Chapter Seven: Autobots

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"Amazing..." She leaned forward in her seat as they entered a secret passageway, the light of day instantly replaced with the dim of the tunnel. They winded through the corridor until Sasha could see light coming up fast. She leaned closer to the window. Cliffjumper must've sensed her curiosity, because he chuckled softly and rolled down his window, letting himself slowed down to a cautious stop as they finally reached the end of the tunnel.
Sasha gasped. "Wow."
The tunnel had opened up into an enormous, chamber-like room enclosed by a blend of metal and rock, filled with things that Sasha would've been inclined to notice if she wasn't too busy gawking at a new robot already there, waiting for them.
Standing by what looked like a large computer monitor was a robot that was a bit larger than Bumblebee, with a white and red-orange color scheme. He merely watched as they moved further inside, eyeing them with apparent suspicion.
The door opened, and Sasha stepped out of the car. Nearby, the SUV let Emily out. Jack and Miko did the same next to them, dismounting from the motorcycle. The instant that all five kids were out of their respected escorts, both vehicles transformed into their robot modes. Emily held back a flinch, not quite used to the phenomenon yet.
"So cool!" Miko exclaimed, nearly shaking with excitement.
Sasha looked over at Miko, still rather confused as to why she was with them in the first place.
Her question was answered when the orange and white robot went to stand next to the blue and red one. "I thought there were only four."
The blue robot threw her former passengers a brief, disgruntled glance before meeting the other one's gaze, a hand on her hip. "Haven't you heard? Humans multiply."
While Miko was busy marveling at the sight before them, Emily caught Jack's gaze and subtly pointed at the other girl, mouthing, What?
Jack rolled his eyes with an annoyed sigh. "She... may have caught us talking."
Then Raf, ever the polite one, smiled up at the robots. "Hi. I'm Raf."
"I'm Miko!" The transfer student cut in, green eyes trained right onto the green robot, who was visibly taken aback as she approached him. "Who are you?"
"Bulkhead," he replied with a hint of caution in his gruff voice.
Miko's enthusiasm intensified, her grin widening. "Are you a car? I bet you're a truck— a monster truck!"
Emily tried not to chuckle at the way Bulkhead grew more uncomfortable as Miko bombarded him relentlessly with questions. I feel you, my friend. She soon decided to introduce herself. "I'm Emily."
While Miko was going off, Sasha walked forward, only to stop, the floor feeling uneven beneath her feet. She looked down and noticed that she was standing on what looked like dark silver indents embedded into the faded pavement.
Carefully, she stepped back until she could see that it wasn't just indents, but part of an even bigger image of the strange insignia that she's seen on Bumblebee. In fact, all of the robots had the same symbol branded somewhere on their metallic armor. Her head tilted to the side as she studied the insignia with growing curiosity.
It wasn't until she faintly heard the older boy introduce himself. "My name's Jack." That made her finally looked up. All five of the bots' blue optics turned to her expectantly, making her become tensed and wary.
"I'm Sasha," spoke up Sasha.
"If you're all robots, then who made you?" Raf asked.
"Pu-lease!" The white and orange robot scoffed.
"So, what are your names?" Sasha asked them curiously.
Cliffjumper pointed to each bot in turn and said their names. "The yellow and black one's Bumblebee, the green one's Bulkhead, the grumpy orange and white one's Ratchet." Cliffjumper promptly received a glare from the grumpy robot and quiet chuckles came from the others. "You already know Arcee, and—"
Just then the ground began to shake, and Sasha looked behind her to see a familiar bot towering over her and the other kids. He's taller than the other bots and yet he seems to be the leader, which made Sasha feel safe. She could see he is mainly red and deep blue with bits of silver and grey. He has three antenna-like rods on each side of his head which are attached to his audio receptors. He has an air of quiet leadership surrounding him, though Sasha could feel selfless compassion and strong courage, but she sensed that he has hidden regret for something.
"Well, I'm sure you remember the Head Honcho, Optimus Prime," finished Cliffjumper quietly.
The robot kneeled down on one leg, so he became optic leveled with the gathered kids. His bright blue optic looked at each kid, but Sasha noticed his piercing gaze remained on Emily longer than the other kids. The blue in his optics seemed to grow softer, like that bright haze of blue just like the horizon as the sun continued to rise. "We are autonomous robotic organisms that come from the planet Cybertron. Also known as Autobots."
"So, why are you here on Earth?" Jack asked.
