Lore Changes

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Lore Changes/Additions:


Leviathan is America's Diagon Alley. Though it is much more elaborate. Leviathan is a suspended and floating structure that is constantly moving around the entire country. Each major city and every magical community in America has a port key that transports the user straight to Leviathan's Central Station, which resembles Grand Central Station, though instead of platforms there are entry points for numerous port keys. Leviathan is made up of a number of streets and sections which are designed for specific magical aspects, including familiars, potions, and transfiguration. There are also restaurants, hotels, museums, and even a trackless roller coaster.


Harry Potter vampires can procreate, so that is a main lore change to TVD. (It's rare though, and usually seen with those with magical blood) Half-vampires that are born, are capable of using magic. Witches turned into vampires can't (except for the whole siphoner thing)


There are two types of werewolf that we see in the two fandoms and they are rather different. I was originally going to do this as two different types of werewolf, but I think I would like to do it as only one type and then add in a few lore aspects. 

All werewolves, including Greyback and Lupin, look like TVD werewolves when transformed. So they do appear to be wolf-like and not 'monster' wolf-life. 

There are two ways to become a werewolf, being born with lycanthropy; the genetic condition or being infected with werewolfry; the infectious condition. Though the bites from a genetic and an infectious wolf have the same result, the bite of a genetic werewolf has a higher success rate in changing a human into a werewolf in comparison to a bite from an infected werewolf. 

Both the genetic and infected carry venom that is fatal to vampires. 


Not going to change much, just a few things:

- Map:

I will be using the Hogwarts Legacy set up for Hogwarts and beyond. It's just a better visual than we get in the movies and it gives a better main common room design than the movies. Just in my opinion. I love the Hogwarts Legacy common room designs.

- Dorm Rooms/Suites:

I like the idea of a different set-up for the living quarters. Whilst there is the main common room (as designed in Legacy) that acts as the 'entrance' to the common room, each year has their own suite within their house.

They have the same suite for their entire Hogwarts stay so they can personalise them a lot more. There are seven suites and each suite is separated into girl and boy wings. These suites are also individually named.

Slytherin has Hydra, Runespoor, Gorgon, Basilisk, Jormungandar, and Leviathan.

Ravenclaw has Cassiopeia, Serpens, Cygnus, Cepheus, Pegasus, Aquila, and Lepus

Hufflepuff has Basalt, Dionite, Obsidian, Berberis, Aronia, Ulmus, and Magma

Gryffindor has Nindu, Zouwu, Kneazle, Matagot, Leopard, Lynx, and Tiger

The suite is an apartment-like dorm with two wings, two bathrooms (one for girls and one for the boys) and a central living space. Each wing has five bedrooms, each with a bed, wardrobe, bedside table, mirror, and desk. Students are free to decorate as they wish, as it will be their room for their full time at Hogwarts.

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