Chapter Five: School

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It was a sunny and rather boring day at the small town of Jasper Nevada. In one of the residents there, a young teen came out of the house before locking the door and making her way to school while carrying a book which she started to read on the way and has a light gray backpack.
The person was none other than Emily, who was reading her book with a bright smile. On the way to school, she couldn't help, but hear the gossip and whispers that were mostly about her being odd and strange, which only made her roll her eyes and close her book since she arrived at school already.
Waiting by the steps were her four friends. There was Jack, who was listening to Sasha with an amused smirk while Miko was drawing a picture of a motorcycle and a Dodge Challenger, and Raf was typing on his laptop as he sat on the steps.
"Hey, guys!" Emily called as she ran up to them.
"About time, girl! We've been waiting forever," Miko said brightly.
Jack rolled his eyes. "Miko, we've been only waiting for Emily for ten minutes."
"Felt like hours to me." Miko stuck her tongue out playfully.
"Hey, Emily, how's that new book you borrowed from the library?" Raf asked curiously as they entered the school.
"Oh, you know. Just Chronicles of Narnia, which I still find strange even though I read it after yesterday," Emily replied as they went to their lockers together.
"Really?" Sasha perked up with a smile. "I especially like the Silver Chair one."
"Really?" Jack smirked at Miko teasingly. "Maybe you can teach Miko here how to read that quickly since she finds books boring." Sasha laughed softly while Raf giggled at the tease.
Miko punched his shoulder. "Classic fairytales aren't boring, Jack-Rabbit. Plus it's the history and stuff that's boring. I wanna read something exciting! Or better yet experience something out of the sci-fi films!"
Sasha shook her head in fond amusement and Emily laughed softly while Raf giggled softly and Jack rolled his eyes playfully. Miko has a talent for getting into all sorts of trouble and keep ending up in detention at school. Emily took out one of her books and leaned casually onto the lockers behind her. Not a school book, but a book of adventure, romance, and the always epic battle between good and evil.
Emily snickered at the idea of it. That sounds like something that has came out of her book. "The time that happens is the time when I see a real life dragon."
"Spoiled sport," grumbled Miko as she crossed her arms over her chest while her friends chuckled at her as they headed towards their first classroom.
"Hello, there!" The teacher, a tall man with average brown hair and limping around with cane greeted them as they walked through the door of B-19. "I am Mr. Moore, your history teacher. And you are?"
"Emily Hope, Sir. Nice to meet you," Emily replied with a smile. He seems nice enough, but then again, most teachers usually start the term looking that way. She soon stepped to the side, showing her three friends behind her. "And these three are my friends."
"Hi, I'm Jack Darby," said Jack.
"Hey, I'm Sasha Witwicky," Sasha spoke up.
"What's sup?! I'm Miko Nakadai." Miko started firing questions at him so fast, it was hard too tell what the heck she was saying. Yet, Mr. Moore somehow managed to answer Miko's questions fully.
"Hi, I'm Rafael Esquivel," Raf spoke up, after Miko was finished asking the teacher endless questions (though, in the trio's private opinions, it looked like Miko was just about to warm up).
"Go ahead and take a seat anywhere," said Mr. Moore warmly. "There is no seating chart."
Emily decided to sit near the front to have a better view with Jack and Sasha both sitting across from her with Miko and Raf sat down in front of them. She loves having a lot of open space and sitting in the middle or in the back is too claustrophobic for her. She can't stand being constricted among a dozen other students. Sitting at her chosen seat, Emily decided to start on reading her book. She is in the middle of a chapter about the "Dragon Prince" when people start filing in. Not in the mood for socializing with the other kids, Emily repositioned the book so that it seems to be keeping her busy.
"Okay, class. Time for roll call. Alexander?"
"Um, present."
No reply as they looked at the empty seat. Sasha scoffed. "He's in trouble again."
"No great surprise there," Miko staged whispered, making the two other girls and the two boys chuckled quietly.
Just as the teacher was about to mark absent the door opened and the missing student entered.
