Chapter Two: The Scout

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Sasha strapped on her black helmet and took out her dirt bike; it's in the color of dark blue and highlighted in vibrant red. She partially tied her blonde with a brown hair tier. Then Sasha had kicked-started the engine and pulled out of the dusty driveway, speeding down the road and relishing the feel of the wind on her body as the engine hums beneath her.
After following the road signs marking where the trail is, she soon reached a forest and see dark green trees looming over her. Zooming through the trail, Sasha hit the hills and zoomed through the sandy earth. As she continue to drive, the once thick trees start to thin out and up ahead, she was surprised to see a massive crater in the ground.
She hadn't noticed it till the last minute and struggled to come to a stop at the top of the ledge. She wiped out on the bike, hoping that her sliding would slow down the momentum, but it wasn't enough. Sasha kicked her dirt bike away from her, so it wouldn't fall down the crater and brace herself as she slide over the edge of the crater. The walls of the crater are rough and bumpy, so by the time Sasha slid down... or rather tumbling down into it by accident. Once she landed roughly onto the ground, she shook her head from her fall and took notice of her bruises. That's when she suddenly noticed a massive dark gray spaceship that's hovering fifty feet above the crater. Fearing that the ship would see her, Sasha ducked behind a strange large blue crystal that's poking out of the rocks.
There were more of these crystals scattered around the crater, but Sasha focused on the giant spaceship above her. As she watched, some sort of cannon from the side of the ship shoots a red laser somewhere above the edge of the crater, which is on the opposite side of where she's hiding. It hits a bright red bot she hasn't noticed earlier and it fell down the side of the crater in a huge explosion.
The impact blew a stray lock of blonde hair onto Sasha's face, which made her impatiently brushed it away from her face as she started to watch the red robot with wary curiosity. "Fair warning boys, I'll put a few dents in ya."
Sasha saw that the robot is facing off against five big purple robots that had just dropped down from the gray spaceship with five more dropping down behind them, each armed with triangular shaped guns. Suddenly, the red bot had transformed himself into a car and drives up the side of the crater. Sasha watched on with amazement as he launched himself up in the air and then crashed down on a few of the purple robots. The robots must have been made of metal because every time the red robot's fists collided with the purple robots it would make a crashing metal sound.
They are locked in an epic duel, red robot against seven purple robots who circle around the red robot and deliver blow after blow to the bot. One of the purple bots uppercuts the red one and he crashes down the side of the crater. Sasha noticed that the hit is so hard that it knocked a small piece of the silver horn fall off of the robot's head. It wasn't looking good for the red bot. A crazy urge to help this bot suddenly overtook Sasha as she realized she couldn't just hide behind the crystal and do nothing. Sasha looked around for something on the ground that could get the purple robots' attention. That's when she saw a medium sized rock with jagged edges and picked it up.
"Hey Bolt Head!" Sasha yelled at the purple bots boldly.
The purple robots turned towards Sasha as she hurtled the rock towards the bot closest to her. The rock wedges itself deep in the robot and it explodes in a wave of fire, sending the dark bots flying backwards. The red robot scanned the surrounding area for the cause of the commotion and his optics locked onto her eyes. The robot blinked a few times and then nodded a thanks to her.
Just then some of the purple robots started to come for her. Sasha turned around and desperately tried to climb up the rocky wall. She made it up a few steps, but lose her grip and slid down the wall. The bots were getting closer and she can't get a decent grip on the rocks. Sasha quickly turned around and began to run along the side of the crater, but the purple bots are now chasing after her.
Sasha quickly turned around and began to run alongside of the crater, but the purple bots are now close enough to begin firing at her. Sasha dodged lasers as her feet pounded the dusty ground. All of the sudden, the hairs on her neck stood up as one of the laser bolts whizzed past her. Sasha think it has just missed her when she felt a wave of pain radiate through the top of Sasha's left shoulder. The impact of the shock knocked her to the ground hard. Sasha wheezed for the air that had been knocked out of her. As she laid on the ground, the bot that had shot her loomed over her with the muzzle of his gun pointed at her head. Sasha closed her eyes and all she can think is for it to make it quick as she waited for this strange robot to pull the trigger.
But the shot never came.
A loud crashing noise was heard above Sasha, it had caused her to opened her eyes and sat up slightly with a limp from her new injury to see that the red robot had tackled the purple robot to the ground. He sat on top of the purple robot and punched it until it stopped fighting back. The red robot stood up and seemed to notice she was struggling to get back on her feet.
