***CHAPTER 4***(Part 2)

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I sighed the breath out through my mouth. This was sooooo............


Barely two seconds later, I heard a gunshot. And the sound was not that of a Barretta. If it was not a baretta, that moment one thing.

It wasn't James' gun.




***CHAPTER 4***

Part 2.


She was beautiful.

Odd to say to a girl in a pullet proof vest and holding a gun pointed at you, but true, none the less.

I turned a corner, taking up the stance I was trained to back in Quantico.

She was a fox. She'd been that way back when she was a girl, but now as a woman- DAMN. She was one of the finest things I'd seen in my life. She smoked every other girl I'd ever seen. Positively SMOKED. That time I broke into her house, she stood in front of my in nothing but black lace. I figured I was just lucky that by the end of that night I wasn't charging my self for raping her. And I would have. I struggled not grabbing her around that tiny wasted, well toned, amazingly tanned, sexy little body of hers, throwing her on that bed, and taking her until we couldn't breath.

She was mine. I needed her. I'd seen her fight, and she was incredibl-


I reared back, arching my neck back. I'd been lost in my own thoughts. Opening my eyes wide in shock, I saw that I'd been his across the face with the butt of an R one rifle.

I attempted to bring up my gun, but t was stopped by a second pair of hands and thrown. My arms were twisted behind my back, and I was vulnerable. The masked man with the rifle turned and took aim. At the last moment, a second before he pulled the trigger, I kicked up. Sadly, he shot the bullet while the gun was on its way down. The pullet hit about four inches below my heart, and the bullet proof vest stopped the kill, but not the pain. I heard a crack and I knew I'd fractured a rib, great.

The breath got knocked out of me, and my legs slumped slightly. The man gripping my arms held me up higher, twisting my shoulder blades.

I he took careful aim, slower this time.

A moment before he pulled the trigger, I saw it. A tan hand shot out and wrapped in his hood. The fingers spreading across his forehead. The head was yanked back hard, and I heard the snap, surprised the head didn't snap clean off.

The body fell to the floor, and I saw her. My sexy vixen. She raised her gun, a pissed off look on that face of hers. I heard the shot, and felt the guy behind me slump. She'd just killed two people.

Why was I imagining her naked?








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