-[Chapter Four]-

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After he thought of a lie, he spoke of his parents that he wanted to leave tomorrow to head to Vale,

His Mother and Father was surprise by the sudden decision and they wonder if there is something off by it but Jaune assured them that it was something he had in mind for quite awhile even though his real reasons is that he wanted to go to Beacon.

Well now his real reason is that his being kidnapped – Okay, is it actually kidnapping when you suddenly agree on something that you also can't deny from it? Is it? Maybe it is.

His parents agreed on his final decision not knowing that his entering into the lion's den,

He heads up to his room and with the help of sisters, he pack a few things for tomorrow.

He then notice the Crocea Mors hunged up over his bed, "Ah, you saw that?" His Father climb into his room, "Y-Yeah? I thought your gonna put it back in the basement – After, you know. What happen last night?" His Father chuckled dryly at the thought of the memory,

"I know, but I don't let that memory stops me from putting up our Family's heirloom up here." He patted him on the shoulder, "Look, I'm proud of you, but.." His Father paused trying to think of the right words,

"I just want to let you know!" He inhaled not knowing how his son to react, "If things go south you still have a place at home to return to, okay?" He smiled, Jaune smiled as well even if it seems force it felt quite genuine seeing his Father still wanting to stay home,

He gave him a hug, "Sure thing, Dad." They embrace for a moment until his Father concluded that they should celebrate his departure and they did – even if his departure is something less excitable that they thought he still enjoy a few moments with his family despite the lingering feeling of fear welled up inside him.

The very next day, Jaune groaned at the sound of his alarm clock, he looks up at the text that suddenly appeared infront of him,

[You have gained a Long Rest]

The text didn't bother him but what does bother him is that today is the day he leaves home and not in a good way mind you.

Jaune gets up from bed, grabbing his clothes and a towel and heads down to the bathroom – Thankfully it isn't full of his sisters bantering about make up or stuff,

He took a short shower and heads back up to his room to grab his things,

He heads back down ready to leave until a hug from his younger sister Lilac came out of nowhere, "Ah! Lilac!" Lilac looks up at his older brother, her eyes already tearing up, he felt a little guilty that he has to leave home so early, "Lilac, I'll be fine." She sniff, "Promise me you'll come back?" He nodded, "Sure." He doubt that he'll ever come back home knowing where his destination is.

"Now, now." His Mother crawled in and gave Jaune a hug and a kiss on the forehead, "Goodluck out there! Oh here!" She hands him a wallet full of Lien – Sure, he has his own thanks to Doctor Watts but still his Mother still gives him money even though he has one already,

"Gee Mom, you don't have to!" But she insist, "Just don't spend it on something stupid alright?" He laugh nervously, "Yep!" He walks out of the house giving his Mother and sisters one last hug.

His Father came forth and asked if he should join him, a walk and talk in a way, Jaune immediately agreed wanting to at least spends his days with his family while he can before he leaves,

They walk through town and spoke about his future at Vale, Jaune continues to lie through his teeth of how excited for his new life is gonna be and he might have a chance to hang out with Saphron when he gets to Argus,

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