We need to talk

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We got back and Millie, Sadie, and Sophia ended up sitting on her bed as she came out of her bathroom and new clothes. They looked at her eager to hear the news. You sat down in the chair in front of your desk swiveling it to face them.

"So?" Millie asked, impatiently.

"So we are not serious, that's all," you say motioning your hands as if that's all there was.

"Oh come on," Sadie groaned.

"We kissed alright and I stayed at his house,"

They nodded, waiting.

"And well..."

Millie gasped loudly smacking Sopue and Sadie's arms.

"Omg, no way, you said that you aren't doing anything serious, is it because of Miles, do you have feelings for him still with the whole voicemail and everything?"

Right on the money. Your silence was enough of an answer. They were all shocked.

"I think Keanu is great but I don't want to rebound him and anyways he doesn't live her, he lives in London and only comes here during the summer sometimes and I'm not a huge fan of long distance and he knows that I might have feelings for someone obviously which is why we agreed..." you rambled on.

"This is seriously scandalous," Sadie says.

"Dude," Sophia adds. "Summer ever found out you had feelings for him she would flip her shit,"

"Definitely I know how much she despised you living here being his ex and all," Millie agreed.

Yep exactly why I won't tell him, hopefully being involved with other people will help you get over any feelings you had for him, you thought.

Miles pov:

It was eating him alive thinking about you being with someone else. It was all he could think about.

He couldn't help imagining all the things you could have done with him while you were at his place, he only wished it was him.

He was pondering this as he went to through the dining room and into the kitchen. He was starting up the coffee machine when Noah came in.

"Can I ask you something?"

Miles knows exactly what he is going to ask.

"Why don't you say anything and why don't you want help?"

Miles didn't respond right away.

"It's complicated Noah, and I don't know what will happen," It would probably be a shit show. 

"You know we would all be there for you, on your side," 

"Yeah I know but, it's just, she changed and I don't know why and it's...complicated" 

Noah raises an eyebrow at him. 

"And my guess is that complication had to do with y/n?"

Miles didn't respond which was all Noah needed to know the answer to his question. 

"Do you still have feelings for her?" He asked. 

Again Miles didn't answer. Noah's face dropped. "You are in some deep shit" Noah said. "If Summer knew," 

Miles turns to Noah. "I don't have any feelings for y/n" He says straight faced. "Why would I?" 

Y/n Pov: 

You walked down the stairs to the dining room. You heard hushed voices from the kitchen. As you walked in they stopped talking. Noah was there with Miles. Noah looked at you, wearing a expression you couldn't quite place. You walked around him and Miles who didn't face you. You could feel the tension in the air. 

"Good morning" you say feeling a bit awkward. 

"Good morning" Noah said cheerfully, whatever expression he wore before gone and replaced with a friendly look. 

You smile at him grabbing a mug. Miles finishes the coffee pouring some for himself. 

3rd person pov:

Miles looked at you from the corner of his eye, watching you grab a mug. Noah was standing between the two of them. He felt a little awkward. 

"Ill meet you in the office" He whispered to Miles walking out of the kitchen, leaving the two of them alone. 

y/n couldn't help but reminisce about the old times in the house. She was lost in thought when Miles turned to her. His hip resting on the counter. She was deep in thought. 

"What are you thinking about?" he asked. 

She looked up at him. " Oh just the house, old times" she muttered knowing old times here, they were together. 

He smiles thinking about it himself. "Good times" He says more to himself then to her. She grabs some coffee for herself. 

"So" She says thinking how to bring it up. 

He looks at her curious. 

"How's Summer?" The question hangs in the air for a moment. 

He sets his cup back on the counter. "Fine I suppose" 

"You know," you stop, thinking it isnt your place to say anything. 

He notices and looks at you. "What?" he asks.

You shake your head. 

He steps closer leaning down closer to her. "You can tell me anything that is on your mind, I want to know" He said dead serious. 

She looks down. "Are you okay?" She asks. 

"Why do you ask? Don't you have yourself a little boyfriend" Defensiveness and jealously seeping into his tone. 

You look up at him, noticing his tone. "We are still friends arent we?" She asked. "And he isnt my boyfriend perhaps" She didn't feel like justifying herself to him. 

He cocked and eyebrow. "Is that so?" 

"Forget I asked" She said walking past him. He grabbed her wrist stopping her. 

Summer walked into the kitchen door about to open the second door, seeing Miles holding your wrist, anger surging through her. She was gone not long and he already had his hands on you. 

"Hey" Miles said. Before he could continue Summer opened the door. Miles dropped her wrist. She took no time to leave before Summer could talk to her. She walked up to her room. 

Miles watched her leave before turning to face Summer. She had a scowl on her face. "What the hell Miles?" She asked right in his face. He looked down at her not saying anything. 

Perpetual Feelings| Miles FairchildWhere stories live. Discover now