Chapter Two

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- Note: This is regarding technology, the issue is not a thing in this otherwise magic would likely not work in places like New Orleans and Mystic Falls. However, there are still rules in place at Hogwarts because more 'pureblood' wizards (the board) don't like 'muggle' technology so it is limited at Hogwarts (and likely the ministry too) and not often used by pureblood families who are raised away from technology. This is seen more with the likes of the Malfoys, and whilst the Weasleys are not technologically minded, Arthur has an interest in muggle tech so his family know some little things. Laptops and cellphones/mobile phones are allowed at Hogwarts, but not allowed in classes. And there are outlets in the dorms for things like hair dryers, straighteners, and chargers etc.


The day after Harry arrives in Mystic Falls, he and Daisy are celebrating their 14th birthday surrounded by family. Daisy is used to this. To her family celebrating with her. But Harry, this is new to Harry. Someone wanting to spend this day with him. Someone that is not going out of their way to ignore it. Harry is feeling a little overwhelmed. He glances at Daisy who sits at his side with a party hat on her head and she smiles at Elena who is adjusting the hat on Harry's head. He gives Daisy a look because the hat seems like a bit too much for 14-year-olds. Daisy doesn't think that. As long as Elena wants to put a hat on her head, she will allow it. But Harry doesn't even mean the look on his face. He is more than happy to allow Elena to put some brightly coloured novelty party hat onto his head. It's their birthday and Harry has people that want to celebrate it with him. There are banners, there is even a cake on the kitchen counter in the next room that features an enchanted broom decoration that is actually flying around the Quidditch posts on the cake. They got pretty lucky that both Harry and Daisy play and like Quidditch for that one. Grayson and Magnolia are busy in the kitchen sorting out breakfast. Zennia is sitting on the couch with a mug of coffee, she'd driven out early from college to spend the day with her family. Even gifted them both travel cups with straws and some bright succulent stickers. Jeremy is on the floor playing with Goldfish who lazily swats at the toy mouse thrust in his face. Harry lets out a shaky breath beside Daisy.

"You okay?" Daisy asks Harry who swallows the lump in his throat as he nods. His mind is trying to tell him that this is a dream. That this whole scene is something his own consciousness came up with. When he knows it to be real. He knows it is real. Four years and he still finds it hard to believe this is real sometimes. That he has this whole family and his friends and Hogwarts. "Here" She states and sets the box on his lap with a soft smile. He unwraps the box and reaches into the box beneath to fish out his gifts. There are two in the box. A Virginia Vultures flag and a bobble-head owl. Harry smiles as he gives the owl a shake. He didn't even know things like this existed. He prepared for this too and with Magnolia's help managed to get a gift for Daisy. He initially struggled because he hadn't really had to think about gifts before. But he wanted to get it right. Daisy is his twin sister, and their shared birthday is important. Especially this one. He got her a collar for Goldfish that is black and yellow and has a sparkly yellow-orange stone charm hanging from it along with a name tag, a jellyfish novelty fairy light, and a new quill and ink set with a pink and white feather and strawberry scented ink-pot. He knows she loved the quill set he got her last Christmas and then was sad when she ran out during their exams. "I also have some tokens for the roller coaster on Leviathan, but I didn't wrap them...." She offers with a small shrug.

"I've never been on a roller coaster" Harry admits.

"Me neither" Daisy assures him. Harry looks at her surprised. She gives him a smile and nods a little. Reassuring him that it is something that they will do together. "It'll be fun" She promises reaching up to adjust his hat. "Or we will both puke and it will be totally gross" Harry laughs a little and nods in agreement. That will likely be what actually happens.


In the shed, Daisy sets a party hat on Pickle's head and smiles as she sits across from him. Every year, without fail, she will be here as long as he is. Because he is her best friend and she has shared this day with him for as long as she can remember. She doesn't want him to feel like Harry being here changes their relationship, or that Harry being here means she is going to neglect him.


As the day ends, Harry chuckles at the bobble-head owl as he sets it onto Daisy's dresser along with his new cup from Zennia. Everything he got this year, he loved. Which probably says a lot really when every other birthday gift has been from Vernon and Petunia. Not that any of the gifts he got this year were bad. They were all great and more than he even thought about getting from them. He wasn't expecting anything at all. He glances over at his sister as Daisy sets a bowl of popcorn onto the floor near her bed along with a few packs of candy before she grabs a DVD case from the side.

"Is Dawn of the Dead okay with you?" She asks, showing Harry the case, he gives her a look because zombies really are her thing and not really his. But after everything he's gotten from her and her side of the family today, he is more than willing to sit through a mediocre zombie movie.

"What were you and Zennia talking about before?" He asks her, Daisy snorts.

"She keeps saying she wants to change her name" Daisy comments as she slides a DVD into the player next to her television.

"Oh, what to?" Harry asks slipping off his shoes as he makes a comfortable space on the floor for them to watch a movie.

"Jenna" Daisy draws out as she shuts the tray and grabs the remote. "I mean....I like it, but I like Zennia more"

"But what about her?" Harry counters. "What does she think?"

"She doesn't think it is very professional" Daisy answers as she plops down next to him, turning on the television with her remote. "She thinks Jenna Evans is more fitting"

"I like Zennia too, but maybe she's right" Harry defends a little. "In the muggle world anyway" Harry continues seeing the look Daisy gives him. "We don't know because we have...'normal' names. It's her name, she can do what she wants with it...."

"Traitor" She teases softly.

"Hey, if I was named something like...Hyacinthus..I would change it to Harry" He argues and shrugs. Daisy stares at him a moment before laughing.

"Hyacinthus?" She asks him, he shrugs a little.

"You're all flowers, right? I struggled" He admits and she smiles at him, fighting the urge to laugh. It's adorable that he tried. "Play the movie" He nudges her and she turns towards the television and presses play. He isn't wrong about their names. All the females of her maternal line are named after flowers. Daisy's never thought about it before but they are, even Elena is a type of lily. "Thank you, Daze" Harry comments, watching his sister. Daisy hums a little and glances at him.

"For what?" She asks. He shrugs and smiles at her.

"Everything" He answers and she frowns at him. Not understand. But to him, all of this, the way that she is with him, the way her family is with him. This is the family he should have had, and whilst he didn't, he has it now, and it is better late than never.

"Harry" She whispers and gives him a soft look. "I'm your family" She assures him. "You never have to thank me for anything" He lets out a breath, that line that Magnolia had told him yesterday in the early hours now being voiced by Daisy. It is clearly a trait taught to the children. That family does things for each other without expecting a reward. They do it because they are family and they love one another and they think that it is just something they do for one another. Harry is so unused to family being this way but he is finding that he likes it. That he is grateful for it now. He is really grateful for this side of his family.

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