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Q: Do you guys think that a metamorphmagus could transform their body to the point that they become invisible or at least maybe camouflaged? Also, where do you guys stand on them being able to transform into animals? Basically, how close to Mystique do you guys think their abilities actually are? (I did look it up online but no one seems to have a definitive answer)


Daisy sits on the couch, staring at the clock on the wall as it ticks away. It's 2 in the morning and she doesn't care. No matter how tired she is. She is staying up. Grayson touches her head as he passes her. He too is waiting. He sits in the armchair nearby and hides a yawn into his hand. Elena and Jeremy have long since crashed and gone to bed, it is only Grayson and Daisy that are awake now and Daisy is struggling to stay awake. She didn't sleep very well the night before either, too excited for this. For today. It is something she has been waiting for for three years now. Harry is coming to visit. To spend some time with this side of the family. The good side of the family. The front door starts to open and Daisy snaps her head around to check that she is hearing it right. She is. Daisy is moving before she has even made sure that it is Harry who is walking through the door. She's lucky. It is. Harry smiles and embraces Daisy as she falls into him in her haste to greet him, tripping over the welcome matt in her rush. She chuckles though, hugging him tightly. Harry sort of sinks into her embrace. When he is with the Dudleys, he almost forgets what it is like. What it is like to have a sister that loves him. To have family that loves him. Because it is not just Daisy. It is Magnolia. It is Grayson. It is even Zennia, Elena and Jeremy. Who have barely spent any time with him. It seems all they needed to know was that he was family and that was all that mattered. This is his first time in the States, the first time at the Gilbert house. Because he's finally been allowed to come and stay with the Gilbert side of the family. It's taken them three years, but Magnolia must have annoyed Dumbledore enough or Petunia enough to get it done. But this year they can actually celebrate their birthday together. For the first time since their first birthday. If they had been born earlier in the year, then they could have celebrated at school, but alas, their birthday falls in the summer holidays and they live so far apart during that time. It has been completely unfair to them. Them being separated has been completely unfair to them and it is something that Magnolia will never forgive Dumbledore for. Grayson moves towards the two of them when Daisy manages to pull back from Harry as Magnolia closes the front door behind her.

"I already made up a camp bed in Daisy's room, I hope that's okay for you?" Grayson asks Harry who nods, immediately. He would have been happy with the couch or the floor. He is just happy that he is away from the Dursleys for a while and that he gets to spend time with Daisy outside of school.

"Yes," Harry assures him. "That's great...thank you" Harry is just happy that he's being asked for his opinion on where he wants to sleep. But he wants to stay with Daisy. He wants to spend time with her when they are not running between classes or hunched over homework or fighting for their lives. The next few weeks are just about him and Daisy. "I haven't slept" Harry offers. "I knew the time difference would..." He nods a little. Magnolia touches his head, stroking his hair slightly. Harry's learnt this about Magnolia. That she is more affectionate with him than anyone has ever been with him. She's willing to hug and comfort the children around her. She's always hugged him upon greeting. And always gives him a ruffle of hair and a soft smile. He's never really experienced that from the people.

"Then you are probably exhausted" Magnolia comments. "Daisy Chain" She turns to her daughter. "Why don't you two head on up....?" She asks and Daisy nods a little.

"Okay," She agrees and turns to Harry. "This way" She offers and then heads towards the stairs. Harry pauses a little and then turns to Magnolia and Grayson.

"Urm thank you" Harry tells the two of them. "For letting me....stay"

"We're your family" Magnolia assures him. "You never have to thank us for anything" She then shrugs a little with a soft smile. As if inviting him here is nothing. It is not nothing to Harry. Or to Daisy. Him being here means everything to both of them.

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