Chapter Eleven - Into You

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🪐 Daphne 🪐

Hotch doesn't say much when we return back inside. He pulls me aside to make sure I'm okay, I told him it was nothing I haven't dealt with before. I just needed a moment to recollect myself before jumping back into the case. He gave me a simple nod and reminder that he was here if I needed to talk. Right now I just needed tea to help settle my nerves.

Derek and Gideon make it back from the Crawfords home, I'm in the middle of making my tea when Derek comes walking into the breakroom looking for coffee. He goes straight for the half empty pot, grabbing a mug from one of the cupboards.

"I need my friend right now." He looks over to me with a sad smile.

I turn to face him, leaning my hip against the counter. "Okay."

His shoulders begin to relax as he takes a deep breath. "Gideon's methods are...."

"Different?" I question.

"You could say that." He pauses setting his mug down before closing the distance between us. "He started screaming, no warning, just full on screaming help me repeatedly like a crazed man." He chuckles in disbelief, "I swear Daph, I thought I was losing my damn mind for a moment. Honest to god he was screaming until the house across the street turned on all their lights."

"So the neighbors would have heard their screams...." My head starts filling with so many questions.

"Yes....but that's not...."

"I'm sorry, turning my profiler brain off for a moment." I give him an apologetic smile. He needs his friend not a coworker.

"I know that his approach works for him but it just...."

"Bothers you."

He nods his head, "Yeah. He gets the job done. I guess I shouldn't complain."

"It's okay, to not care for someone else's approach. You think I like yours." I tease him, the corners of my lips quirked in a smirk. His deep laugh breaks through the quiet of the room.

"Funny Scoob." His chuckle starts to quiet, his dark eyes staring into mine. He was holding back whatever he wanted to say. I startle when he pulls me into a hug, not expecting it. We stand there in a hug for a few moments, my hands rubbing his muscular back. My stubbornness starts to resolve, feeling guilty for being so mean to him.

"I'm sorry." I whisper. He pulls out of our hug to look at me, searching my eyes confused.

"For what?" He questions, tucking some of my hair behind my ear. His finger brushing against my cheek.

"I've been really mean to you..."

"I deserved it." He admits, his hand tucking under my chin while the pad of his thumb caresses my cheek. "I was an asshat to Reid."

"You really were an asshat." We both chuckle.

"I don't think I've ever been called an asshat before."

"I can make it happen more often." I wink at him making him chuckle some more.

"Thanks for being here for me." His chocolate eyes look deeply into mine for a brief moment before he leans in to place a kiss on my forehead.

"Anytime Der. Even when I'm mad at you, I'm always here for you."

His smile brightens before he turns to grab his mug on his way out of the breakroom. I feel better, like a weight has been lifted from my chest. I didn't like fighting with Derek. He's one of the people I'm closes with and not having his stupid flirty banter annoying me was surprisingly missed.

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