Chapter Twelve - Forever and a Day

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♜ Spencer ♜

Daphne did not disappoint when she would randomly recited parts of Nacho Libre effortlessly. It was definitely offbeat and most the jokes would miss their mark with me, but she loved this movie. So I liked it. We put on Star Wars Revenge of the Sith. I should have probably left after our first movie, but neither one of us seemed interested in ending our night. So I stayed.

Twenty minutes in Daphne leaned over resting her head on my shoulder. My heart was beating so fast I was considering whether I was having a stroke or not. Nearing the end of the movie I realized she had fallen asleep, her body was relaxed into my side, her hand had come to rest on my chest.

I could get use to this, Daphne falling asleep on me. Being here with her.

I didn't move, afraid if I tried to leave I would wake her. So I fall asleep on the couch only waking in the morning to Daphne stirring awake in my arms. At some point in the night we had moved, my long body sprawled out on her velvet couch with her partially tucked into my side, her head resting on my chest, legs entangled with mine. Her hand in mine.

It was only a fleeting moment, her head tilts up to meet my gaze. She looks beautiful half awake. Her sleepy smile titling the corners of her lips before realization hits her. She jumps up from the couch in a rush.

"I'm so sorry....I didn't mean to sleep on top of you like that." Her cheeks turn a bright red shade. Beautiful.

"It's okay, you're very light."

I grimace, is that the right way to say that? Would she be offended? Women really don't like when you comment on their body.

"I mean you have a very well portioned a normal body, you know. Standard. Kind of..,.not have" I gesture towards her making the lines of her body in the air as I stumble on my words. "A nice portioned body....."

A really, really nice portioned body.

She starts giggling, her hand coming up to cover her mouth. "My nice portioned body thanks you for being my pillow."

"Anytime." I state feeling my cheeks burst with heat. Why did I say that? That's a stupid question to ask myself. I know exactly why I said that. Because I would want to be her pillow again, if she wanted that.

I clear my throat looking down at her brightly colored bohemian rug. "I should probably go home and change before work...."

"Yeah....yup....that....sounds...plans." She stammers, letting out a sigh before trying again. Taking a few beats to finally talk coherently, "I will walk you to my door."

I stand up from her couch, grabbing my bag off the ground as we walk silently towards her door. How do I say goodbye? Just a quick goodbye? Do I lean in for a hug? Would she think I'm leaning in for a kiss? What do you do with your hands when you kiss someone?

"You should put some ice on your lip..." I say instead, noticing the beginning of a bruise surrounding her mouth.

I still remember the panic I felt watching Daphne try to calm Fielding. The moment he hit her I ran out of the door. There was no second guessing myself, my only thoughts were her. Making sure she was okay, safe, protected. Not like I would have been able to protect her if he had gotten loose. Morgan could. He was able to push Fielding against the wall by force. All I could do was mend her split lip.

She carefully brings her hand up to touch her lip, winching briefly before dropping it back down.

I decide after much debate in my head to wrap my arms around her in a hug. I relax the moment her small arms come around my waist, her hands resting on my back. We stand there for a few moments just holding each other before I finally let go taking a step back.

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