"Present," Vince said with a smug look.
"Dang it," muttered Sasha and looked away from him quickly.
"Whoops." Miko rolled her eyes, looking slightly annoyed. "Spoke too soon."
The class and the teacher just gave him deadpanned looks as he went to his seat and sat down. The teacher gave Vince a stern look at the bully and closed the attendance book. "Vince Bishop Raider, if you continue to act like such a delinquent, I'll have to send you off to the principal's office to call your father."
"No worries. It won't happen again." Vince sent the five students in front of him a smirk.
Miko gave him a dirty look while Jack just shook his head. Sasha just ignored Vince while Raf took out his notebook and Emily ignored him too. He's their least favorite bully and the school's resident bad boy. Vince had lived in the town for quite a while and ever since he met them, the delinquent has had it out to make their lives miserable. Unfortunately for them, Vince decided that they were a package deal. Sometimes, the girls really wished she could slap the smug smirk off his face.
"Now, let's review the history lesson about France during the seventeen hundreds," The teacher said.
This got the attention of Emily, Sasha, Raf, Jack and Miko. French was their favorite and they watched the latest movie from Disney which they called an art piece, (but it's called "Beauty and the Beast"). Raf was hugging Emily when the Beast in it died momentarily and Miko was cursing Gaston in Japanese swears while Jack and Sasha both felt sad. Emily, on the other hand, felt empathetic towards Belle since she lost her mom too. The lesson went on until the bell rang, signaling half day for everyone.
"Okay, class. I know this is the last day of school but I want you all to remember to review for the big test in the second semester after December." The teacher watched as the students started to leave.
The students were all excited to start their semester break as the quintet were sitting by the stairs and waiting for Emily since she told them that she has to do some private business and had rejoined with her friends on the staircase.
"So, what do you plan during summer break?" Miko asked everyone excitedly.
"Well, I was thinking of starting my part time shift at the K.O Burger joint at the gas station," Jack admitted.
"Wow, you seriously got the job?" Miko asked, impressed.
"Yup. Gotta help mom since she's dating someone named William Fowler," Jack said as he crossed his arms.
"William Fowler, huh? Imagine if he and your mom marries. What will be your name then? Jack Darby Fowler?" Miko teased as Jack looked like he wanted to hide underneath a rock.
"Well, at least you'll have each other," said Sasha.
"Hey!" That shout made them turn to see Vince and his goons by the steps and Vince has taken Raf's book.
"Give me back my book, Vince!" Raf exclaimed as he tried to reach for it.
"Not a chance, shortie. What are you reading anyway? It doesn't even have pictures." Vince tauntingly looked at the pages.
"Vince, give him back his book will ya?" Jack said as he approached Raf with Miko.
"Yeah! Give Raf his book back or else!" Miko said as she gave Vince a warning look.
"Or else what, pinkie?" One of Vince's goons asked as they laughed.
"You better give Raf his book back, Vince. Before I tell the principal about this." The voice made them look to the entrance of the school was Emily giving Vince and cronies a fierce look. She soon stood in front of Rafael protectively, her green eyes fiercely ablaze that silenced Vince... and pretty much everyone else. "Leave him alone." Her voice sounded strong and angry as a rumbling thunderstorm.
"Emily, my girl, how are you doing?" Vince greeted her while Emily just rolled her eyes and continued glaring at him.
She snatched the book back from him and gave it to Raf who held it close to his chest. "One, I'm not your girl. Two, I'm not interested in whatever you have to say. And three, don't you mess with Raf."
"Hey, come on. The nerd is reading a book that doesn't make sense," Vince said as Emily crossed her arms. "No reason for him to get any smarter."
"You're so idiotic, you know that?" Emily rolled her eyes.
"At least, I'm the cool one here," Vince said with a smirk.
"Nah, I think you're the dumb jerk that can't take no for an answer. Run to your father and complain like a spoiled brat you are." Emily started walking away with Raf, Sasha, Jack and Miko following her, leaving a dumbfounded Vince while his cronies were laughing behind them.

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