"To protect your planet from the Decepticons," replied Optimus Prime.
"They were the ones who attacked me when we first met, right?" Sasha asked him, gently rubbing her bandaged arm.
"That is correct Sasha," replied the Autobot.
"So, why are they here?" Jack asked.
"A fair question, Jack," Optimus Prime said. "They are here in part because our planet is uninhabitable. Ravaged by centuries of civil war."
"Why were you fighting a war?" Raf asked.
"For most, over control of our world's supply of energon. The fuel and life-blood of all Autobots and Decepticons alike." The bot's optics grew sad with regret, as if he was seeing history happening yet again. "The combat was fierce and endured for centuries. In the beginning, I fought alongside one who I considered a brother. But in war, ideals can be corrupted. And it was thus that Megatron lost his way." 
Just before Miko could speak, Emily had cut her off and glanced at Optimus Prime with wary curiosity. "Megatron?"
"Megatron has not been seen or heard for some time," explained Optimus Prime. "But if his return is imminent as I fear, the results could be catastrophic." Optimus let his words sink in for a moment before continuing. "And since you now know of our existence, I fear that as of last night the Decepticons now know of yours." 
"I think that's a given, considering the fact that they attacked us again last night," said Sasha, clenching her fists. "But I'm not sure why he hadn't done anything to us..." She let the sentence hang in the air.
"It is best that you five remain under our watch," explained Optimus Prime. "At least until we can determine our enemies' intentions."
"Optimus." Everyone turned to look at Ratchet, who took Optimus aside to talk. "With all due respect, the human children are in as much danger here, than anywhere." Miko rolled her eyes, Emily and Raf both looked nervous while Jack and Sasha both exchanged wary glances. "They have no protective shell! If they get underfoot they will go squish." To make his point, Ratchet took an ominous step closer to the kids, making them take a wary step back.
"Then for the time being, Ratchet, we must watch where we step," said Optimus Prime.
Suddenly, an alarm system had went off, and the green tinted computer screens flashed. Sasha jumped back a little, caught off guard by the sudden alarms blaring through the base.
"What's that?" asked Jack, and Bumblebee made a series of beeping noises.
"Proximity sensor. Someone's on top," Raf translated.
"How did you—?" Sasha started to ask him, but Ratchet cut her off.
"It's Agent Fowler," said Ratchet, pulling up a monitor that showed a man in a dark gray suit climbing out of a military helicopter.
"I thought we were the only humans who knew about you guys?" Sasha asked.
"Special Agent Fowler is our designated liaison to the outside world, as he tends to visit only when there are issues," Optimus Prime explained. "It may be best if you do not meet him at this time."
"That... and he might be in foul mood after this week's incidents," added Cliffjumper sheepishly.
Sasha followed the others to the edge of the raised platform where she can't be seen and wait for Agent Fowler to enter the base. She glanced over to Cliffjumper and he met her gaze, rolling his eyes and sighed slightly. Sasha smirked, but a small ding brought her attention back to the elevator. The doors opened and she can hear heavy footsteps as the agent walked up to the railing of the level next to the one where she was hiding. "Seven wrecks, thirty-four fender-benders, a three hour traffic jam, and on particular note, numerous reports of a few teens taking a joy ride on a speeding motorcycle of unknown make, and a yellow and black custom muscle car." Sasha smirked and looked over at Jack in amusement, who met her gaze looking less than thrilled with the attention. "So, anything you care to get off your tin chest Prime?"
Curiosity got the better of her, Emily peeked around the corner to see if she can catch a glimpse of Agent Fowler. Emily could see a slightly overweight man in a crisp suit and tie. He has a strong jaw and short, curly black hair. Just then, she felt a hand on her uninjured shoulder pulling her away from the edge of the corner. Emily turned around and see that it was Jack. He shook his head quickly and she can understand him. Don't! You'll get caught. Emily ignored him and poked her head out again, making sure not to stick out too far.
Optimus spoke, and Emily can see that he is right in front of the agent. "We have the situation under control, Agent Fowler."
"They're back, aren't they?" asked Agent Fowler.
"If you are referring to the Decepticons, I have doubts that they ever left," Optimus Prime said. "Your planet is much too valuable."
"Then it's time to wake up the Pentagon."
At that sentence her eyes widened, and her mind swirls with questions. Did he say the Pentagon? Like, the Pentagon? Darn it, what have I gotten myself into? You know for such a small man, compared to the Autobots, Agent Fowler talks a big talk.