"Scrap!" exclaimed the red bot. "Those blasted 'Cons got to her!"
"What?" Without answering her, the red robot gently picked her up in his hand and assesses the amount of injury done to her shoulder, muttering to himself as she laid in a shocked daze before gazing at her in concern. "Hang on girl. We'll get out of here."
A wave of purple had grabbed her attention and she looked behind the red robot to see a group of purple robots approaching. "Behind you!"
The robot looked over his shoulder, then began shifting his body. As she watched, the robot transformed his body around hers, and Sasha soon somehow found herself sitting in the passenger seat of a red Dodge Challenger. A seat belt gently wrapped around Sasha and clicked it into place. As he accelerated, Sasha look down at her injury to see how bad the robot has gotten her. The skin around the top of her shoulder has been burned. Not just that, but she could a scar has been unknowingly marked over her right eyebrow. Sasha wasn't sure how bad the burnt scars were, but she gritted her teeth and forced herself to focus on the new situation instead. Sasha look from the empty driver seat to the steering wheel that's moving by itself. Sasha see a strange emblem that looks like a little face on the center of the steering wheel in the place where she would normally find the logo of the car. Sasha look along the dashboard of the car and see a stereo system with a small red screen. Just then, the car began to talk and she can see sound waves move up and down as he spoke. "Arcee, how long until you think you can get here? I think I might need the whole team."
Another voice popped up on the radio, this one sounded feminine. "It might be a bit, we're all scattered across the zones. What did you do?"
"Well..." The bot immediately started explaining everything to his partner pretty quickly. "I found this big stash of Energon, but the whole 'Con party had decided to show up and so, I started fighting them, then this human comes out of nowhere and is all like, 'hey idiot brain eat this' and she throws this rock at one of the vehicons. Arcee, you should have seen her. She was amazing!"
"The 'Cons are back?"
"You let a human see you?!"
Two voices spoke at the same time, which surprised Sasha. The female sounded horrified and stunned, while the new voice sounded male and very agitated.
"It wasn't my fault Ratchet!" The bot said protectively. "Besides, one of those stupid 'Cons had shot her in the arm, and I couldn't just leave her." It was proven when Sasha started checking on her arm with a hiss of pain. "Besides, the little gal helped me out and I ain't about to leave them to be offlined!"
"....Alright, just hang on Cliffjumper, we'll deal with the issue later, just make sure they stay safe," said another voice, this one sounding very deep and authoritative. "Cliffjumper, you must make the safety of the human your top priority."
Another voice piped up. There was some beeping noises that vaguely sounded like it was agreeing with the other one.
"Yeah, don't you worry! Just focus on keeping the little gal safe! Just make sure— Scrap!" They had only driven a few feet from the crater when the bot, apparently called Cliffjumper, had slammed on his brakes.
"What do we have here? An Autobot and his fleshy pet." A high and screechy voice taunted him. Sasha looked through the windshield to see a tall gray bot with a narrow face. Cliffjumper transformed and held her protectively in one servo. The other hand points at the new bot's face, the place where his hand should be moving to be some sort of gun.
"I was wondering when you were going to show up, Screamer," Cliffjumper spat. "Could've sworn you'd rather cower back in that scrap heap your 'Cons call a ship of yours."
At this, Starscream's smug expression dissolved into an infuriated scowl. "It's Commander Starscream!" He screeched, sending out a barrage of his own blasts. Normally this would be nothing to Cliffjumper, but his worry of jostling her too much was making it difficult.
His servo transforming into a gun of his own, and started shooting furiously at Cliffjumper. Seems like these two have a bit of a history. As they were shooting, one of the bolts from the gray bot had hit the arm she was perched in. Sasha was sent flying through the air and landed on the ground with a cry of pain, right at the feet of the gray robot. He smirked as trapped her with his long and slender fingers that remind her of claws. This was never made more apparent when one of the blasts caught him in his left shoulder, making him accidentally sent her flying towards the last place he wanted she to be.
At Starscream's feet.
Laughing, Starscream smirked at her. "I think you dropped something, Cliffjumper. I hope this isn't too important." Looking down at his feet, Starscream's sick grin returned full force as he roughly snatched Sasha from the ground, enjoying the cry of pain she let out as he did so.
Cliffjumper narrowed his eyes with ferocity, "You mess with the bull, get ready for the horns!"
"Ah, but not so fast, dear Cliffjumper," the gray bot purred as Cliffjumper pulled his fist back to hit the bot's stupid smug face. Right before he was about to fire, Starscream held Sasha up like a prized trophy, sinister smile plastered across his face. "Ah, ah, ah. Cliffjumper, wouldn't want to hurt the fleshy now would you?" He smirked sinisterly as Sasha struggled restlessly against his grip.
