Chapter Four: The Protector & The Wrecker

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It was an early day of the weekend. The sound of the engine of a blue and yellow highlighted 07 ZX motorcycle can be heard as its rider was driving on a moderate half speed to their destination. The figure looked up as her eyes glowed a dim green. She was really hoping that she would finally get some peace and quiet from the life of the city. The person on the motorcycle who was driving on it was Emily Hope. She's close friends with Jack, Sasha, Miko, and Raf ever since she first moved to Jasper a year ago.
Emily narrowed her eyes in concentration as the feeling of adrenaline flows through her form unaware that she was being watched by a purple Mustang police car with a symbol on the metal guards of the front of it.
"Barricade to base. I found the match of the signature. And it looks like it's coming from a human," Barricade informed through the comm link while watching the motorcycle rider.
"A human? Are you certain, Barricade?"
"I am. Proceed to chase and capture?" Barricade asked.
"Yes. Capture and bring it to base now, Barricade."
Barricade smiled before he ignited his engine and jumped in front of the biker, but the driver felt a surge of energy from the car when it landed in front of her and she didn't like it instantly and quickly made a U-turn and quickly made a mad ride to get away as the car started to chase her.
"I guess with all those robots, we didn't really have time for introductions with them," said Raf.
"The 'Cons, or whatever they call themselves sure knows how to leave behind a few parting gifts, that's for sure." Sasha shrugged, but she still remembered her incident with them and flinched when she felt a jolt of pain from her left arm.
"They were the ones who did that to your arm, didn't they?" Jack asked.
Sasha realized he was looking down at the bandage that was wrapped around the top of her shoulder and the bandage on her arm as well as the one marked on her right eyebrow. Sasha closed her eyes and let out a quiet sigh, but she still didn't say anything and her expression was very hard to read.
"What happened to it?" Raf asked tentatively.
"Well, I might as well tell you the whole story. It all started when I came across these robots when I was dirt biking in the woods," Sasha explained to the two boys. "I was riding down a path when I suddenly saw a big crater up ahead. I was going too fast to stop, so I kicked the bike out from under me and slid down the side of the crater. That's when I noticed a bunch of the purple bots fighting a red bot. It wasn't going too well for the red bot. He was outnumbered and needed a distraction, so I got its attention and threw a rock at it, which wedged itself into where the heart of the bot should have been, causing it to explode."
"Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on!" Raf stopped Sasha, his eyes wide. "You see this giant metal robot getting attacked by a bunch of other robots and instead of running away, you threw a rock at one of them!?"
"Yes, I did." Sasha's eyes shone with the memory that's still fresh in her mind. "As I was saying, when I threw the rock, all of the purple bots started chasing me and shooting. Since my dirt bike was at the top of the crater, I tried to climb on the rocks, but it was too steep for me. The purple bots were coming for me, so I started running around the edge of the crater, but one of those blasted bots had got a lucky shot and hit me on my shoulder. The impact knocked me to the ground and the bot that shot at me caught up to me. He pointed his gun at me and would have finished me off if it weren't for the red bot. He came in and tackled the purple bot out of the way, then started beating it up. Now, I was hit pretty hard, but I will never forget when he picked me up and then sort of transformed around me. I don't know how, but he turned into this Dodge Challenger and I was sitting in the passenger seat, or, guess the body of the robot. Anyway, I—"
"The robot picked you up and transformed into a car around you?" Jack asked, incredulously.
"Yes!" Sasha responded, a little frustrated at the interruptions. "Like I was saying, I began to hear voices coming from the car's radio. I think the red bot knew who they belonged to because he was talking with them. As I was listening to the conversation I learned that the robots that were shooting at me are called Decepticons. So, the red bot was driving through the forest when this gray bot had appeared out of nowhere and he slammed on his brakes. Then, he transformed again and I was sitting in his hand while the new robot started shooting at us. Apparently, it was my day for near death experiences because the gray bot shot at the red bot's arm and I was sent flying to the ground, landing near the gray bot." Sasha had paused to take a big breath of air and then continued with her story. "So, the gray bot had trapped me with his claws. All of a sudden someone had yelled Cliff, which I guess is a nickname for the red bot, and all these other bots came out of nowhere with their guns loaded. But of course, they didn't want to risk hurting me if they missed the robot. I knew I had to act quickly. I waited for the moment and then... BANG!" The two boys jumped in place when they heard Sasha's voice being raised slightly, though Jack thought he had saw a proud glimmer in Sasha's eyes. "I hit that idiot in the optic and ran away from that creep. But I decided to stay behind to watch these other bots trashed the creep and his team before I took off."
