-[Chapter Three]-

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A shattered glass scattered all over the floor as an angry faunus muttered angirly at it, "That boy.." He cackled maniacally, "I should've killed him." He muttered, "I should've killed him.." He repeats,

He threw another vase at the wall, "Enough of that!" Shouted Doctor Watts, Tyrian hissed but he did not flinch, "What do you expect me to do? The boy didn't show any signs of aura!" Tyrian growled as Hazel stood by, arms crossed eyes staring at the floor, "He hasn't and yet he lives." He uncross his arms,

"That boy would have been dead in matter of seconds any time we hit him and yet he hasn't fallen." This brought the thought of Doctor Watts who hunmed in fascination, "Who cares?! That boy should be killed if he continues to wreck my damn hunt!" Hazel scoffs at his attitude,

"Mad about missing a kill? Will do that when Leonardo handed us the list." Another glass shattered, "I don't care about that!" He hissed, "The Goddess will be dissapointed in me! That I have failed!" His voice trembled at the thought of her goddess, failure is not an exception to the inner circle,

Doctor Watts rolled his eyes at his childish attitude, "Ridiculous absolutely ridiculous!" He muttered as he rub his temple in frustration, "And what do we have here?" They all look and sees the Seer floating infront of them,

"My Queen!" Bowed the loyal Faunus as two men stood wondering why she's calling them unnoticed, "Enough with the grovel, I have seen what I don't want to see." Tyran look up in horror realizing how childish he must have acted about the failure,

"We will kill the targets! I swear to it!" He stood up, hands clasp together in sense of plea but the Seer raised one of its tentacles to silence him, "This boy you speak off, the one that Doctor Watts hired. What trouble did you receive from him?" This time Hazel took on the stage,

"The boy was weak, frail and lack of the capability of fighting." Salem raises a brow, "And how did he defeat you so easily?"

"He did not. It was struggle for him to fight and yet he did somethings – He spoke of a word 'Halt' immediately I was frozen in place and he took his chance to harm me." The Doctor snorted but kept his amusement within although he didn't avoid the glare of the giant man,

"A command? What else is there?" Hazel thought of the creature that the boy somehow have, "He has a companion, a horse of some kind but not just that, it has wings." He finished his report as he sees Salem's brows raised in surprise?

"Was the horse have wings with a white coat with golden feathers at the tip?" It was a quick question that Hazel was surprise on how accurate she described the creature, "Y-Yes." He stuttered,

"A Pegasus." She muttered but it was clear that she already know what that creature is, "You know about it?" Salem ignored his question and straightened herself, "I want you to bring me the boy. I wanted to know if my suspicion is true." Everyone in the room now looks confused but they did not question except Tyran but he kept his mouth shut,

Doctor Watts says that he'll retrieve the boy in the afternoon but for now they wait,

Jaune Arc stirred from his sleep, the murmur of voices pulling him from the depths of slumber. With a groan, he peeled his heavy eyelids open, struggling against the weight of exhaustion.

"Jaune!" A sudden embrace enveloped him, arms wrapping around his form in a desperate hold. "M-Mom!" His voice cracked with surprise as he blinked away the remnants of sleep.

"Oh, thank the Gods!" Her words were a whispered prayer of relief, the tremble in her voice betraying the fear she had harbored until this moment.

Slowly, she released him, her hands lingering on his shoulders as if to reassure herself of his presence. "You're alright! Both you and your father."

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