Chapter Fifteen - Daddy Issues

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♜ Spencer ♜

I'm currently pouring a massive amount of sugar into my coffee hoping it will overstimulate my body enough to give me the energy needed to get through our next case.

Morgan walks by watching me with curiosity, "Easy there, tough guy. Have some coffee with your sugar."

"I need something to wake me up." I admit continuing to pour my sugar.

"Ooh. Late night?" He questions suggestively, like I'm known to have a gorgeous girl coming to my apartment every night.


"My man!" He says almost like he's proud. I shake my head trying not to smile.

"Not that kind of late night." I correct him, earning a chuckle. He finishes pouring himself a cup of coffee before patting me on the shoulder.

"Ok, so tell me, what does keep young Dr. Reid awake at night?"

Daphne, was my immediate response, not that I would admit it out loud. We're just friends, even if I spend an unhealthy amount of time trying to find any excuse to see her or talk to her outside of work. I've spent the last two Sundays at the park with her, Otto and his friend's playing chess. I even bought expensive seats to the nutcracker ballet as a Christmas gift because she mentioned how much she has always wanted to go.

But that's not the reason I've been struggling to sleep at night. Well partly anyway.

"Wait, let me guess. Memorizing some obscure textbook. No, no, no, no. Working on cold fusion. No, I got it. I got it. I got it. Watching star trek....and laughing at the physics mistakes." He gives me a smug smile.

"Actually, there aren't that many scientific errors in Star Trek. Especially considering how long ago it was made. There are certain improbabilities, but not that many outright errors." I explain watching his face fall.

"Right." Is all he says patting my chest before walking away.

"Hey Morgan...." I call after him, he turns around to face me again taking a sip of his coffee. "Uh, do you ever have dreams?"

"I'm sorry?"

"I guess uhh, nightmares would be a more accurate description."

He stands a bit straighter his confused expression turning concerned, "Is that what's keeping you up?" He questions me.

"I used to get them occasionally, but lately it's like I have them every night."

"What are they about?"

"This." I answer without hesitation. "What we do....about Daphne on the train." I quietly admit almost afraid to say it out loud. "Do you have nightmares?"

"Reid, I'm not sure if I'm the right person for you to talk to about this. In more ways than one." He tells me, my brows furrow confused. What would be his reasons for why he wouldn't be the right person to talk to?

"Why not?" I ask him, hoping he will give me a straight answer.

"It's just, uh....did you ask Gideon about it?"

I shake my head, "No."

"You should." Is all he says before Daphne walks up to us, her perfectly shaped eyebrows furrow in concern when she looks at us. 

"Hey, JJ is calling everyone to the round table everything okay?" She looks at Morgan, then at me.

"Fine. Everything is fine." I answer her quickly turning to walk away.

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