Chapter Four

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Daisy moves around her bedroom as she tidies up a little. She's not really one for mess in her private space. She likes to be organised. But she is currently sharing that personal space with Harry who does not share her standards. There are two almost fully packed trunks set up in Daisy's bedroom. Magnolia had taken them to Leviathan a few days ago to get their supplies for the year. It was just the three of them, no Elena or Jeremy or Grayson this time. Mostly because it was a school-slash-work day. So they are all set for the year. Including formal attire. Which was a new item added to their supply list. Even Magnolia was surprised by that one. But they got them anyway. Better to get them because they have been asked. Daisy drops Flying with the Cannons into Harry's trunk before she closes the top. She's been keeping on top of things because Harry likes to leave things lying around and she knows he'll forget something when they leave. The only things that haven't been packed are the things that they are using everyday. Goldfish meows from across the room, staring up at the closed bedroom window. She is wanting Daisy to open the window for her to climb out onto the roof of the porch below. Daisy sighs, Goldfish could easily go downstairs and out the back through the kitty door, but that's apparently far too much effort on her behalf. Daisy moves to where she is and then slides open the window. Daisy turns away from the window.

"Ouch," Daisy complains as something collides with the side of her head. She turns to find out what has just flown through her window and hit her. Above her, she spots the smallest owl she has ever seen. Small enough that it might actually fit into the palm of her hand. If she could catch it. It is flying around her bedroom as if it has a rocket strapped to it. She takes a step to try and catch it when she steps on an envelope. She glances down and cocks her head. The owl must have dropped it when it flew into her. Daisy picks it up and turns it over. "Oh" She states when she recognises Ron's messy handwriting on the front, the letter addressed to her and Harry. She glances at the owl who is still flying around. She is surprised that the owl still has so much energy considering how far it has flown to get here.


"Harry!" Daisy shouts down the stairs and he is quick when he hears her, rushing to the bottom of the stairs. He looks up at her, worried that there is something wrong, eyes scanning over her quickly to make sure she's okay. "Ron sent us a letter" She holds up the letter and Harry relaxes a little. Relieved that something isn't wrong. He starts up the stairs to join her.

"What does it say?"

"I don't know, I thought you would want to read it together" She answers as he reaches her. He nods in agreement. The two of them then sit at the top of the stairs as Mouse lands on the bannister at the bottom of the stairs with a letter clasped in his beak for Magnolia. Daisy gives Harry the letter and he opens it up, pulling out the letter from inside and unfolds the parchment for them both to read it.

'DAD GOT THE TICKETS – Ireland versus Bulgaria, Monday night. Mum's writing to Magnolia to ask if you can go with us. She might already have the letter. Thought I'd send this with Pig anyway. Neither of you can miss the World Cup,'

"Pig?" Harry asks Daisy who motions back towards her bedroom.

"The owl in my room" She admits and takes the letter from him to continue reading.

'Hermione's arriving this afternoon. Percy's started work – the Department of International Magical Co-operation. Don't mention anything about Abroad while you're here unless you want the pants bored off you. See you soon – Ron'

"So?" They both look down the stairs at Magnolia who holds her own letter which she waves a little. "Should I write back to Molly that you'll accept?" She teases a little, likely already knowing the answer that is going to come from the two of them. Harry nods and then glances at Daisy who is already smiling brightly at the prospect of going.


Pig is sleeping in Daisy's hand as she moves to set up a little nest for it to spend the rest of the day to sleep off its flight. It's unfair to ask the bird to fly all the way back so soon after arriving. Plus this gives them time to write out a response to Ron and a thank you for Arthur and Molly. Because they deserve one for reaching out to them with this invitation. They didn't have to invite them. To share these tickets with them. But they have. And it is a very generous gift from them. They deserve at least a letter saying thank you. She gently slides the owl from her hands and onto the pile of clothing, she's used for it. She doesn't exactly have a bird's nest lying around for such situations. She wonders why Ron thought to name it Pig. It's not a hideous-looking little thing. She shakes her head and then heads back out of her room to find Magnolia and Harry to discuss how things are going to work regarding the World Cup.

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