Magic, Belongings, Trivia, and Quotes

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Unique Magical Abilities:

Siphoning: Daisy possesses the rare ability to absorb nearly all forms of magic from external sources in place of her lack of personal power. This is a side effect of touching Harry whilst a killing curse hit him.

- If she were to become a vampire, she would still be able to practice magic, because she could still be able to siphon magic from herself.

- She currently uses the Ring of Siphoning gifted to her in her first year to make up for her own lack of magic. Those around her aid her in keeping the ring powered.

- There is a strange side effect of this, in that she can't currently siphon from Harry. And whilst he is a Horcrux, Dumbledore theorises that it is because of the nature of how Harry came to be a Horcrux, that the protection that Lily's sacrifice afforded him and Daisy that she can't siphon magic from her twin brother. 

Metamorphmagus: Daisy is a metamorphmagus, which is the rare magical ability to change physical appearance through sheer will alone, without the need of Polyjuice Potion, or a spell, like most of the wizarding population. Metamorphmagi can take a wide variety of forms, changing gender and age, potentially looking like anyone at all, or even just changing a part of their appearance, such as the colour of their hair or the shape of their noses. The ability presents very early in life. Like many other types of magic, a Metamorphmagus' abilities are affected by their emotional state. The appearance at any moment would often reflect the emotion the person is feeling at the time. Strong emotions, such as shock or sadness, could affect their abilities to the point of having trouble using them at all. Daisy's emotional outlet is in the colour of her hair and she finds it harder to control the more emotional she is.

- Daisy must siphon enough magical energy to access her metamorphmagus abilities and must constantly fed it if she wishes to keep an appearance, otherwise once her magic runs out, she reverts back to her original appearance.

Parseltongue: It is unknown how exactly Daisy is a parselmouth, though there are theories. It could be genetic through some long-forgotten ancestor. It could be because of her close proximity to Voldemort and the killing curse. It could be because of her metamorphmagus ability, likely because she can transform into animals and therefore needs to be able to speak their languages. She has often been seen talking to Pickle, the family snake over the years, much to Magnolia's worry.

Pure Magic (HP magic): Daisy iscapable of using Pure Magic, an inherited trait from her parents, though she has to siphon magical energy first to access this part of her.Pure Magic is an incredibly powerful form of magic. Daisy attendedHogwarts to learn how to understand and wield this magic effectively,partaking in the elective classes of:

- Care of Magical Creatures

- Divination

- Study of Ancient Runes

- Traditional Magic (Theory andPractical)

- Apparition

- Dark Magic Theory (Black Magic,Expression, Necromancy, and Sacrificial)

- Note: Pure Magic, like AncientMagic, is a precursor magic to Traditional Magic and as such all PureMagic users are capable of using Traditional Magic to cast spells,but Traditional Magic users cannot use Pure Magic.


Wand: 12 inch. Ebony wood. Thunderbird Tail Feather. Unyielding. Her wand has a crystal inlaid into the top, this glows when she channels magic through it. Daisy can also siphon magic from the wand, but Dumbledore has warned that if she siphons too much, the wand will cease to work. He also theorists that it has something to do with the crystal more than the wand's wood and core. Olivander doesn't stock many crystal-topped wands, but it is clear he has thought of siphoners in his research and design. 

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