Chapter Ten - Heal

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🪐 Daphne 🪐

"Morning Scoob!" Derek's voice breaks through my distracted thoughts as I look up at the front door of our building. He's been working overtime to make amends since his rude joke he played on Spencer. I know he apologized to him, and it was genuine but a part of me is second guessing if I truly want to be friends with someone who could be cruel to another friend.

Sure he was trying to tease him, but there's a difference in teasing when the situation isn't serious. But Spencer was truly upset about failing his qualifications. He didn't need to be made fun of, he needed encouragement and a friend.

I think all the women stroking his ego has gone to his head. And I don't mind taking him down a peg or two. Humbling a man like Derek Morgan would be satisfying. I walk on past him without my usual smile. I notice the two cups in his hand, the label of my favorite coffee shop on the front. He was playing dirty to win my forgiveness.

"Daphne Moore if you don't stop ignoring me I'll be forced to go to plan B." His voice stern as he quickly catches up to me. Damn my short legs.

I stop suddenly making him back track as I cross my arms over my chest and narrow my eyes on him. I don't say anything waiting for him to get the hint that he needs to do his little spiel so I can move on with my day.

"I've realized my actions were horrible and not the kind of friend that my Momma taught me to be. I got caught up in teasing Reid that I didn't stop to think about how he would feel. I'm truly sorry, I've made it my mission to apologize and make sure Reid and I are good again. He's accepted my apologies."

I nod my head and start walking towards the elevator again.

"Damnit Daph!" I whip my head around at him, my jaw dropping at his audacity.

"Excuse you?!"

He takes the three strides he needed to stand by me again. "I miss you! Okay. I miss our friendship. I miss your damn laugh and the way your smile makes me feel. I miss our stupid chats and the way you humble me without realizing it. What do I have to do to get you to forgive me?" He pauses searching my eyes for the answer, "I'll do anything Daphne."

He sure knows how to use pretty words, but that's not enough. "Prove your actions. Not just your smooth words. Show me that you are a good friend...a good person."

He nods his head, he looks sad. Like he was hoping for a different outcome. Maybe if I wasn't so stubborn, if I wasn't so hell bent on making him understand that his actions have consequences.

He holds out one of the cups for me, "I asked Reid what your favorite coffee was. He told me Chai Tea Latte with honey or lavender. They didn't have honey so I got lavender." I take the cup from his hand. "He actually went on a ramble about Chai Tea Lattes not actually being coffee despite being in a coffee shop. Something about Chai's being the oldest tea based drink in the world."

I bite back my smile, "You actually paid attention to him." I point out.

He chuckles at my words as we finish walking towards the elevator. "It takes a special woman to make me change my natural ability to not retain anything Reid says."

"You should listen to him more often. He actually talks about some really cool and interesting things." I state stepping into the elevator as he leans over to push our floor button.

"You like him don't you?" He questions me. I start choking on the sip of chai tea I just took. I hit my chest a few times with my fist as my eyes water.

"What?" My voice squeaks, if my choking wasn't a dead giveaway then my voice raising an octave will.

"Come on Scoob I know when someone has a crush."

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