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I mean no offense, but I really like "Legend of the Guardians" trailer with "Transformers: Prime."
Legend tells of a band of noble robotic warriors, known as the Guardians of Cybertron. A noble order of warriors whose members represented the different factions and led by a single Prime of Cybertron. Whenever trouble is in hand, seek them out, for they are sworn to protect the innocent and defeat the evil ways. Under their protection, the residents of Cybertron lives together in harmony on their great planet.
It was a peaceful planet and much like Earth, where it's people lived their days working, playing, and thriving. From the Cybertronians in the cities to the Cybertronians in the arena for Gladiators. Every day they went through their lives, some of them not caring for every day in and day out.
Those in the High Ranks cared only for themselves and their own entertainment. They did not care for the weak, to them, it was those who had the most credits, their currency, and the High-Grade Energon. They would laugh at the homeless of their kind who did not of the pleasure of Energon in their system when they needed it. They would look at those with homes, normal folk, and see them as beneath them, as they were not like them at all.
Nothing was done to protect the beings who needed it, all because their lives were controlled by those in the higher rank. In the past, those in the high rank protected those lower in rank than themselves, but now, they have forgotten and those mechs and femmes in the lower rank suffered.
But the High Council controlled Cybertron ever since the last Prime died.
The High Council, a group who cared only for their own beliefs, believing the needs of the many outways the needs of the few. They believed that this was a good thing, that this was the life for all as well. No one dared fight and question the beliefs of the High Council. Those who did ended up dead before the day ended. Some even went missing, never to be seen again.
Cybertron was a peaceful planet, but at the cost of its own people, who had no choice but to live every day. Peaceful, but at the cost of the blood of their own and the forced servitude in the lower rank. But those brave few rose up and challenge the High Council. The High Council tried to stuff them out, but the few grew and grew in numbers soon becoming an army that challenged the High Council and those of High Rank.
Some of the High Ranks joined the few, believing that the never ending suffering would spell their own doom. That others if the High Rank had forgotten what it meant to be at such a rank, that they had to protect their own. The few wanted the System of Ranks destroyed, so everyone could live without being under someone else control.
The High Council refused and refused, not caring in the slightest about those who suffered under their rule.

Then, two Cybertronians who saw each other as each other's brothers, a Gladiator named Megatron and a Data Clerk under the wing of Alpha Trion, named Orion Pax came forward, with many behind them to make their point known.
Megatron wanted to used brute force, telling the High Council that if they didn't remove the System of Ranks, then he force them to, with the army backing up. Threaten to be beaten into submission, the High Council gave their own threat of removing Megatron himself with the new Prime chosen by the High Council backing them up. Angered, Megatron threatened war if he wasn't made Prime, so he could remove the System of Ranks, angering the High Council even more.
However, Orion only saw more violence and more never-ending pain. Stepping forward, Orion reminded everyone about the early stages of Cybertron, where violence was the only thing and no one saw eye to eye. That a few from different sides came together to stop the fighting. He told the High Council that they were heading down the same path and that they needed to stop. Orion believed that using violence to end violence would only create more, that words can be used instead of actions in this situation. Alpha Trion was proud of his student from the way he stood up to the High Council from where he stood at his side.
But during the council meeting, Orion who was there at that time was chosen by the council to be the next Prime. The few were delighted. Finally, their time of suffering was at an end. No more fighting for their lives every day. They could finally live!
But Megatron was deeply angered. He felt betrayed. Driven by betrayal, jealousy and rage, and that the so-called Golden Age of Cybertron would end, he left his former brother and the young warlord who was once a gladiator cut ties between him. Those who chose to follow Megatron followed him, but others chose to stay with Orion.
Days passed and Megatron and his followers didn't show their faces. Then one day, Megatron appeared, claiming to be the leader of his own fraction, the Decepticons with symbols of their own. The Decepticons attacked and waged war, killing members of the High Council before some managed to escape along with Sentinal.
Decepticons outnumbered Orion and all those who followed him, but after the first day, Orion went alone to speak to Megatron, hoping to stop him. But Megatron wouldn't be swayed and Orion saw that there was nothing that he could say that would get him to stop. Orion escaped Megatron, but was ignored. While he was being patched up, Orion realized that they had to fight back.
So, he created his own fraction, the Autobots and their own symbol. While finding a cure to remove the poison, the young data clerk has stumbled upon the very core of the planet and the very heart of their creator. The very being bestowed a very special gift upon the young one and he became the very herald and the last of his kind. With the power and wisdom entrusted to him, the young data clerk, now a leader, countered with his faction against the opposing side until they were forced to leave the planet.
Led by the new Prime, the Autobots never lost hope, even when their planet started dying from the war. The Autobots battled against the Decepticons in a war repeating their history.
During the search for refuge, he and a small team stumbled upon a world known as Earth and discovered that it was rich with their lifeblood. The era of the planet is around the early 21st century and a very primitive time. During that time, the young leader and the small team stayed hidden to keep from the eyes of the locals.
But wars can take different routes, different twists, and different turns that could help either side. No one could have imagined the war having a path that would benefit it. But sometimes, those paths had things in its way, blocking the crossing as you continue going down. And that was gonna happen in the war against the Decepticons and Autobots.

Transformers Prime: Legend of the Warriors (Slow Editing) Where stories live. Discover now