Chapter Three: The Leader & The Tracker

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The sun was low, and the sky was on fire with a blazing sunset and into a calming twilight. But at the center the town in Jasper, the people had started to head back towards their homes, the grownups had gotten back from work and the children had started to head home. Some birds could be heard calling in the sky and flying off in the depths of the town. A few feet away, little kids played tag in the center of the city's park before they were called by their parents. The only pedestrians were a few families enjoying the late evening.
But at the Burger Joint, Jack's day of work ended with nothing to worry about so far. It seemed like a good deal so far with the school year just starting his manager worked around his schedule giving him decent hours to earn fair pay. Mom stating that the bills were hers to cover and anything earned was his to keep. While this was all very exciting and new to him and yet this feeling of anxiety was overwhelming. He was pulled from his thoughts with a sudden metallic jingle. No one else had his number that alone clued him into who was on the other line. Dispersing all thoughts on his current dilemma and doing his best to compose himself Jack reluctantly answered. "Hey Mom, I just got off." On the opposite end of the line, he could hear his mother go on about the school dance. "No Mom. I'm not going to the school dance, experience suggests I should never cut a rug unless I'm installing carpet." He could hear her concern as she told him to be careful. "Be careful, seriously this is Jasper. I love you." Cutting off his speech he was baffled with the sight before him. A pristine motorcycle shining in brilliant cerulean was parked no further than the exit. Reality kicked in as he heard his mother questioning on the other line. "Yeah, I love you too Mom. I gotta run." When was the last time he had dreamed about motorcycles? Just the open road and the wind against you as you raced on. 
"Woah. This is one pretty sweet bike." Jack approached the motorcycle, curious and began wondering why he hasn't seen this one before since... the incident. "It's got a neat paint job, sturdy wheels and the gauge lets it go one hundred and ten miles per hour at max." Then, he noticed that motorcycle had a little murky stain on him. "Yeesh. A shiny ride like you doesn't need a stain like that. Don't worry, I'll fix it." He pulled out a small white cloth from his pocket and rubbed the stain off with it. "There. Good as new. Whoever rides on you is really lucky."
As he placed his cloth back in his pocket, Arcee couldn't help turn her right mirror towards where Jack had cleaned the stain off. "Did he just clean me?" Arcee kept her voice low so Jack couldn't hear her speak to herself. "Huh, that young human is a bit nice. He must have lots of human friends." But before he could say anything else, bright beams of light shone straight at him from the other side of the road. He could hear the squealing of tires as he looked up in time to see two purple cars racing toward him.
What happened next he could never have prepared himself for. The bike lurched rising with a life of its own peeling out of the lot, racing past the two cars, and speeding down the main road. The only thought on his mind he couldn't help, but cried out, "Whoa!"
"Do not let go." No more explanation was needed as realization took hold at the forefront of his mind and all astonishment took a back seat.
All current thoughts were put on hold as the cobalt bike pulled into an alley and stopped. Immediately dismounting and taking off into a sprint before anything else could happen. For a brief moment, he thought the bike was calling for him no doubt to issue a threat before he could escape through an adjacent alleyway. Briefly pausing to catch some much-needed air the sudden thought of transforming hung on his mind and making a getaway on wheels would be less of a hassle. The sound of an engine warned Jack of his pursuer. Breaking off into a sprint as fast as his legs could carry him winded and low of options, Jack felt his desperation build.
A new sound startled him as the skidding of tires brought the talking motorcycle before him. "Hop on," A feminine voice command over the hum of the engine. Shooting out of the alley the pair made their way onto the interstate. For a brief moment it felt as if the duo had escaped the strange cars. Jack allowed himself to relax only to be startled by what came next. Laser? They can shoot lasers. The situation seemed to be growing more dire, when suddenly out of nowhere appeared a black and yellow muscle car that tore its way through the offending vehicles. "Friend of yours?"
"Family," was the curt answer the bike supplied. The new arrival bashed with the two assailants until they managed to maneuver their way out of the game of bumper cars it seemed like they were playing. Jack turned away from the scene only to gape at what was before him. Traffic cones where blocking off the unfinished section of the interstate that didn't seem to deter the bike from trying to take flight. Jack couldn't help but scream as gravity took hold brought them crashing down, astonishingly they had taken no damage.
"Whoa," came a voice from the right. Jack turned to see Raf was playing with a remote control yellow and black striped car when he caught sight of the craziness.
"You have no idea," said Jack, trying to catch his breath. He quickly got off the bike, and fell down to the ground. He heard the sound of an engine and look up to see the purple cars hurtling through the air, transforming and landing a few feet in front of the blue motorcycle.
The motorcycle swiftly transformed into a slim femme bot, sporting a midnight-blue paint scheme and a few pink highlights around her peds, ankles, and helm, with a small pink crest on the top of her helm. "This ends here 'Cons. I'll do this for you Tailgate." Her fists clenched and glared at the Cons.
The bike seemed smaller than the other two, but lacked the menacing appeal they seemed to carry with their blaster arms and glaring visor. Jack may have not known any of them, but he had a good feeling about who to root for. Jack rushed Raf over to the sidelines he was sitting at moments ago as blaster fire flew in their direction.
"What are they?" Raf asked nervously, watching the battle unfold.
"Giants that turn into vehicles," Jack said with a little wonder in his voice. "...Or the other way around."
He was mesmerized by the battle before him. His thoughts came crashing down like the motorcycle that was losing the fight. The arrival of the muscle car from earlier saved him as a metallic foot crashed into the face of the first one and a right cross left the other dazed. Stepping off of his makeshift landing pad left a loud crunch. Looking beneath its foot revealed the crushed remains of a toy car. A trilling that sounded like an apology came from there newest rescuer as he turned to them.
Seeming to understand the bot, Raf replied, "No problem! Really!"
The 'Cons took the momentary distraction to shoot the yellow and black bot. He fell down and tried to get back up, but one of the 'Cons stepped on his chest, pinning the bot in place.
"Leave him alone!" Raf shouted. All eyes turned to look at the little boy, and he gulped. "Please?"
"Bad call," retorted Jack as one of the bots started walking towards their direction.
As Jack ran, he can feel cold metal grasp at his back. Just as the 'Con was closing his hand around her, it was suddenly yanked out of the tunnel. He stopped and turned to face the entrance of the tunnel. The face of the yellow bot covered the tunnel, and he made a series of beeps.
"Thank you," said Raf.
The bot makes some more beeps, then walked away. Jack grabbed Raf and led him away. "Don't look back."
"What did we just see?" asked Raf, and Jack can hear the fear and uncertainty in his voice.
"No idea, and I'm not sure I want to find out," replied Jack.
Jack could barely see so he placed his hand along the side of the tunnel to steady himself as he walked. The two boys did the same and a strange silence filled the narrow tunnel, only broken up by the steady dripping of water from an unseen leak and the slosh of his shoes on the wet concrete. Every few feet, they had to swat spiderwebs out of their faces or wipe away the drips of water that fall from the top of the tunnel. When Jack reached the end of the tunnel, he stopped and turned around to look at Raf. "What you saw today, you need to forget." His voice was firm as he spoke to the younger boy, his eyes sharp and firm. "Anyone who knows about these bots are in grave danger. Promise me you won't tell a single word of this to anyone!" Raf nodded his head and agreed to his terms.
"I should probably get home," said Raf. "I don't want my mom to worry when she gets home and I'm not there. I guess I'll see you later?"
With a small wave, he turned around and started walking home. Jack watched as Raf turned around a corner, disappearing from his view. Now it was just him, and with a weary sigh, he headed back to the Burger Joint to pick up his bike.

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