off something is an idiom. I liked that she doesn't always wear dressy slacks and shirts like JJ or Elle. If anything I think she looks better when she's wearing her form fitting overalls and colorful shirts.It suits her personality. 

"Scoob! Come here!" Morgan shouts across the space between our desks gaining her attention. She stands there for a moment keeping eye contact with me before heading over to him and taking a seat on his desk, her legs swinging back and forth.

I jump when Elle sneaks next to me saying my name, startling me.

"Soooo how was the date?"

I tear my gaze from Daphne to look at Elle wagging her eyebrows suggestively. "It wasn't a date."

"So she showed up?!" She asked excitedly.

"Yes....with Derek."

Her face falls in confusion, "Why would she bring Derek?"

"Because he actually asked her out for Halloween." I answer her. She looks over towards the two of them laughing about something.

"But she showed up. That's a good sign Reid."

"We slowed danced at the end of the night." I admit not being able to control the smile spreading my lips wide.

"Really? What was Morgan doing?" She raises an eyebrow in curiosity.

"He fell asleep halfway through the show." I shrug.

"Reid!" She slaps my arm, "I didn't know you had it in you." She chuckles.

"Had what in me?" I question confused.

"Slow dancing with another man's date."

I shake my head, "Daphne said it wasn't a date."

Elle looks over at the two of them again, "Does he know that?" I follow her gaze, Derek had a huge smile on his face listening to everything Daphne was saying with fascination.

"You think he likes her?" I question, not able to keep the crack from happening in my voice. 

"Hard to say. Morgan is a natural flirt but this is the second time he's asked Moore out. It's possible." She pats me on the back sympathetically.

"I can't compete with him." I state while I try to over analyze every facial expression , body posture, and nonverbal gestures they make.

"Reid with me." Hotch orders from the top of the mezzanine just outside of his office door. I nod my head meeting his quick stride through the bullpen and towards the lobby where the elevators sit.

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