"You hit him in the optic!? That's awesome!" Raf pumped his fist in the air.
Sasha just looked at him with a mix of amusement and annoyance. "Thank you, but can you please let me finish?"
Raf dropped his hands in his lap and looked at Sasha sheepishly. She rolled her eyes in slight amusement and continued. "So, I rode as fast as I can back to my house. I was totally freaked out every time I heard a car. By the time I got home, the adrenaline rushed I had wore down, and I pretty much took care of my injuries and collapsed onto my bed. And then there was the whole thing with meeting you guys. So, now here we are." As Sasha finished her story, she can't help, but chuckled at the reactions of the two boys. Raf's eyes are the size of saucers and his mouth hangs open while Jack looked both concerned and terrified.
Emily glanced at her side mirrors and increased the speed of her motorcycle. She passed by an eating area where Jack and their friends (except Miko, she gotten grounded again for her pranks at school) were eating at, but the trio took notice that a 'Con cop was chasing the motorcycle rider.
"Uh oh." Raf cringed at the familiar sight of the 'Con.
Jack facepalmed, remembering the accidental incident yesterday. "Not again."
"Oh boy," said Sasha, flinching at the sight while instinctively placing a hand on her bandaged shoulder that ends at her elbow. "We better help her."
At that, the trio rode after the 'Con cop and Emily on their bikes, after the unknown 'Con cop. It didn't take long for Miko secretly getting out of her grounding and joined her friends by her bike too. They all gave chase to the target and will have to get her away before Barricade gets to her. They soon arrived to a wide, grassy before Barricade had enough of the chase and fired a shot on the back tire of her bike and caused her to be thrown off her bike.
She tumbled on the desert floor as her helmet was thrown off. She let out a groan as her vision became blurry, but her eyes were able to see properly as the car chasing her stopped a few meters from her.
"Emily!" Jack's worried voice could be heard on the wind.
"What the heck do you want?! If it's money, I don't have any!" Emily yelled in annoyance and slight fear.
But something in her was telling her to run and hide. But before she could even find cover, the car transformed into what looked like a robot and she felt fear gripped her heart. Just what the heck happened?!
"Hm, a human that has an Energon signature? That's new. But I'm sure Lord Megatron will make use of you," Barricade stated, but the name of the leader he told her sent dreadful fear into her heart.
Just as Barricade was about to reach out and grab her, something hit his helm causing him to turn around slightly. He growled and looked to where it was as the girl looked towards the same direction. He was quickly shocked to see four more kids running past him, while stopping in front of the brown-haired girl.
The two of them continued to shuffle back; both Raf and Emily were looking nervous of the situation. The latter, Sasha couldn't blame. She had a rather hasty encounter with the 'Con cop and was chased by him for some reason. Sasha learned that Jack and Raf had gotten themselves into a similar incident on the same day that she helped "Cliffjumper." She was about to hear their story when they saw Emily zooming past them with another 'Con hot on her trail.
But Jack stood tall and firm. And Sasha found herself standing right next to him, mimicking his stance. This was their final hurdle before they could get everyone home. They were so close, she could almost smell their houses a few feet away from them. They could not let this bloke win. Despite shaking with fear, the fact that she wouldn't be alone gave her a small burst of courage.
But the longer Barricade stared at the gathered team, he saw an illusion of people who stood together alongside the Autobots. Standing by the older boy's right shoulder was a brave girl who reminded him of Carly, while by the younger boy's shoulder was a kind girl who reminded him of Mikaela. The younger girl is clearly fiery and bold, much like Charlie. The younger boy is clearly more intelligent than one would give him credit for, much like Miles. Lastly, the older boy who was standing in front of his friends radiated amazing loyalty and determination, much like... Sam.
All of them glared at him with such bold defiance and strong determination, which made Barricade stepped back from them. The longer he stared at them, he could see the reflections of the humans who had helped them in the past. In his spark, he knew he couldn't hurt them nor bring them to Starscream on the Nemesis.
Sasha frowned when she saw a conflict of emotions and raw grief in his bright red eyes. She's unsure of what to make of the situation, but if he makes any threatening gestures towards them, she's ready to protect her pack. Jack fixed a wary glare on the 'Con cop. The 'Con cop let out a harsh breath as he gazed at the gathered kids.
A single tear rolled down from his eye as he gazed at them with such guilt, regret, grief, and sorrow. Oh Sam, I'm sorry for everything I've done. But I'll try my best to keep these kids safe from the others.
Unknown to them, Cliffjumper and Bumblebee had both been secretly watching the odd interaction to see the 'Con cop transformed himself back into his vehicle form and drove away... without the kids in his grasp.

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