Triwizard Champion Notes

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The results of the initial vote I put up have come out in favour of there being 2 champions per school. 

Below are a few notes about changes therefore being made in response to that. 

- Also because there are two champions, Daisy won't be going to the Yule Ball with Cedric, so options are still open for that. I am going to throw in Draco (I initially wasn't going to consider this due to the whole no pairings at the Yule Ball ended up together, but considering that Daisy and Draco will eventually break up, even for a short time, it would still work). Still, I will leave it up to you guys.

New lore:

- There is to be one male and one female champion from each competing school. (Incorporating the fact that both 'rival' schools are co-ed)

- There will be no age limit enforced (which will change a few scenes but it's not really all that important, the outrage would come from Harry bypassing the champion limit)

Additional Champions:

Benoit Danadieu (16) (Beauxbatons) and Malyna Karkaroff (17) (Durmstrang)

Fourth Task:

I also have an idea to include a fourth task, because of the additional champions. I don't know if I am going to write it in or not yet, but I would love your opinion on it and whether you would like to see it included. 

It will basically be the wizarding equivalent of Capture the Flag and would be a team task, the only team task. 

Three teams of five, led by the two champions, who then can pick three students from their school. (Though I could do six teams of five with each champion getting to pick 4 team members)

- Harry, Daisy, and Cedric will be given the choice of Harry joining them or leading his own team. Cedric and Daisy will let him join their team. 

This is a task that shows leadership, tactical planning, defensive spells and teamwork. 

Each team is given a location in the Forbidden Forest that they are to 'defend' and are allowed to set up traps etc as long as they are not lethal. And they are given a 'flag' to hold. There are also a number of other 'flags' throughout the forest (and the different flags have different points assigned to them with the 'home flags' being worth the most). They can then decide to defend their flag, try to steal the other flags, find the smaller flags, or a mix of all of them. And will have to deal with anything else they come across whilst in there

Other 'Tasks':

I would like to include 'events' that allow the rest of the students to bond and spend time with the other schools, rather than it all being focused on the champions. Otherwise, it feels rather boring for the visiting schools. 

I was thinking of maybe a duelling competition, maybe a few friendly quidditch matches (instead of house teams, maybe a single Hogwarts team filled with their 'best' players, either chosen by the house heads, the team captains, or voted for by the students themselves), and maybe something like University Challenge. 

The Champions are allowed to compete in the Quidditch games and the 'University Challenge' style event as they are team events, however, they are not allowed to participate in the duelling competition. (A friendly duelling event for the champions is set up, where they are randomly assigned 3 v 3) 

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