Chapter Six: A Huge Secret

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After school, Jack, who was listening to Emily with an smile while Miko was drawing a picture of a motorcycle and a Dodge Challenger, and Raf was typing on his laptop as he sat on the steps while Sasha was keeping lookout for Vince and his lackeys.
Jack was just about to say Emily when they heard a car beep and they all saw a yellow and black muscle car pulled up next to the tree.
"Oh no, not again!" Jack mumbled as the door to the car opened.
The car makes a series of beeps and Sasha frowned slightly as she slowly started to dread the answer. "He wants us to get in?"
"No," said Raf. "Just me."
"How do you know that?" Jack asked him.
"He said so," Raf admitted. "Yours is over there." He pointed behind them, much to their confusion. Sasha watched as Raf gets into the passenger seat of the car. The muscle car shuts the door and speeds off, kicking up a cloud of dust. Sasha, Jack, and Emily coughed a few times before turning around to see a red Dodge Challenger, a blue motorcycle, and a dark green SUV parked in the lot in front of the high school. Without another word, Emily entered the SUV and drove out of the front while talking to the SUV. Images started to flash before Sasha's eyes, the purple Decepticons, the muzzle of the bot's gun just inches away from her face, the inside of the Dodge Challenger, the little metal face on the steering wheel, and worst of all, the grin of that gray robot.
"That red car, the one who you were talking about, right? The one that saved you?" Jack asked her, seeming to have noticed Sasha's slightly paling face.
Sasha nodded slowly, her eyes glued to the car that has haunted her dreams for days. After everything that has happened to her, after getting shot by the 'Cons, almost squeezed to death by that gray robot, nearly getting her friends killed... The red Challenger flashed his headlights twice at her and she sucked in a breath, trying to calm down. Sasha knew she can't face him, not now. Sasha turned around quickly and started walking down the sidewalk towards her home. Sasha started to get lost in her thoughts again when she heard Jack jogging to catch up to her. But it didn't take long for the motorcycle bot to catch up with them and blocked them into an alley.
"Relax, I just wanna talk to you," said the motorcycle.
"Don't you mean you and your leather-clad friend?" Jack accused warily.
"Kid, there's a lot you don't understand," said The motorcycle as the lady hologram vanished.
"No, I get it. We shouldn't know anything about this. About you and those bots. It will in danger us. I've seen what those purple robots can do to people." Jack quickly glanced at Sasha's injured shoulder, then looked back at the robot, backing away cautiously. He turned around and is about to leave the alley when the red Dodge Challenger pulled up, blocking Jack's escape.
"What took you, Cliffjumper?" asked the motorcycle. "You were right behind me."
"There was a red light!" He retorted.
The blue motorcycle transformed and rolled her optics as Cliffjumper transformed as well. "Look, Jack and Sasha, is it? Your personal safety is exactly why Optimus Prime has requested your presences."
"Optimus who?" Jack asked curiously.
"He's the tall red and blue bot who had appeared during the ambush a few days ago, isn't he?" Sasha said, lightly rubbing her bandaged arm.
"Optimus has been especially worried about your safety. It seems like you're very popular with the 'Cons. Two mash ups in two days? You've got to be a legend up at 'Cons' HQ!" said Cliffjumper, smiling as Sasha looked up at him. "Hey there. Glad to see the 'Cons didn't hurt ya too badly. I thought you were scrapped for sure!"
"And because of that," The blue robot said, redirecting the conversation. "You might be one of the few, one of the only who have ever seen us."
"Dudes, what are you waiting for? Go with!" They turned around to see Miko beaming at them brightly. She was leaning around the wall of the alley and was apparently unfazed by the fact that she just found two humans next to two giant, talking robots.
"Scrap!" exclaimed the two bots at the same time.
"Well, should we bring her with us?" Cliffjumper asks, turning to the blue robot.
"I guess we have to," said the blue robot, though Sasha noticed she doesn't sound thrilled.
Cliffjumper nodded and transformed into his car form, revving his engine and opening the passenger side door. "You wanna ride with me kid?"
Sasha looked back at Miko and Jack, then slipped inside the car. Sasha reached over her shoulder to put your seatbelt on, but she soon heard Cliffjumper's voice. "Allow me" and buckled Sasha in. The belt gently tightened around her and the door closes with a soft bang.
She looked warily around at the interior, taking in the smooth, red leather seating she was sitting on that had a black stripe running down it. It certainly felt like she was just riding in a regular car, just without a human driver. Up front, the steering wheel turned all on its own as they weaved their way through traffic, the meters outlined with a fluorescent blue, and above the radio system was a small screen that had a strange emblem on it — it almost looked like a face. There was a similar emblem that glowed at the center of the steering wheel.
"Uh, thanks," Sasha said uncertainly.
The next thing she knew, they were speeding away from the school, the car's powerful engine making her tremble, and they were off onto the main road.
"I've got to say, it's nice to officially meet you. Which reminds me," he said as he pulled out onto the road. "I don't think I properly introduced myself. I'm Cliffjumper, and my partner is Arcee."
"I-I'm Sasha." Her voice was strong and quiet as the summer rain.
"Pleased to meet ya Sasha." It's a smooth, rolling laugh that made her smiled at him. His voice is like that too, calm and smooth so that when he talked, his voice rumbled with warmth. It reminded her of the thunderstorms that would roll through the mountains and valleys of North Carolina.
Sasha leaned back in the seat and propped her elbow on the side of the door, staring out of the window as buildings and houses pass by. Absentmindedly, Sasha begin to mess with the door, stroking her finger up and down the latch. A shudder had passed through the car and her hand retracted quickly, like she'd been burned. Sasha folded her hands on her lap, mumbling a faint apology.
"It's okay kid," said Cliffjumper warmly. "You're just the first human kid I've let inside." Sasha's expression softened and continued watching as they drove out of the town.
Sure enough, they passed a green sign marking the end of the city limits.
"Umm, not to be rude or anything, but where are you taking me?" Sasha asked, wondering how much farther the drive will be.
"If you told you I'd have to kill ya," said Cliffjumper in a solemnly.
A moment of silence filled the car, then he laughed. "Kidding! You don't think our base was in the town did you? It had to be somewhere no one would go snooping around to find it. Speaking of bases, we're here."
Sasha looked around excitedly, but all she saw were spikey green cacti with pink and yellow blossoms scattered along a dusty, sprawling landscape. The towering mesas have casted shadows that stretched across the sandy desert. Sasha looked through Cliffjumper's windshield and see that the road Sasha have been driving on ended up ahead. A stop sign marked the end of the road, but Cliffjumper flew past it, heading straight for a huge mesa that loomed ahead.
"Uhh, Cliffjumper?" Sasha squirmed slightly in her seat as the wall of rocks gets closer and closer.
"Do you trust me?" Cliffjumper asked.
"Wait, what? What are you doing?" Sasha braced herself, waiting for the impact that would come from driving head-long into a wall. Just as she was about to crash, a section of the seemingly solid wall slid to the side to reveal a dimly lit tunnel that winded through the rock.
"Huh. Thought for sure you would scream. You're braver than you look, kid," Cliffjumper said, sounding impressed.
"I guess." Sasha shrugged. "Especially with the last few incidents I had."
"Fair point," agreed Cliffjumper.
Sasha gave him a small smile, but her eyes widened as her brain struggled to comprehend what she was seeing.

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