-[Chapter Eight]-

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Pyrrha felt a wave of relief as Ren escorted Scarben out of the room, leaving her and Nora alone.

Nora couldn't help but notice Pyrrha's cheerful demeanor as she changed. "You seem unusually chipper today." She remarked, slipping into her uniform.

Pyrrha blushed, her happiness bubbling over. "Last night was just wonderful.." She confessed, giggling.

Nora's eyes lit up with curiosity. "Oh la la! Someone had a good time! Did you go on a date?" She teased, her voice echoing through the room.

Suddenly, Scarben's voice pierced the air from outside the door, causing Pyrrha to freeze. Ren's stern warning kept him at bay.

Returning to their conversation, Pyrrha attempted to deflect. "Nora, please.." She pleaded.

But Nora persisted, her laughter contagious. "Come on, spill the beans! Was it a date?"

Pyrrha sighed, admitting, "He was just giving me company, unlike Scarben."

Nora's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Was he cute?" she asked eagerly.

Pyrrha shook her head. "I couldn't see his face under the helmet.." She confessed.

Nora's eyes widened in realization. "Wait, he wears a helmet? You went out with the Knight, didn't you?" She exclaimed, pointing an accusatory finger.

Blushing furiously, Pyrrha tried to defend herself. "Well, yes, but..! It was just a chance encounter because of Scarben," she explained.

"But was he like a real Knight in shining armor? Did he have a horse?" Nora pressed, her imagination running wild.

Pyrrha chuckled at Nora's antics. "Yes, he did seem like something out of a fairy tale," she admitted, indulging her friend's whimsical questions.

"That's so cool!" Nora cheered as both girls exited their room.

"Yes, he is." Pyrrha smiled, her enthusiasm overshadowed by the presence of Scarben.

Their lively chatter came to an abrupt halt as Scarben appeared, his annoyance palpable until his gaze landed on Pyrrha, to which he responded with a suggestive wink. Pyrrha rolled her eyes and chose to ignore him, focusing instead on the task at hand.

As Pyrrha began to walk, Scarben lingered, his eyes trailing down their skirts. Sensing his inappropriate stare, Pyrrha stopped abruptly, causing Scarben to collide with her and stumble backward, landing on his backside.

"Scarben." Pyrrha's voice was tinged with irritation as she addressed him, then she turned to Nora with a determined expression, "Nora, if he ever walk behind us again, make sure to break his legs."

Nora's grin widened mischievously, "Consider it done, Fearless Leader!"

Ren gave a subtle nod, his expression unreadable as he glanced at Scarben.

"I told you she'd have her limits." he remarked before following Pyrrha and Nora as they walked away, leaving Scarben to collect himself.

A week had passed for Jaune since his mission at Mount Glenn, and now he found himself strolling through the streets of Vale.

The remnants of the once thriving city lay in ruins, a grim reminder of the constant threat of the Grimm.

Jaune couldn't help but feel frustrated by the constant bickering between Roman and Adam during his missions.

"Should I get a haircut?" Jaune mused, running a hand through his long hair. Despite considering it, he decided against it, feeling that his long hair suited his style, even if it didn't exactly match his looks.

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