-[Chapter Two]-

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The following day, Jaune dressed in his collared plain white shirt, a black tie neatly knotted at his throat, and a pair of blue jeans.

He sought his sister Azure's opinion, who inspected him with a critical eye before delivering a nonchalant verdict of decent. Despite a momentary glare, Jaune chuckled at her casual assessment.

Their mother, beaming with pride, couldn't contain her excitement. "Look at that, my son finally getting a job!"

She exclaimed, her joy palpable. Jaune protested with a playful whine, prompting laughter from his mother as she straightened his tie.

With a hint of concern in her voice, she broached the topic of Jaune's departure from Vale.

"Jaune, are you sure you want to leave? There's a new apartment down the road if you..." Her suggestion trailed off as Jaune shot her a sidelong glance, prompting a resigned sigh from her.

"Is that your final decision?" she inquired softly, her maternal concern evident in her tone. Jaune nodded resolutely, his mind already made up despite any lingering doubts.

"Sure thing," Azure leaned in, her voice low and serious. "Listen, when you're in there, keep your cool, stay focused, and whatever you do, do not touch anything in his lab."

Jaune nodded, a hint of nervousness flickering across his face. "Got it, I won't mess this up." With a reassuring smile, Azure patted his shoulder. "Good, now let's go!"

"You head down for a moment, I need to adjust something!" Azure raised a brow but didn't question and just leaves the room,

Jaune, now finally alone, he had time to put the envelope into his pocket, a transcript made by his own hands with research and with his father's, he forged himself a document that seems believable and now all he needs to do is to transfer it to the post office but first,

His adjust himself one final time and gave a wink at his reflection, "Looking good, Jauney-Boy!" He compliments himself and exuts from his room and down to the entrance of his home, "Bye Mom! Bye Dad!" He waved a goodbye and leaves the house with his sister, Azure, by his side.

Minutes passed and Jaune is in front of the door, Azure gave him the run down that his only volunteering but he is getting paid which is a good thing,

With a goodbye, his sister left and Jaune is now facing the door, the building is quite new and for too modern than the whole town,

Sure, the building are getting upgrading but the place his in was far too out of sight from the town,

He shakes his nerves and knocks on the door,

Behind the door, Arthur Watts was engrossed in his work, meticulously crafting a new hacking software for the next phase of the plan.

The rhythmic pounding on the door interrupted his concentration, but he composed himself, expecting it to be Azure Arc, his begrudging assistant.

With a sigh, he straightened his posture and adjusted his appearance before opening the door, only to be greeted by a young man instead of Azure.

"Ah, I see Azure changed her mind," he remarked, studying the newcomer.

The blonde man stammered nervously, introducing himself as Jaune Arc. Watts raised an eyebrow at the mention of Jaune's sister.

"So, you're here to lend a hand instead?" he inquired, more out of curiosity than annoyance.

Jaune nodded eagerly. "Yeah, Azure had other plans, so I thought I'd step in. I mean, why not, right?"

Watts regarded Jaune with a hint of amusement. "Very well then, Jaune Arc. Let's see what you can do."

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