"Hey fleshie," Bulkhead called out. "Did anyone get splattered on that freeway? Team Prime knows when to use force." He picked up a robotic-looking arm from the medical center. "And how much to use." The big bot squeezed the arm and the top popped off with a spark of electricity.
"Bulkhead, I needed that!" Ratchet exclaimed angrily.
"Oh." Bulkhead looked at him sheepishly. "Whoops." Sasha sniffled back an amused snort at that while the two boys exchanged looks. 
"Enough," Optimus called out, stopping an argument before it starts. "Military involvement will only result in catastrophe. Perhaps you can condone widespread human casualties, Agent Fowler. I, however, cannot."
"Then do us both a favor and handle this, Prime.
Under the radar." Agent Fowler walked back to the elevator, pressing a button on it so the doors began to slide shut. "Or I will."
"Pretty big bearings, for a human," remarked Bulkhead after Agent Fowler's helicopter had left the base and the four kids came out of hiding.
"Agent Fowler is concerned for his world
Bulkhead, as he should be," replied Optimus.
Just then the computers started to make a beeping noise, this time different then the one for the proximity sensor.
"There's a fresh energon signal," said Ratchet, pulling the coordinates up on one of the screens. "And Tailgate's signal is back online."
Arcee gasped and exchanged a glance with Cliffjumper. "We need to go Optimus."
"Ratchet, prepare the groundbridge," said Optimus Prime.
"Hey!" exclaimed Miko, and Optimus Prime had turned to face her. "What can we do?"
"Remain with Ratchet," said Optimus Prime.
"Aww!" Miko whined.
"Aww," said Ratchet, less than thrilled with his sudden babysitting duty.
He pulled a lever, and that weird half tunnel thing Sasha had saw earlier had lit up, flashing green and purple light. That's when a greenish, glowing portal opened right in front of them. Sasha narrowed her eyes warily at the sight of it. It was a hovering, green spiral shape floating in the air in front of them.
Sasha looked back to Optimus and see a silver war mask covered his face. "Autobots, roll out!" His deep voice boomed through his war mask.
Sasha looked over to Cliffjumper, and her eyes met his. He lifted a mischievous eyebrow and winked at her before he transforms, speeding through the strange whirling vortex.
Sasha watched as he and the rest of the Autobots all transformed and drove through the portal, then gasped in amazement when the lights from the groundbridge dimmed and the bots weren't there.
"What just happened?" asked Jack, his eyes wide.
"I transported them to the designated coordinates via the ground bridge," Ratchet answered.
"What's a ground bridge?" asked Raf, and Ratchet made an irritated noise.
"A scaled down version of a space bridge technology," Ratchet explained as if to a group of three year olds. "Since we don't currently possess the means or the energy required for intergalactic travel."
"You're stuck here on Earth?" Jack guessed.
"With the likes of you, yes," said Ratchet. "But constructed the ground bridge to enable travel from here, to anywhere on your planet."
"Woah. Does it work for humans?" asked Raf.
"Naturally," replied Ratchet, and Sasha thought she could hear a note of pride in his voice.
"You mean I can just shoot on over and visit my parents in Tokyo?" asked Miko.
"Within moments," said Ratchet, his face inches from Miko's face. "In fact, allow me to send you there immediately, all five of you!"
Miko placed her hands on her hips. "Watch it Ratchet!" The medic stepped back, startled by her boldness.
With all the Autobots gone, there wasn't much to do, so most of the kids wandered off to the TV to see if they could get a signal while Sasha was simply checking out the missile silo by herself. Ratchet was working by the large computer monitors, so Emily had climbed up the yellow ladder to stand next to him on the platform. As she looked at the computer, strange figures zoom across the screen. She assumed that these are letters in the Autobots' alphabet.
The curves and angles fascinated her, and she can't help, but stared at the figures as they fly across the screen. This seemed to bother Ratchet, because every few minutes he would look over his shoulder. After a while, Ratchet stopped typing and turned around. "Wouldn't you be more comfortable around the other children? I believe they are watching cartoons on the TV."
"Actually, I want to watch you work, if you don't mind," Emily replied, leaning over the railing to get a better look at the screens and the keyboard.
"But you couldn't even begin to understand our language," said Ratchet incredulously. "Surely you are bored of watching meaningless characters fly past the screen?"
Emily shook her head. "I might not understand it, but it still interests me."
