-[Chapter Five]-

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Doctor Watts stepped forward off the ship, accompanied by Tyrian and Hazel.

The trio entered the benevolent castle, summoned to a meeting.

Cinder's absence was conspicuous, prompting annoyance from the Doctor as he voiced his frustration at her nonattendance.

But she gave her reasoning despite the Doctor's dissapointment,

They entered the conference room and took their designated seats, ready to discuss the reports of their accomplishments once Salem arrived.

Time dragged on, and Hazel questioned on why Salem hasn't arrived while Tyrian fretted over her absence, Doctor Watts, however, remained composed, merely curious about the delay.

At last, the door creaked open, revealing Salem, the commanding figure they always followed.

As she walked in, accompanied by a mysterious figure in gleaming white and golden armor, adorned with a striking insignia on his chest, they all rose from their seats in respect.

The figure remained silent, his face concealed by his helmet, wielding a shield with a sword strapped to his hip.

Without casting them a glance, he followed Salem, exuding an aura of authority as he moved behind her.

Salem seated herself on her throne, with the mysterious figure standing silently by her side. The room remained eerily quiet until Salem broke the silence.

"Doctor Watts, have you completed the virus?" she inquired, gesturing for them to sit down, except Doctor Watts, who remained standing. With pride, he declared, "Yes, I have! I'll deliver it to Cinder tonight." His annoyance at mentioning Cinder was palpable.

Salem dismissed the need for Doctor Watts to deliver the virus personally, instead assigning the task to her Everknight.

The Knight approached Doctor Watts, who was startled by his sudden presence but maintained his composure. "Do you have the virus, Doctor Watts?" Salem's voice carried weight.

"Yes, of course," he stammered, handing the coded scroll to the Everknight.

Across the table, Hazel couldn't hide his sadness at the sight of the Knight, knowing who lay beneath the helmet.

The Everknight accepted the scroll and returned to his position. "Years of preparation, planning, and timing our strikes. The Vytal Festival approaches, and our enemies will soon kneel before us." Salem proclaimed. Though no one cheered, pride flickered across their faces.

"Hazel, inform Cinder of the Everknight's arrival." Salem commanded. Hazel complied, his sympathy for the Knight evident in his gaze, though he maintained a stoic expression.

The meeting has ended quickly with there patience growing thin, awaiting for the plan to fulfill,

Each of them left the room although they wonder of the Everknight's role they all know who is under that prestigious armor,

The door closed behind them and within the conference room, Jaune sighed in relief, "You did well, child." He smiled under his helmet, "Y-Yeah I guess I did!" Although its been months of him training for the upcoming Festival, Jaune is still a young adult,

"You will be leaving tonight as I have already told you about Cinder and our plans correct?" He nodded but underneath his helmet, he feels nervous, finally his heading to Vale.

Yes, he is doing something malicious but Jaune wanted to avoid that as much as possible but knowing the people around him, he had doubts that his going to ignore some kind of bloodshed.

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