She gazed at Cliffjumper firmly, knowing that he's a living being much like she is and did what has to be done. Sasha could practically hear Cliffjumper's thoughts as he assesses how best to handle the situation without her coming to further harm. His eyes darted from her to the spot where the robot's horrible claws are keeping her from her only escape. Cliffjumper's face hardened as he sees her struggling against her captor and spoke in a low voice. "Why you slagging—!" He stopped as five more vehicons pulled up from behind him, pinning his arms behind his back, leaving his chest wide open.
"I'm going to enjoy this." Sasha overheard Starscream cackle before charging his blaster, aiming straight for Cliff's spark chamber.
That's when they suddenly heard someone yelled, "CLIFFJUMPER!" The bot was a slim femme, sporting a midnight-blue paint scheme and a few pink highlights around her peds, ankles and helm, with a small pink crest on the top of her helm. Her striking optics were the color of light blue sapphires and shining with protective courage and determination. She was smaller than the red bot, and had a slightly motorcycle look about her. She came running out of nowhere followed by four others. They quickly dispatched the vehicons before turning on Starscream, who was now significantly less sure of himself.
"Arcee. Cutting it a little close, don't you think?" said Cliffjumper, a small smile on his face.
"Starscream! Let the human go, and you will not be harmed." Sasha recognized the deep voice from before and look around for the speaker. Standing directly in front of Starscream stood a tall robot. A strange symbol adorns the new bot's bright red arms, and Sasha recognized it as the same symbol from the middle of Cliffjumper's steering wheel. The robot has long silver and blue legs, with four large wheels mounted to the back of his feet. A dark blue head with a battle mask covering the lower section of his face as he stared at her with his piercing blue optics, and she was getting the feeling that he was analyzing her.
She soon saw a huge SUV had transformed into a big, slightly porky bot in the color of faded green while parts of him were black and saw another car had transformed into a young yellow bot streaked in black with big blue optics both joining the tall bot too. They were both armed with their respective guns, much like the blue bot.
"I'm afraid I can't quite do that Prime!" Starscream's smile widened even more, though the flash of fear in the red bot's bright green optics didn't escape Sasha's notice. A crazy idea begin to form in her mind. "I've still got the fleshling."
She watched the Autobots tensed at the sight of her injured form in Starscream's claws. But Sasha was getting agitated with the situation she got herself into. Alright, that's it! Enough is enough! Time to teach this idiotic lunatic a lesson!
Sasha knew she had to be careful with her plan. Shr locked eyes with Cliffjumper. She can see herself in them like a mirror, but their surface is worried, upset that he had accidentally dragged her into this mess. She gave him a sly, but playful wink before she continued on with her secret plan.
"You have three seconds..." Sasha whispered harshly to the idiot 'Con, catching the attention of the bots.
"Hm, what was that fleshing?" Starscream crooned, lifting her closer to his optics by the scruff of her shirt.
She stared at him straightly into the red optics without a single hint of fear in her fierce blue eyes. "Three seconds."
"Three seconds until what?" He smirked at her mockingly as she narrowed her gaze.
"One...Two..." Sasha counted, her courage and rage growing with every digit. "THREE!" So, summoning every last ounce of bold courage and toughness in her body, she falcon-kicked him straight into the optic, hearing a satisfying crunch as she hit him. 
"YEEEEEEOOOOOOWWW! YOU LITTLE—!" Starscream's voice soon rose to a pained scream. Sasha was sent flying and partially landed onto the sandy earth, her injured arm brushing against the sandy earth and yet managed to catch herself just as quickly.
She grinned wearily with amused satisfaction as she ran away from the creepy dark-colored 'Con. She stopped alongside of the opposing team. Sasha didn't say anything to them. She gave them a weary, but grateful smile to Cliffjumper and his Autobot friends. But that's when the second fight had begun while Sasha had made her escape from the skirmish.
She looked over the ledge and saw the group of bots fighting the gray robot. As they were fighting Starscream, he must have realized that he couldn't win because he suddenly transformed into a sleek fighter jet and flew away, as did his team and flew off with the creepy spaceship.
Sasha took off her helmet once she returned home and placed it in her bag. She got out her medical kit to treat her new recent injuries. She could feel a new scar have been marked over her right eyebrow. But she gained the feeling that she should hide the truth about these Autobots and these Decepticons.

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