Ratchet turned around and is silent for a long time. Emily thought she had accidentally upset him until he turned around and looked at her, clearly wanting to say something. But then Ratchet and Emily turned to look at Miko, who is messing with a broken piece of technology.
"What is this anyway?" Miko asked.
"Broken, don't touch," said Ratchet, turning back to face the computer screen.
Miko extended her finger to poke at the device again when Ratchet called out, "Don't touch that either!" from over his shoulder.
"Is there anything here we can touch?" Jack asked sarcastically.
"Yes." Sasha nodded, her eyes twinkling with humor. "The floor." Jack sniffled back an amused chuckle at Sasha's joke.
Just then, an error message had popped up on the large computer monitors and Ratchet groaned, annoyed with his situation.
"How come you're using human computers?" asked Raf, who had climbed the ladder to stand next to Emily on the platform she was standing on.
"Well, it's certainly isn't by choice!" exclaimed Ratchet. "It was handed down by our previous tenants when we inherited this former missile silo. I make modifications as I see fit." Since one error message wasn't enough, about six more messages had popped up on the monitor, promptly receiving another annoyed groan from Ratchet.
After looking from the large computers to the smaller computer screens, Raf said, "I think I can fix that!"
"Really!?" said Ratchet sarcastically. "You know this is complex technology, don't you? I mean, it isn't a child's toy."
After a bit of typing from Raf's computer, he looked up to Ratchet and said, "Now try." Ratchet turned back to the computers. To his astonishment, the error messages cleared from the screen. Emily gave Raf an impressed smile for his aid. Raf just shrugged and unplugged his laptop from the computers.
All of a sudden, Optimus's voice came through the computer system. "Ratchet! Bridge us back! Use the arrival coordinates now!"
The orange and white bot locked onto the coordinates and then pulled down a white lever that activates the ground bridge. The tunnel lit up and the Autobots screeched to a halt in front of Ratchet. Then Optimus Prime came through the ground bridge, flying through the air. He twisted and slided across the floor, using his hands to slow himself down.
An explosion of bright blue flames followed, and Ratchet closed the ground bridge just in time. "Cutting it a bit close." He started looking over the other Autobots to make sure they aren't hurt.
"Su-weet!" exclaimed Miko. "What was that explosion? Was there a fight? Can I come next time?"
"Don't even think about it Miko!" Emily called out to her friend warningly.
Miko huffed while Jack and Emily took her away and started exploring the hideout again. Sasha saw that Raf had decided to follow them. She thought about going with them because she'd curious about the rest of the base, but she decided to stay with the bots. Sasha can't help, but wondered what happened out there. As Sasha walked closer, she noticed that Cliffjumper looked sort of unsteady on his feet.
"So, you're gonna talk about that big explosion that nearly killed you or...?" Sasha started to ask him curiously.
Cliffjumper laughed. "That wasn't even the best part." Sasha noticed that his laugh doesn't meet his eyes, and she saw a strange expression on his face. Her expression softened and placed her hand on his finger, slowly calming him down and made him smiled softly at her.
"Cliffjumper and Arcee, what did you see?" asked Optimus Prime, turning to face them.
"I saw the 'Cons I had shot down at the crater. The ones that tried to kill Sasha," said Cliffjumper.
"Even the one I threw a rock at!?" Sasha exclaimed, stunned. "No way, they had to be different!"
Cliffjumper just shook his head, brows furrowed. "I had doubts myself. Until I saw a rock sticking out of one of the 'Con's chests."
"It was wedged in his spark chamber. Or where it's supposed to be. I saw it too," said Arcee in a haunted voice. "But those bots were different. They were mutilated; butchered."
"Like something from those 'Con experiments during the war," added Cliffjumper.
Arcee clutched her head and sunk down onto an empty crate. Sasha's eyes widened in sympathy at the sight and she rushed over to check on her. "I'm fine! Just dizzy." But no one believed her and they each watched as Ratchet took her away to the sick bay.
"Curfew," said Jack, after he and the others returned, frowning at the clock on his phone. "It's after ten."
"I better get home too, or I'll be grounded for a year," Raf piped in.
Sasha sighed wearily. "My mom will be worried about me too." She glanced at her bandaged arm. "Especially with my injuries." She soon glanced up at Optimus Prime. "We have to head home before each of our families starts searching for us." Jack, Emily, Miko, and Raf each nodded their agreement with Sasha.
Optimus Prime furrowed his eyebrows. "Earth customs. I hadn't considered. But the issue of your safety remains." He turned to look at Bulkhead. "Bulkhead, accompany Miko home."
"Awesome!" exclaimed Miko. "My host parents will freak!"
"And maintain covert surveillance in vehicle form," Optimus Prime added.
"Curbside duty. Got it," replied Bulkhead.
"Bumblebee, you'll watch over Raf." The mentioned duo both smiled at each other.
"Arcee, you'll accompany Jack," continued Optimus, noticing Arcee stepping out of the glass cylinder that Sasha had noticed earlier.
"Mmh, still dizzy." Arcee placed a hand up to her head.
"You're fine, says your physician," said Ratchet.
"Busy!" interrupted the bot.
"Does that mean I live here now?" Emily asked.
"I will be your guardian Emily," said Optimus Prime, exchanging a small smile with Emily.
"Cliffjumper, you will take Sasha home."
"You got it boss." Cliffjumper looked at her and smiled at her warmly. Sasha returned the smile and walked over to where he was standing. "You ready to go?" He raised an eyebrow before transforming and opening the passenger door. Sasha hopped in the seat and is about to close the door when she heard his voice again. "I got it!" Cliffjumper shut the door and then buckled her seatbelt and she feel the material pulled snugly around her. He drove out of the base and down the tunnel that leads outside. As Cliffjumper reached the road, he slowed down to a stop.
"Is something wrong?" Sasha asked him.
Sasha felt the seat belt tightened slightly, and then felt her body sink into the seat as Cliffjumper slammed on the gas. Sasha whooped in delight and felt her heart race. Sasha heard Cliffjumper's laughter, and felt her lips curve into a wide smile. "I thought you might enjoy a bit of speed, now that we're not being attacked by those lousy Cons." Sasha and Cliffjumper coast down the road, talking and laughing as they drove through the Nevada desert. 
"What are the odds that I would run into you while dirt biking, and accidentally discover an entire race of metal bots?" Sasha mused thoughtfully. "I mean, l've done dirt biking hundreds of times and have never encountered anything like this!"
"What are the odds that the first human kid I accidentally run into happens to be some Con' slaying warrior who saves my life?" Cliffjumper joked playfully.
"I'm anything but a warrior," Sasha smiled sadly, trying to downplay of what she did.
"Anyone else would have run away... so, why didn't you?" Cliffjumper asked her seriously.
Sasha became quiet for a moment, thinking about the question. It didn't take long for her to find the answer to Cliffjumper's question. "I just did what has to be done. I may not be a warrior, but I am willing to help others in need."
Cliffjumper was quiet for a moment, thinking about her answer and spoke with a serious voice. "It takes a lot of guts to stand up to someone like the Cons. But, if you hadn't met me, then I would probably be stuck in that base with the likes of Ratchet."
Sasha smiled to herself as she imagined Cliffjumper annoying the heck out of Ratchet when he's trying to work. They passed the sign marking the beginning of Jasper's city limits, and Sasha pointed in the direction of her house. As she continued the ride, she can't help the questions circling in her head. What if this is it? What if the Autobots see that I won't need protection anymore? What if, after all I've been through, Cliffjumper drops me off and that'll be the last time I'll see him again?
"So, is this where you drop me off and tell me to forget that I ever saw you?" Sasha asked tentatively as she got out of Cliffjumper.
"What? No! What gave you that idea?" He asked her, laughing softly.
"We-well. I—I just thought—well—" Sasha looking down, uncomfortable.
"You can't get rid of me that easily kid! You're stuck with me for the long haul." Relieved, Sasha placed her hand on Cliffjumper's hood, next to the single metal horn that is mounted to the front of the car, remembering what happened. Was it only a week ago when she saw those Decepticons knock the other horn off of his head? It feels like it happened so long ago.
"I'll be right here if you need me." Sasha smiled at him as he let her stroked his hood. "Then in the morning, I'm taking you back to base."
"Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow then," Sasha said, relief washing over her.
"If you need anything, give me a holler," said Cliffjumper warmly.
"Good night Cliff." Sasha lifted her hand from the hood.
"Goodnight Sasha. Sleep well," said Cliffjumper, his voice warm and soothing.
Sasha smiled again and walked into the house, heading towards her room. She looked out her window and see the dark outline of Cliffjumper waiting by the curb. As she laid down on her bed, glad that she has a new friend and guardian by her side.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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